Scientific project: Mathematical modeling and numerical simulations of processes in thin or porous domains

Link to the poject web page.

Financed by Croatian Science Foundation

Involved institutions

Duration: 2014,2018

Bilateral research project France-Croatia ("COGITO", Hubert Curien) : Modélisation, analyse et simulation numérique d'écoulements multiphasiques en milieux poreux hétérogènes

Involved institutions

Duration: 2011,2012

Scientific project : Modélisation d'Ecoulements d'Eau dans les Sols non Saturés : Aspects Mathématiques et Logiciels de Simulation Numérique

Financed by L'agence universitaire de la francophonie : Projet de la coopération scientifique inter-universitaire

Duration: 2011,2012

Universités associées au projet


Ce projet a pour objectif l’étude de la modélisation et la simulation numérique de l’intrusion d’eau marine dans les nappes aquifères côtières. Cette thématique environnementale est fort préoccupante dans une conjoncture marquée par la diminution sans cesse croissante de la ressource et le recours de plus en plus fréquent aux eaux souterraines notamment côtières. Il s’agira d’examiner ce problème sous plusieurs volets : Thèses doctorale en co-tutelle entre l’Université de Zagreb et l’Université de Pau:

Scientific project : Numerical modelling of fluid flow through porous media

Project no: 037-0372787-2798

Financed by Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia (

Duration: 2007-2012

Objective of this project is mathematical and numerical modeling of fluid flow through porous medium. Mathematical models of interest come from hydrogeology and oil reservoir engineering, but applications to biology and some technical systems are also possible. We consider, in particular, compressible two-phase immiscible flow model (e.g. water and oil, oil and gas) and compressible two-phase partially miscible flow model (e.g. water/oil and gas, with dissolution of gas and volatility of water/oil). These models are described by a system of partial differential equations that present several difficulties: strong nonlinearity, degeneracy and change of type in some flow regimes, convection dominated convection-diffusion process, strong heterogeneity and anisotropy of the medium.

The project has several goals.

1. By using mathematical modelling we search for a mathematical formulation of fluid flow problem that is well suited for numerical discretization. This includes an introduction of new variables such as, for example, global pressure, which has higher smoothness than the phase pressures, or variables that describe the flow system in all possible regimes, including disappearance/reappearance of some phase. A mathematical analysis of new models will be undertaken.

2. Numerical discretization of the flow models by appropriate techniques will be studied. We are interested in applications to flow of water, gas and contaminant in the vicinity of underground radioactive waste repository on a large time scale. The scheme should be able to handle strong heterogeneity and initial disequilibrium. The first approach will be with robust finite volume schemes. A theoretical analysis of discrete system will be undertaken.

3. Numerical methods will be implemented in a computer code using object oriented techniques. Development tool will be C++ programming language and finite element libraries/frameworks such as Libmesh (

4. Upscaling of two-phase flow models from the Darcy scale to a regional scale is of great interest in porous domains with multiscale heterogeneities, as in underground nuclear waste repositories. We will analyze heterogeneous two-phase flow models using stochastic and periodic homogenization and develop software tools for implementation of homogenized models.

Proposed project is a continuation of the project 0037111, Effective parameters in mathematical reservoir models financed by Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia.

Ph.D. students on the project:

Created by Mladen Jurak