Index Indeks
tvrđa guma vulcanite
tvrđava castle, citadel, fort, fortress, stronghold, tower
tvrđenje affirmation, allegation, assert, claiming, predicament, proposition, statement
tvrtka business, company, firm, name of company, undertaking
tvrtka koja nudi međunarodne veze interexchange carrier
tvrtka koja proširuje mrežu s dodatnom vrijednosti value added carrier
tvrtka s izravnom (elektroničkom) poštom direct-mail company
tvrtka u privatnom vlasništvu proprietary company
tvrtka za digitalnu opremu digital equipment company, digital equipment corporation
tvrtkama companies
tvrtke companies, firms
tvrtki company
tvrtkom company, firm
Typhim Vi Typhim-Vi
tzv. so called
u a, anyhow, at, at the, beyond, from, in, in the, in the field of, inside, inside of, into, of, on, on to, per, to, to the, unto, up in, within
u (mjesto) to
u 3 primjerka triplicate
u avionu airborne
u bescijenje dirt-cheap, for a mere trifle
u bilo kojem obliku in whatsoever form
u biti essentially
u blizini about, aroand, around, close, hereabouts, near, near(to), nearby, nigh, thereabout(s), thereabouts
u blizini čega whereabouts
u bloku unitized
u bojama duge iridescent
u buduće afterwards
u budućnosti in the future
u cijelosti as a whole, entirely, fully, in all, in entirety, in whole, totally, wholly
u cijelosti se primjenjuju carine utvrđene po nače full MFN rate of duty is
u cilju towards
u cjelini as a whole, overall, purely
u cvjetanju prosperous
u čemu wherein
u Češkoj in Czech Republic
u daljini afar, aloof
u daljnjem tekstu hereinafter
u dobi aged
u dobrom stanju in good condition
u dodacima in supplements
u dodiru contact
u dogovoru s in agreement with
u donjem katu downstairs
u društvu along with
u đuture all together
u ekološkom smislu ecologically
u elektroničkom obliku to be in computerised form
u energetici in the field of energy
u gotovom cash
u govoru in terms of
u gramatici neuter
u granicama within the limit, within the limitations
u granicama normale NAD
u granicama njihovih nadležnosti within the limits of its competence
u granicama njihovih ovlasti i nadležnosti within their powers and competencies
u granicama svojih nadležnosti within the limits of its competence
u granicama svojih ovlasti within their respective powers
u granicama svojih ovlasti i nadležnosti within their powers and competencies
u ime behalf, for, in the name, on behalf, sake
u ime nekoga on
u inozemstvo abroad
u inozemstvu abroad
u isti tarifni broj in the same heading
u isto vrijeme while
u istoj liniji abreast
u istoj ravnini flush with
u istoj razini flush with, inline, level with, on the same level
u istom redu abreast
u iznimnim okolnostima in exceptional circumstances
u izobilju abundant, galore
u jednini singular
u jeku afloat
u kasnijoj fazi at a later stage
u kašiki spoonful
u klopku entrap
u kojem slučaju in which case
u kojoj se nalazilo which included
U koliko sati At what time
u koliko sati? at what time?
