t-spoj t-connection, tee, t-joint, t-junction
tu here, there, thereabout, this, thither
tu blizu thereabouts
tu i tamo here and there
tuba tube
tuberkuloza consumprion, tuberculosis
tuberkulozan tuberculous
tuberkuloze tuberculosis
tucanik metal, road metal
tucati pestle, powder, stamp
tuce dozen
tucet dozen
tuča affray, carnage, hail, mix up, scrap, strife
tučak dolly, pestle, pistil
tučen beaten
tučnjava bicker, fight, scramble, scrap, scrimmage, scrummage, scuffle, shindy, tussle
tući bash, beat, beaten, chastise, mill, thrashing, thresh, trounce, wallop
tući po target
tući se fight, fought, scrap, scuffle
tuđ extraneous, foreign, outlandish, strange
tuđa sredstva borrowed assets
tuđe foreign
tuđi i vlastiti kapital angažiran u poslovanju capital employed
tuđi kapital loan capital
tuđinac alien, foreigner, stranger
Tuf tuff
tufa calcareous sinter
tuga affliction, dismal, grief, melancholy, mourning(be in), regret, sadness, sore, soreness, sorrow, woe, wrench
tugovati mourn, pine, repent, rue, sift, sorrow
tukac quiver
tuku beat
tulij thulium
tulipan tulip
tuliti howl, yawl
tulum binge, party
tuljac za sladoled cone
tuljan seal
tuljenje yawl
tumač demonstrator, expontent, expositor, interpreter, mouthpiece
tumač znakovima za gluhe signer
tumačen interpreted
tumačenja explanations
tumačenje annotation, comment, explanation, interpretation, rendering
Tumačenje dinamičkih scena Dynamic scene interpretation
tumačenje nije potrebno self-explanatory
tumačenje prava interpretation of the law
tumačenje pravila interpretation of rules
tumačenje teksta text interpretation
tumačenju interpretation
tumači interpreters, map explanation
tumačiti comment, construe, interpret, read
tumačiti odredbe to construe provisions
tumaćiti interpreted
tumaranje bustle, roam, saunter
tumarati fumble, gad, gallivant, loiter, peregrinate, potter, roam, rove, saunter, scour, wander
tumbe upside
tumor tumor, tumour
tumor bronha Bronchus tumor
tumor dojke breast cancer
tumor supresorski gen tumor suppressor genes, tumor-suppressor gene
tumor supresorski geni tumor-suppressor genes
tumor štitnjače thyroid cancer
tumori cancer, tumors
tumori bubrega kidney tumors
tumori glave head
tumori jetre hepatic tumours
Tumori štitnjače Thyroid cancer
tumorska banka tumor bank
tumorska biologija tumor's biology
tumorske stanice tumour cells
tumorski tumor
tumorski antigeni tumor antigens
tumorski biljeg tumor marker
tumorski markeri tumour markers
tumuli tumulus
tuna tuna
tuna file na žaru sa soja umakom grilled tuna filet in soya sauce
tunel tunnel
tunel osovine propelera shaft tunnel
tunel pramčanog brodskog vijka bow thruster tunnel
tunela tunnel, tunnels
tuneli tunnels, underground rooms
tuneliranje tunneling, tunneling process
tunelogradnja tunneling
tunelska tunnel
tunelski efekt tunnelling
tunelski kolosijek tunnel gauge
tunika tunic
Tunis Tunisia
tup blunt, bullish, obtuse, opaque, purbling, slow, stupid
tup udar thud
tup udarac bump, thump
tup zvuk thud, thump
tupa igla bodkin
tupe toupee
tupiti blunt
tupo bluntly
tupo udaranje thud
tupo zavarivanje butt welding
tupoglav rattle brained, slow witted
tupoglavac mule, noodle, numskull
tupost bluntness, dullness
tura tour
turbina tub-wheel, turbine
Turbinske lopatice turbine blades
turbo kodiranje turbo coding
turboelektrični turboelectric
turbogenerator turbogenerator
turbogeneratori hydrogenerators
turbokompresor turbocompressor
turbomlazni motor turbojet
turbostroj turbomachinery
turbulencija turbulence
turbulencije turbulence
turbulentan turbulent
turbulentna turbulent
turbulentno strujanje turbulent flow
Turci Ottoman Empire, Ottomans, Turks
Turcima Ottomans
turcizam turk loanwords
turcizmi Turkish loan words
Turčin turk
turgora turgor
Turingov stroj Turing machine
turist holiday-maker, tourist
turista tourist, tripper
turisti tourists
turistička destinacija tourist destination
turistička djelatnost tourist trade
turistička dokumentacija tourist documentation
turistička infrastruktura tourist infrastructure
turistička karta touristic map
turistička općina tourist municipality
turistička politika tourism policy
turistička ponuda tourist offer, tourist supply
Turistička ponuda i potražnja tourist supply and demend
turistička potražnja tourist demand
turistička potreba tourist needs
Turistička potrošnja consumption of tourists, tourist expenditure, tourist expenditures
turistička pristojba tourist tax
turistička regija tourist region
Turistička regionalizacija Tourist regionalisation
turistička resursna osnova tourist resource basis
turistička statistika tourism statistics
Turistička zajednica Grada Zagreba Tourism Association fo the City of Zagreb
turističke atrakcije tourist attractions
turističke potrebe tourist needs
turistički tourism, tourist, touristic
turistički centar tourism center
turistički djelatnik tourist profession
turistički kriminalitet tourist criminality
turistički objekti tourist facilities
Turistički produkt Tourist product
turistički proizvod tourism product, tourist product
turistički proizvodi tourism products
turistički razvoj tourism development, tourist development
