Marko Radulović, Ph. D.

Assistant Professor

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb

Research Interests
Mathematical modeling in fluid mechanics Asymptotic analysis of equations stated in thin domains Mathematical analysis of the well-posedness of boundary and initial-boundary problems for PDEs in fluid mechanics Mathematical modeling in biology


[1] E. Marušić-Paloka, I. Pažanin, M. Radulović, Flow of a micropolar fluid through a channel with small boundary perturbation,

Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung A 71 (7) (2016), 607-619.

[2] U.S. Mahabaleshwar, I. Pažanin, M. Radulović, F.J. Suárez-Grau, Effects of small boundary perturbation on the MHD duct flow,

Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 44 (1) (2017), 83-101.

[3] I. Pažanin, M. Radulović, Asymptotic approximation of the nonsteady micropolar fluid flow through a circular pipe,

Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2018 (2018), Article ID 6759876, 16 pages.

[4] M. Beneš, I. Pažanin, M. Radulović, Existence and uniqueness of the generalized Poiseuille solution for nonstationary micropolar flow in an infinite cylinder,

Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2018 (2018), No. 148, pp. 1-26.

[5] M. Beneš, I. Pažanin, M. Radulović, Rigorous derivation of the asymptotic model describing a nonsteady micropolar fluid flow through a thin pipe,

Computers & Mathematics with Applications 76 (9) (2018), 2035-2060.

[6] I. Pažanin, M. Radulović, Asymptotic analysis of the nonsteady micropolar fluid flow through a curved pipe,

Applicable Analysis 99 (12) (2020), 2045-2092.

[7] E. Marušić-Paloka, I. Pažanin, M. Radulović, On the Darcy-Brinkman-Boussinesq flow in a thin channel with irregularities,

Transport in Porous Media 131 (2) (2020), 633-660.

[8] M. Beneš, I. Pažanin, M. Radulović, Leray's problem for the nonstationary micropolar fluid flow,

Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 17, 50 (2020), pp. 1-32.

[9] E. Marušić-Paloka, I. Pažanin, M. Radulović, Justification of the higher-order effective model describing the lubrication of a rotating shaft with micropolar fluid,

Symmetry 2020, 12 (3), 334, in Special Issue: Recent Advances in Micropolar Fluids, G. Lukaszewicz, P. Kalita (Eds.) (2020), pp. 1-21.

[10] I. Pažanin, M. Radulović, On the heat flow through a porous tube filled with incompressible viscous fluid,

Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung A 75 (4) (2020), 333-342.

[11] I. Pažanin, M. Radulović, Effects of the viscous dissipation on the Darcy-Brinkman flow: Rigorous derivation of the higher-order asymptotic model,

Applied Mathematics and Computation 386 (2020), Article ID 125479, pp. 1-12.

[12] G. Lukaszewicz, I. Pažanin, M. Radulović, Asymptotic analysis of the thermomicropolar fluid flow through a thin channel with cooling,

Applicable Analysis 101 (9) (2022), 3141-3169.

[13] M. Beneš, I. Pažanin, M. Radulović, On viscous incompressible flows of nonsymmetric fluids with mixed boundary conditions,

Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 64 (2022), 103424 pp. 1-21.

[14] M. Beneš, I. Pažanin, M. Radulović, B. Rukavina, Nonzero boundary condition for the unsteady micropolar pipe flow: well-posedness and asymptotics,

Applied Mathematics and Computation 427 (2022), Article ID 127184, pp. 1-22.

[15] E. Marušić-Paloka, I. Pažanin, M. Radulović, MHD flow through a perturbed channel filled with a porous medium,

Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society 45 (2022), 2441-2471.

[16] I. Pažanin, M. Radulović, B. Rukavina, Rigorous derivation of the asymptotic model describing a steady thermomicropolar fluid flow through a curvilinear channel,

Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik 73, 195 (2022), pp. 1-25.

[17] I. Pažanin, M.Radulović, On the Forchheimer-extended Darcy-Brinkman flow through a thin fracture,

Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 104, 3 (2024), pp. 1-16.

[18] E. Marušić-Paloka, I. Pažanin, M. Radulović, Analytical solution for the magnetohydrodynamic duct flow with slip condition on the perturbed boundary,

Chinese Journal of Physics 88 (2024), 425-438.

[19] I. Pažanin, M. Radulović, B. Rukavina, Asymptotic analysis of the nonsteady micropolar fluid flow through a system of thin pipes,

Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 47, 15 (2024), pp. 1-36.


[1] I. Pažanin, M. Radulović, Magnetic-induced effects on the fluid flow through a porous tube, submitted.

[2] K. Hajduk, M. Radulović, L. Tolj, Modelling of the Forchheimer-extended Darcy-Brinkman-Boussinesq flow through a thin channel, submitted.

Proceedings papers

[1] E. Marušić-Paloka, I. Pažanin, M. Radulović, On the lubrication of a rotating shaft with incompressible micropolar fluid,

Proceedings of the Conference Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2020, Prague / D.Šimurda, T.Bodnar (Eds.) (2020), pp. 160-167.

Invited talks

[1] Rigorous justification of the asymptotic model describing the nonsteady micropolar pipe flow,

Seminar Katedra Matematiky, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic, 21.11.2017.

[2] On the Darcy-Brinkman-Boussinesq flow in a thin channel with irregularities,

Seminar Katedra Matematiky, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic, 18.02.2020.