u konstrukcijama structural engieering
u kontekstu in the context of, within the context of
u koordinaciji s in coordination
u korištenju in use
u krajnjem slučaju leastways
u krugu about
u kući indoors
u kvaru broken-down
u lažno-izlazno sučelje za usporedni prijenos poda parallel port
u lice point blank
u limenci bottled
u lošem stanju Ill-conditioned
u međusobnom odnosu interrelated
u međuvremenu meantime, meanwhile
u MHS sustavima) alternate recipient
u mirovanju idle
u miru unattended
u mislima mental
u mjeri potrebnoj to the extent necessary
u mjeri u kojoj in so far as
u mjeri u kojoj je to potrebno to the extent necessary
u mogućnosti able
u načelu in principle
u najkraćem mogućem roku as soon as possible
u najvećoj mogućoj mjeri to the fullest possible extent, to the maximum extent possible
u naletima choppy
u namjeri da with a view to
u naponu snage meridian
u nastajanju emerging
u nastavku hereafter
u naše doba nowadays
u nečiju čast panegyric
u nedogled as far as the eye ca
u nedostatku failing, void of, wanting
u nedostatku navedenoga failing these, failing this
u nedoumici wandering
u neposrednoj vezi in-line
u nepravocrtnoj liniji obliquely
u neredu desultory, haywire
u neskladu sa vladajućim pravilima i standardima non conformity, non-conformity
u nesvijesti senseless
u nesvjestici unconscious
u nevolji needy
u nevrijeme amiss
u nezgodan čas untimely
u novcu in-the-money
u novije vrijeme recently
u nutrini inward
u njemu in it
u obliku in the form
u obliku bačve barrel-shaped
u obliku bisera pearly
u obliku bureta barrel-shaped
u obliku cijevi tubular
u obliku drveta tree-like
u obliku HV v-shaped
u obliku križa cruciate
u obliku lastavičina repa dovetalied
u obliku pitanja interrogative
u obliku polumjeseca crescent-shaped
u obliku slova u-shaped
u obliku trape trapeziform
u obliku uha ear
u obliku v vee-shaped
u obliku x x-shaped
u obliku y y-shaped
u obliku zvona bell-shaped
u obrnutom smjeru back to front
u očekivanju pending
u očekivanju takva rješenja pending such solution
u odnosu regarding
u odnosu na by comparison with, concerning, in relation to, in respect, with particular regard, with regard to, with respect to
u okolini about
u okvirima within
u okviru under, within, within a framework, within the limit
u okviru carinskih kvota within the limits of tariff quotas
u omjeru od najmanje 50 % to an extent of at least 50 per cent
u ono doba now
u onoj mjeri u kojoj in so far as, insofar as
u optužbama pred sudom in charges brought before the court
u osnovi basically, essentially, fundamentally
u osvit dana break
u oštećenom stanju under average
u ovom hereunder
u ovom slučaju ad hoc (lat)
u paklu down below
u pet popodne at five p.m.
u pisanom obliku in writing
u pismenom obliku in writing
u plamenu ablaze, afire
u pluralu plural
u pljusku pouring
u početku initially
u području in the field of
u području kaznenih djela in criminal matters
u području njihove nadležnosti in the areas within their competence
u području svoje nadležnosti in the areas within their competence
u pogledu about, as regards, as to, concerning, in respect, in view of, respect, towards, with regard to, with respect to
u pogledu na regarding
u pojavnom obliku imati svojstvo trajnosti to have the appearance of permanency
u pokretu afloat, afoot, astir
u posjedu in the possession of
u posljednje vrijeme lately, recently
u postelji abed
u potpunosti completely, fully, in its entirety, integrally
u potrazi seeking, sought
u prahu powdered
u praksi in effect
u pratnji accompanied
u pravcu towards
u pravcu juga southwards
u pravcu obale shoreward
u pravcu vjetra windward
u pravi čas actually, apropos
u pravilu typically, usually
u praznom hodu idle
u predloženom vremenskom okviru within the proposed time
u prednosti advantageous
u prekidu broken
u prijašnje stanje return
u pripitu stanju merry
u prirodi out of door
u prirodnoj veličini full length
u privatne svrhe for private purposes
u provođenju in pursuit of
u provozu in transit
u prvom redu par
u punom cvijet full blown
u radu afoot
u ranoj fazi at an early stage
u rasutom stanju in bulk
u razdoblju od četiri godine within four years
u razdoblju od tri godine od within three years
u red iva c povezivanja link editor, linkage editor
u redaj za prikazivanje display device
u redovitim razmacima at regular intervals
u redu all right, alright, okay, right, Very well
u rezervi in mothballs, store