turistički resurs tourist resource
turistički resursi tourist resources
turistički sektor tourism sector, tourist sector
turistički ured tourist office
turističkih tourist
turističkim tourist
turističko područje tourist region
turističko tržište tourist market
turističkog tourism
turistima tourists
turiti insert, shove
turizam tourism
turizam na seljačkom gospodarstvu tourism at peasent farms
turizam zemalja članica OECD tourism in OECD countries
turizmom tourism
Turkinja turk
Turkmenistan Turkmenistan
turkologija turkology
turmalin tourmaline
turnir bustle, tournament, tourney
turnira tournament, tournaments
turnirima tournaments
turoban bleak, dreary, sad
turobne misli brood
Turopolja Turopolje
Turopoljska pasmina Turopolje breed
turovac black salsify
turpan black scoter
turpija file, rasp
turpijati file
Turska Turkey
turska loza barberry
turski Ottoman, Turkish
turski jezik turkish, Turkish language
tuš douche, mascara, shower, shower bath
tuševi showers
tuširati se douche
tutanj boom
tutkalo glue, paste
tutnuti shove
tutnjava booming, rumble, thunder
tutnjiti drone, peal, rumble, thunder
tutor administrator, custodian, trustee, tutor
tutorstvo ward
Tuvalu Tuvalu
tuzemni domestic
tuzemni razgovori inland calls
tuzemnim domestic
tužan blue, desolate, dismal, dolorous, grievous, joyless, mournful, piteous, plaintive, rueful, sad, sorrowful, sorry, unhappy, wistful
tužba action, civil action, complaint, plaint, prosecution, reclamation, statement of claim, suit
tužba EZ-a za utvrđivanje odgovornosti EC action to establish liability
tužba koju podnosi osoblje action by staff
tužba za utvrđivanje građanskopravne odgovornosti civil liability proceedings
tužba zbog neispunjenja ugovorne obveze action for failure to fulfil an obligation
tužba zbog propuštanja action for failure to act
tužbeni zahtjev claim
tuženik defendant, respondent
tuženje lamentation
tužibaba telltale, tell-tale
tužilac prosecutor
tužio sued
tužitelj actor, claimant, denunciator, plaintiff, pursuer, suitor
tužiteljica plaintiff
tužiti accuse, complained, file a claim, file a suit, indict, initiate legal proceedings, prosecute, sue
tužiti se complain
tužne wretched
tužniji sadder
tužno sadly
TV ekran telescreen
TV film telecine, telefilm
TV gledatelj televiewer, viewer
TV izvjestitelj TV newscaster
TV kamera telecamera
TV prijemnička cijev teletron
TV prijemnik TV set
TV prijenos telecast, TV coverage
TV tehničar teletrician
tvar compound, material, matter, stuff, substance
tvar za prekrivanje covering
tvar životinjskoga podrijetla material of animal origin
tvari agents, mass, mass transfer
tvari za rahljenje raising agents
TV-medij TV-media
tvoj thine, thy, your, yours
tvoja thine, thy, your
tvoje thine, thy, your
tvoji your
tvor ferret, fitchew, polecat, skunk
tvorac architect, author, creator, maker, moulder, wright
tvorba formation, word formation
tvorba plurala i duala plural/dual formation
tvorba riječi word formation
tvorba šivaćih uboda formation of sewing stitches
tvorbeni tip formational type
tvorbeno gnijezdo formational nest
tvoriti constitute, form
tvornica factory, manufactory, mill, plant
tvornica "ključ u ruke" turnkey factory
tvornica automobila automobile plant
tvornica cipela shoe factory
tvornica građevinske opreme building equipment f
tvornica keksa biscuit factory
tvornica konzerva cannery
tvornica konzervi cannery
tvornica mesinga brassworks
tvornica obuće shoe factory
tvornica oružja armo(u)ry, armoury
tvornica papira paper mill
tvornica sira cheese factory
tvornicama factories
tvornice factories
tvorničar manufacturer
tvorničar oružja armo(u)rer
tvornička cijena ex-work price
tvornički made up, mill, ready made
tvornički dim stalk
tvornički predviđena vrijednost factory default
tvornički proizvedena stočna hrana manufactured feedingstuffs
tvornički proizvod manufacture
tvornički radnik factory worker
tvrd castiron, hard, penurious, rigid, rocky, solid, stiff, tough
tvrd kao čelik steely
tvrda faza solids
tvrda pornografija hardcore
tvrda pšenica durum wheat
tvrda srca hard hearted
tvrdavama fortresses
tvrde claim, hard
tvrde ugljične faze hard carbon phases
tvrdi disk hard disk, hard disk drive
tvrdi puder compac
tvrdi sir hard cheese
tvrdica churl, miser, screw, skinflint, stingy
tvrdičiti skimp
tvrdičluk avarice, parsimony
tvrdila maintains
tvrdimo we maintain
tvrdio maintains
tvrditi allege, allow, assert, aver, avouch, claim, predicate, repeat, state, uphold
tvrdnja assertion, claim, statement, theorem
tvrdo hard
tvrdo lemiti braze
tvrdo ožičen hardwired
tvrdo prekapčanje hard handover
tvrdo srce nether millstone
tvrdo staklo tempered glass
tvrdoća hardness, inflexibility, rigidity
tvrdoća po Brinellu Brinell hardness
tvrdoća po Rockwellu Rockwell hardness
tvrdoća po Shore Shore hardness
tvrdoća po Vickersu Vickers hardness
tvrdoglav dogged, intractable, nice, obdurate, obstinate, opinionated, pertinacious, perverse, piggish, pigheaded, refractory, restive, self opinioned, stiff, stiff necked, stubborn, unyielding, wayward, willful
tvrdoglavac mule
tvrdoglavost contumacy, obstinacy, perversity, stubbornness