usta gob, mouth, muzzle, orifice
ustajanje uprising, upstanding
ustajao fusty, musty, stagnant, stale
ustajati arise
ustaliti stabilize
ustaljen routine, settled, standing
ustaljeni rad routine
ustaljenim stable
ustaljeno stanje steady state
ustaljenje stabilization
ustanak insurrection, mutiny, outbreak, rebellion, revolt, rising, uprising
ustane arose, rose to his feet
ustanički revolting
ustanik rebel
ustanova agencies, agency, authority, establishment, institute, institution, institutions, office
ustanova javnih usluga institution of public utility
ustanova javnog sektora public sector institution
ustanova s posebnim statusom special-status institution
ustanovama institutions
ustanove establish, institutions, organisations
ustanove visokog školstva institutions of higher education
ustanoviti adjust, appoint, ascertain, find, form, identify, institute, maintain, settle, setup
ustanoviti identitet identify
ustanovljavanje pogrešaka diagnostics
ustanovljen established, positive
ustanovljene established
ustanovljeno ugovorima established by the Treaties
ustanovu institution
ustao arose
ustati get up, rise, risen, stand up
ustav by law, charter, constitution, rule, statute
ustava barrage, constitution, shuttle, sluice, water-gate, weir
ustavan statutory
ustavna constitutions
ustavna monarhija constitutional monarchy
ustavni constitutional, parliamentary
ustavni sud constitutional court
ustavno pravo constitutional law
ustavno sudstvo constitutional jurisprudence
ustavnost constitutionality
Ustavu guaranteed
ustega s računa debited from bank account
ustegnuti back
ustezanje reluctance, withdrawal
ustezanje lijeka drug withdrawal
usto withal
ustoličiti enthrone, install
ustrajan diligent, insists, steady
ustrajati continue, endure, last, persevere, persist, stick
ustrajnost assiduity, diligence, patience, perseverance
ustrašiti awe, daunt, quail
ustrijeliti shoot, to shoot
ustroj architecture, organization, system
ustroj datoteke (INTERNET) file structure
ustroj digitalne mreže digital network architecture
ustroj korisničke sigurnosti user security structure
ustroj otvorenog dokumenta open document architecture
ustroj pravilne impulsne pobude regular pulse excitation (RPE) structure
ustroj računala computer architecture
ustroj stranke party organization
ustroj sustava za obradbu informacija information-processing architecture
ustroj upravljanja poduzećem (DEC) enterprise management architecture
ustroj uredskih dokumenata office document architecture
ustroj usluga Call Path CallPath services architecture
ustrojeni upitni jezik structured query language
ustrojiti constitute, form, organize, systematize
ustrojna shema organization chart
ustrojstva organisation, structure
ustrojstvena jedinica organization unit
ustrojstvo articulation, constitution, construction, organisation, organization, structure
ustrojstvo društva company structure
ustrojstvo institucije državne vlasti structure of institutions of the state
ustrojstvo ribarstva fisheries structure
ustrojstvo vlasti organization of government
ustrojstvu articulation
ustručavanje scruple
ustručavati se scruple
ustuk backing
ustuknuti flinch, recede, recoil
ustup cession
ustupak accommodation, cession, concession
ustupanje abalienation, ceding, cession
ustupiti cede, consign, dispose of, give up, relinquish, sag
ustupiti proizvode to dispose of products
ustvrditi say
usud star, weird
usuditi se adventure, dare, presume, venture
usuglasiti conciliate
usuglasiti se o bilo kojim sredstvima agree on any means
usuglašen Compliant, complies, harmonized
usuglašena harmonized
usuglašenost compatibility
usuti pounder, pour
usuti kap po k instill
usvajajti acquire
usvajanja acquisition
usvajanje acquisition, adoption, appreciate, language learning
usvajanje mjera adoption of measures
usvajanje proračuna adoption of the budget
usvajanje zakona glasovanjem adoption of a law by vote
usvajanjem adopt
usvojen acquired, adoptive
usvojenik adopted child, adoptee
usvojeno im alias
usvojenje adoption
usvojenje djeteta adoption of a child
usvojila adopted
usvojitelj adopter, adoptive parent, adoptor
usvojiti accept, adopt, imbibe, pass, take
usvojiti mjere adopt measures, to adopt measures
usvojiti pravilo to adopt a rule
usvojiti propis adopt a regulation
usvojiv adoptable, reasonable
usvojivši adopting
uš lice, louse, nit
ušao walked in
ušata ševa shore lark
ušati ćuk scops owl
ušati gnjurac slavonian grebe
ušće delta, estuary, mouth, mouth (river), orifice
ušće (rijeke) delta
ušće Neretve estuary Neretva river
ušće rijeke estuary, firth, mouth
ušće rijeke Neretve estuary Neretva river
ušću estuary
ušećeren candied, confectionary
uši aphides, ears