u rodu related
u roku od within
u roku od 30 dana within 30 days, within 30 days from, within 30 days of
u roku od deset mjeseci od dana within ten months of the date
u roku od godine dana within one year
u roku od tri godine within three years
u sastavu belonging
u sebi inherently, inwardly
u sivim tonovima grayscale
u skitnji on the wallaby, on the wallaby track
u skladu according, conforming, reconciled
u skladu s according to, along the lines of, compliance with, consistent, in accordance with, in conformity with, in line with, under
u skladu s člankom 107. under Article 107
u skladu s člankom 113. in accordance with Article 113
u skladu s definicijom as defined
u skladu s navedenim in this connection
u skladu s pravilima Svjetske trgovinske organizac in the WTO context
u skladu s rasporedom in accordance with the timetable
u skladu s uvjetima in accordance with the conditions
u skladu sa consistent
u skladu sa vladajućim pravilima i standardima conformity
u sklopu within
u slučajevima da nastane spor where disputes arise
u slučajevima kada where
u slučajevima koji su u njemu utvrđeni in the cases provided for therein
u slučajevima predviđenim člankom 26. in the cases specified in Article 26
u slučaju in the event
u slučaju ako provided
u slučaju da if, where
u slučaju od osobite žurnosti in case of special urgency
u slučaju osnovane sumnje in cases of reasonable doubt
u slučaju posebne potrebe in case of special need
u slučaju potrebe when required
u smijeru towards
u smislu within the meaning, within the meaning of
u smislu članka 5. within the meaning of Article 5
u smislu stavka 1. as defined in paragraph 1, within the meaning of paragraph 1
u smjeru towards
u smjeru desnog vijka clock wise, clockwise (clock wise)
u smjeru kazaljke na satu clock wise, clockwise (clock wise)
u smjeru kazaljke sata clockwise
u snu asleep
u spoju blend
u srcu nositi enshrine
u sredini mid, midst
u sredini broda amidships
u stanju mirovanja motionless
u strahu i trepetu in fear and trembling
u stranu aside, askew, astray
u stvari actually, indeed, really, re-continuity
u stvarnosti actually, effectively, in reality
u suglasju s in accordance with
u suprotnom slučaju vice-versa
u suprotnosti contrary
u suradnji in co-operation
u susret toward
u svako doba always
u svakom pogledu in all respects
u svakom slučaj anyhow, anyway
u svakom slučaju anyway
u svakom trenutku at any time
u svezi addressing, relating
u svezi s in connection with, in relation to, regarding, relating to
u svezi sa with regard to
u svim pravcima all-directional, all-round
u svjetlu in the light
u svojoj nutrini inwardly
u svojstvu as
u svrhu for the purpose of, for the purposes of
u šali sportive
u šest popodne at six p.m.
u širokim granicama wide range
u škripcu stuck
u takvu slučaju in such a case
u to thereat
u to doba during this period
u to vrijeme during this period
u točkicama spotty
u toku afloat, afoot, along with, during, ongoing, pending, throughout
u tom therein
u tom cilju to thatend, to this end
u tom pogledu in this regard, in this respect
u tom razdoblju during this period
u tom smislu that effect, this effect
u tome therein
u trendu trendy
u trenutku at the time
u trenutku izvoza at the time of exportation
u trenutku t at time t
u trenutku uvoza at the time of importation
u tri oblika triform
u tu svrhu for this purpose, that effect, therefore, this effect, to that end, to this end
u tuđini abroad
u unutrašnjosti broda inboard
u usporedbi in juxtaposition
u usporedbi s compared to, in comparison with
u valovitoj liniji spuštati se ili uzlijetati porpoise
u vaše ime on your behalf
u vatri ablaze, afire, aflame, alight
u vazduhu airborne
u velikoj mjeri greatly, highly
u vezi s along with, as regards, concerning, in connection with, in relation to, in respect, regarding, relating to
u vezi s kojim in respect of which
u vezi s tim thereby
u vezi sa anent, with regard to
u vidu point of view
u vlasništvu belonged, owns
u vrećama bagged
u vrijeme during
u zabludi abroad, mystify
u začetku inchoate
u zagradi parenthetic
u zajedničkom vlasništvu jointly owned
u zamjenu za in exchange for
u zao čas ill-timed
U zdravlje! Cheers!
u zenitu meridian
u zraku airborne
u životu alive
u-antena u-antenna
ubaciti insert, interject, interpose, inject, launch, load, nest, Paste, slip, throw in
ubaciti se infiltrate
ubacivanje infiltration, interjection
Index Indeks