Ivica Nakić |homepage


D. Palitta, Zoran Tomljanović, I. Nakić, J. Saak
submitted, arXiv link
K. Lelas, I. Nakić
Journal of Sound and Vibration Volume 576 (2024), arXiv link
I. Nakić, M. Pilj Vidaković, Z. Tomljanović
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing Vol. 46, Iss. 3 (2024), arXiv link
A. Jokić, I. Nakić
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55 (30) (2022), 480-485
I. Nakić, D. Tolić, Z. Tomljanović, I. Palunko
IFAC-PapersOnLine 55 (20) (2022), 199-204
I. Nakić, D. Tolić, Z. Tomljanović, I. Palunko
Journal of the Franklin Institute, 359 (16) (2022) 9110-9128
L. Grubišić, M. Lazar, I. Nakić, M. Tautenhahn
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 61, No. 5, pp. 2802-2825 (2023), arXiv link
I. Nakić, Z. Tomljanović, N. Truhar
ZAMM 99 (9) (2019) 1-15, arXiv link
A. Jokić, I. Nakić
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 65 (3) (2020) 970-985, arXiv link
M. Egidi, I. Nakić, A. Seelmann, M. Täufer, M. Tautenhahn, I. Veselić
in “Control Theory of Infinite-Dimensional Systems”, series “Linear Operators and Linear Systems”, arXiv link (2020)
I. Nakić, M. Täufer, M. Tautenhahn, I. Veselić
ESAIM:COCV 26 (54) 2020, arXiv link
I. Nakić, K. Veselić
Revista Matemática Complutense 33 557–581 (2020), arXiv link
I. Nakić, M. Täufer, M. Tautenhahn, I. Veselić
Journal of Spectral Theory 10 (3) 843-885 (2020), arXiv link
I. Nakić, M. Täufer, M. Tautenhahn, I. Veselić
Analysis & PDE 11 (4) (2018), 1049–1081, arXiv link
A. Jokić, I. Nakić
Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (2016)
I. Nakić, C. Rose, M.Tautenhahn
Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 149(4) 915-938 (2019) arXiv link
I. Nakić, M.Tautenhahn, M. Täufer, I. Veselić
Comptes rendus Mathématique 353 (10) (2015), 919–923, arXiv link
D. Borisov, I. Nakić, C. Rose, M. Tautenhahn, I. Veselić
in “Operator semigroups meet complex analysis, harmonic analysis and mathematical physics”, series “Operator Theory: Advances and Applications”, Birkhäuser Basel, vol. 250, pp. 107-118 (2015) arXiv link
I. Nakić
Glasnik Matematički 51 (2016), 197-221, arXiv link
E. Mengi, D. Kressner, I. Nakić, N. Truhar
The IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 34 (2014), 2, 480-501, arXiv link
I. Nakić
Glasnik matematički 48 (2013), 2, 373-390
I. Nakić, Z. Tomljanović, N. Truhar
Applied mathematics and computation 225 (2013), 590-600
I. Nakić
Mathematical communications 18 (2013), 2, 349-358
I. Nakić
Mathematical communications 18 (2013), 1, 219-229
L. Grubišić, I. Nakić
Operators and Matrices 6 (2012), 4, 793-808
S. J. Cox, I. Nakić, A. Rittmann, K. Veselić
Systems & control letters 53 (2004), 3-4, 187-194, preprint
I. Nakić, K. Veselić
Linear algebra and its applications 369 (2003), 369, 77-93, preprint
I. Nakić
Linear algebra and its applications 358 (2003), 358, 195-217
PhD thesis (2003), Fernuniversität Hagen, Germany,
advisor: Krešimir Veselić

Extremal principles for eigenvalues of operator functions
MSc thesis (1998), University of Zagreb,
advisors: Heinz Langer, Zvonimir Tutek