ušica blunt end of an axe
ušiti quilt up, sew in, sew up
ušivati sew
ušivati iglom needle
uška ear
uškopljen emasculate, neuter
uškopljen ovan wether
uškopljenik eunuch
uškrobljenim starched
ušle come into, penetrated
ušmrkati blow nose, snort
ušna resica ear lap
ušni auricular
uštap wane
ušteda saving, savings
ušteda energije i ljudskog rada saving energy and labour
uštediti save
uštedjeti save, save up, spare, to save
uštedu savings
ušteđevina saving
ušteđuje saves
uštinuti pinch, tweak
uštipak doughnut, fritter
uštirkan starchy
uštirkati starch
uštogljen starchy
uštogljenost starch
uštrb prejudice
uštrcati inject, syringe
uštrcavanje injection
uštrojiti castrate
ušutkati muzzle, shut up, silence, squash, squelch
utaban beaten
utabati pun
utaboriti encamp
utaboriti se encamp
utaja defalcation, embezzlement, evasion, malversation
utaja poreza ducking taxes, evasion of taxes, tax evasion, tax fiddle
utajiti embezzle, peculate
utajivač poreza tax cheat, tax evader
utakmica game, match, tourney
utakmica izgubljena bez borbe match lost by forfeit
utakmicu game
utaknuti plug in
utamničenje committal, imprisonment
utamničiti immure, imprison, incarcerate
utanačeno agreed
utanačiti arrange, contract
utanačiti plaćanje arrange for payment
utažit satisfy
utažiti satisfy
uteći fled, flee, run
uteći se resort
uteg ballast, pan, weight
utemeljen based, established, founded
utemeljen na suradnji based on cooperation
utemeljena established, founded
utemeljenje foundation
utemeljenje etike foundation of ethics
utemeljit ground
utemeljitelj founder, promoter
utemeljitelja founder
utemeljiti base, found
utemeljiti se base
uterine anomalije uterine anomalies
uteroplacentarni uteroplacental
uterus uterus
uterusa uterus
utezi weights
uticanje inflow
uticati affect, influence, react, respond
utiče tributary
utični kabel plug-in cable
utični ključ socket wrench
utični vijak set screw, setscrew
utičnica bush, bushing, female connector, female jack, jack, outlet, plug box, port, power port, power socket, slot, socket, wall jack
utičnica u zidu wall jack
utikač plug, sucker
utikača kutija bushing
utikačka kutija bushing, socket
utilitarni artifacts
utilitarnih artifacts
utina long-eared owl
utipkajte type
utipkati key in
utirati pave
utire paves
utisak dint, impress, impression, imprint, sensation
utiskivanje embedment, impress
utiskivati dent, extrude
utisnut imprint
utisnuti implant, impress, imprint, print, squeeze, stamp
utisnuti vremenski kod burned in time code
utišati abate, quiet, turn down
utišati se spend
utjecaj ascendancy, ascendent, effect, impact, importance, influence, leverage, power, powers, prestige, purchase, sway
utjecaj buke na ljude noise with respect to human beings
utjecaj flokulansa Effect of flocculant
utjecaj informatike impact of information technology
utjecaj književnih poetika impact of literary poetics
utjecaj lijeka na laboratorijske pretrage drug effects on laboratory tests
utjecaj magle (na sirenje vala) fog effect
utjecaj na okolicu environmental impact
utjecaj na okoliš environmental impact, environmental influence, environmental properties
utjecaj na propisivanje impact on drug prescribing
utjecaj oglašavanja impact of advertising
utjecaj poljoprivrede na okoliš environmental impact of agriculture
utjecaj tehnologije influence of technology
utjecaj vibracija na ljude vibration and shock with respect to human beings
utjecaja impact
utjecajan influential, powerful
utjecaje impacts
utjecajem influence
utjecaji effect, influences
utjecajna grupa stakeholders
utjecajni influential
UTJECAJNI SLIV catchment area
utjecala affected
utjecat influence
utjecati affect, implicate, influence, leverage, prejudice
utječe affect, issue
utječu affect
utjeha comfort, consolation, relief, solace
utjeloviti impersonate, personalize
utjelovljenje embodiment, impersonation, personification, soul
utjerati infix
utjerati loptu pocket
utjeriv enforceable
utjerivač poreza tax collector
utjerivanje poreza collecting taxes
utješiti comfort, console, solace, soothe
utkan inwrought
utkani woven
utkati interweave, inweave, weave
utočišta refuge
utočište anchor, asylum, harbour, haven, port, recourse, refuge, resort, resource, retreat, roof, sanctuary, shelter
utoćište asylum
utoliko in so far, insofar
utoliko što in so far as
utoliko više all the more
utoliti appease, assuage, quench, slack
utoljavanje satiation
utonuće sinkage
utonuo immersed
utonuo u (dugove) immersed in
utonuti immerge, immerse, sink
utonuti u immerse oneself in
utopija utopia
utopiti drown, merge
utopiti se drown
utor joint, rut, slot
utor za klin keyway
utor za proširenja expansion slot
utorak Tuesday, Tuesdays
utori slots
utorima slots