[3] Justification of the higher order moder describing a rotating shaft filled with micropolar fluid, Symposium on Difference & Differential Equations and Applications 2021,

International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2021, Sheraton Rhodes Resort, Rhodes, Greece, 21.09.2021.

[4] On the MHD flow through a perturbed channel filled with a porous medium,

13th Americas Conference on Diff. Equations and Nonlinear Analysis and ICMC Summer Meeting on Differential Equations - 2023 Chapter in Thematic Session: Domain Perturbations, PDEs and Dynamics, Sao Carlos, Brazil, 01.02.2023.

[5] On the Forchheimer extended Darcy-Brinkman flow through a thin channel,

Seminar for Differential Equations, Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, 26.02.2024.

Contributed talks and posters

[1] Flow of micropolar fluid through a channel with small boundary perturbation, Workshop Modern challenges in continuum mechanics,

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia, 05.04.2017. (poster)

[2] Flow of micropolar fluid through a channel with small boundary perturbation, International Conference on Differential and Difference Equations and Applications 2017,

Military Academy, Amadora, Portugal, 09.06.2017.

[3] Asymptotic analysis of a nonsteady micropolar fluid flow through a thin pipe, Emerging Trends in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2018,

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland, 21.06.2018.

[4] Rigorous derivation of a higher-order model describing the nonsteady flow of a micropolar fluid in a thin pipe, Ninth Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing,

Solaris, Šibenik, Croatia, 18.09.2018.

[5] Asymptotic analysis of the nonsteady micropolar fluid flow in a curved pipe, Equadiff 2019,

Universiteit Leiden, Leiden, Netherlands, 08.07.2019.

[6] Rigorous justification of the asymptotic model describing a nonsteady micropolar fluid flow through a thin curved pipe,

Multiscale Modeling in Fluid Mechanics and Fluid-Structure Interaction, Vilnius, Lihtuania, 11.10.2019.

[7] On the lubrication of a rotating shaft with incompressible micropolar fluid, Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2020,

Prague, Czech Republic, 19.02.2020.

[8] On the Darcy-Brinkman-Boussinesq flow through a thin channel with slightly perturbed boundary, Tenth Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing,

Brijuni, Croatia, 14.09.2020.

[9] Rigorous derivation of the higher order model describing a rotating shaft filled with micropolar fluid, Brijuni Applied Mathematics Workshop 2021,

Brijuni, Croatia, 09.07.2021.

[10] Effects of the viscous dissipation on the Darcy-Brinkman flow, Analysis, PDEs and Applications,

Dubrovnik, Croatia, 24.06.2022.

[11] The effects of viscous dissipation on the Darcy-Brinkman flow, Equadiff15,

Brno, Czech Republic, 14.07.2022.

[12] Thermomicropolar fluid flow through a thin channel with cooling, Sixth workshop on thin structures,

Naples, Italy, 08.09.2023. (poster)

[13] Thermomicropolar fluid flow through a thin channel, Multi-scale methods for reactive flow and transport in complex elastic media,

Dubrovnik, Croatia, 21.03.2024.

[14] Flow of thermomicropolar fluid flow through a thin channel, Equadiff 2024,

Karlstad, Sweden, 10.06.2024.

[15] Forchheimer extended Darcy–Brinkman flow through a thin channel, 12th Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing,

Dubrovnik, Croatia, 26.09.2024.

[16] Forchheimer extended Darcy–Brinkman flow through thin domains, Fluids@PoliMi,

Milan, Italy, 09.01.2025. (poster)


[1] 2014-2018, Mathematical modeling and numerical simulations of processes in thin or porous domains - MaSiMo,

scientific project (Croatian Science Foundation), investigator

[2] 2016-2019, Young Researchers' Career Development Project - Training of new doctoral students,

Croatian Science Foundation, PhD student

[3] 2018-2020, Development of the international graduate study programme of biomedical mathematics on Faculty of Science - BioMedMath,

European Social Fund (ESF), collaborator

[4] 2018-2022, Asymptotic analysis of the boundary value problems in continuum mechanics - AsAn,

scientific project (Croatian Science Foundation), investigator

[5] 2020-2024, Multiscale problems in fluid mechanics - MultiFM,

scientific project (Croatian Science Foundation), investigator

[6] 2023-2027, Singular perturbation and asymptotic anaylsis of boundary value problems for PDEs,

scientific project (Croatian Science Foundation), investigator

[7] 2024-2030, Young Researchers' Career Developement Project - Training of new doctoral students,

scientific project (Croatian Science Foundation), mentor


[1] Award of the Faculty of Science for young scientists in 2019./20.

Professional duties

Promotional videos

Administrative duties

[1] Head of integrated undergraduate and graduate university programmme in mathematics and physics education, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb (2022 - ?)


Ph.D. courses Year
Mathematical analysis of the multiscale problems in fluid mechanics 2021/22

Teaching materials

[1] Teaching materials in Croatian for the course Applied Mathematical Analysis

[2] Teaching materials in Croatian for the course Ordinary Differential Equations

Graduation thesis supervisorships

Students interested in graduation thesis supervisorship in the year 2025./2026. should send an email to by 30.06.2025.

Professional papers

[1] M. Radulović, L. Tolj, Mathematical modeling of tumor growth, accepted for publication in Osječki matematički list.

Marko Radulović

Assistant professor working at the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb.

My CV can be found here.

My free time is devoted to martial arts and music.

Contact Information

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Bijenička cesta 30, 10000 Zagreb


Consultation: Wednesday 10:00-12:00, office 207/II