Index Indeks
stav attitude, defence, defense, manner, pose, posture, stance, stand, state
stav nogu foot stance
stav prema tjelesnoj aktivnosti attitude toward physical activity
stav tijela posture
stav u pregrade boxing
stav van pogona ungear
stav van zakon outlaw
stavak item, paragraph, statement
stavak 1 neće se primjenjivati paragraph 1 shall not apply
stavak 1. neće se primjenjivati paragraph 1 shall not apply
stavaka items
stavila placed
stavim put
staviti bottle, insert, laid, lay, lay(down), Paste, pedestal, place, put, set, station, stick, to put
staviti na raspolaganje to make available
staviti biljeg notch
staviti brnjicu muzzle
staviti inter punctuate
staviti jedra shorten
staviti kapke shutter
staviti lisičine handcuff
staviti mamac bait
staviti marku stamp (letter)
staviti na kocku stake, venture
staviti na probu put to the proof, put to the test, task
staviti na račun charging, charging to account, debit
staviti na raspolaganje tender, to make available
staviti natrag replace
staviti oklop mail
staviti oznaku tag
staviti pečat signet
staviti pod na intern
staviti pogrešno misplace
staviti police shelve
staviti ponudu tender
staviti potpis affix
staviti točku dot
staviti u put in
staviti u džep pocket
staviti u igru put in play
staviti u kor sheathe
staviti u lonac pot
staviti u maga warehouse
staviti u pogon activate, actuate, operate, start, turn upon
staviti u pregrade boxing
staviti u red enqueue
staviti u štenaru kennel
staviti u upotrebu to put into service
staviti unutra enclose
staviti uteg weight
staviti zabran negative
stavka entry, item, para, rate, transaction
stavka razumljiva sama po sebi self-explanatory item
stavke items
stavlja puts
stavljanje laying, placing, put
stavljanje brane damming
stavljanje izvan pogona decommissioning
stavljanje jedno uz drugo juxtaposition
stavljanje nuklearnih postrojenja izvan pogona decommissioning of nuclear
stavljanje u pokret actuation
stavljanje znakova interpunkcije u rečenici punctuation
stavljati put
stavljati etikete tagging
stavljati oznake tagging
stavljati primjedbe observe
stavljati slad malt
stavljati u magazin warehousing
stavljati u pokret actuation
stavljen ispod underlaid
stavljen u promet commissioned
stavljen u vreću bagged
stavova attitudes
stavovi attitude, attitudes
stavovi prema matematici attitudes toward mathematics
stavovi prema mucanju attitudes towards stuttering
stavovi prema zlostavljanju djece attitudes toward child abuse, attitudes towards child abuse
staza alley, lane, path, paths, pathway, race track, road, run, runway, stasis, track, trackway, trail, trails, walk, way
staza digitalne linije digital line path
staza dizalice crane track
staza elektronske pošte mail path
staza izvedena djelovanjem svjetla na foto osjetlj photovia
staza križne glave guide
staza podataka data path
staza u stablu traversal
staza upute library track
staza za prijenos informacija transmission link
staza za usmjeravanje elektronske pošte bang path
stazama paths, trails
staze paths, tracks
stazna struktura orbit structure, orbital structure
stazne strukture orbit structure
staž internship, probation
stažista probationer
ste are, have
stearin iz povrća vegetable stearate
steatit soapstone
steatoza steatosis
steatoza jetre liver steatosis
stečaj bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership, smash
stečajna nagodba composition
stečajni bankruptcy
stečajno pravo bankruptcy law
stečajnom bankruptcy
stečen achieved, acquired, gained, got
stečena acquired
stečena kamata accrued interest
stečena prava vested rights
stečena znanja acquirements
stečene acquisition, gained
stečeni acquired
stečeni udio u imovini earned asset share
stečeno pravo established right
stečeno znanje acquirement
stečevina acquis
stečevina, stečeno vlasništvo aquest
steći achieve, acquire, earn, gain, get, merit, obtain, retrieve, win
steći kontrolu gain control
Stefanov problem Stephan problem
stega discipline
stegno haunch
stegnut contracted
stegnuti astrict, bind, constrain, constrict, contract, grip, seize
stegnuti se congeal, shrink
stegovni postupak disciplinary proceedings
stenograf stenographer
stenografija shorthand, stenography
stenografkinja stenographer
stenografski shorthand, stenographic
stenogram shorthand
stenjanje groan, moan, squawk
stenjati moan, squawk
stepa heath, prairie
stepe u Južnoj Americi pampas
stepen aktivnosti activity rate
stepenasti staggered
stepenasto stepwise
stepenica rung, stair, step, stile
stepenicama stairs
stepenice scale, stair, staircase, stairs, stairway
stepeničasto cascade
stepenište stair case, staircase
stepka churn
stepska bjelka isabelline wheatear
stepska eja pallid harrier
stepska trepteljka tawny pipit
stepski mišar long-legged buzzard
stepski sokol saker
stereofonski binaural
stereokemija stereochemistry
stereolitografija stereolrthography
stereometrija solid geometry
stereoskopska slika anaglyph
stereoskopske slike stereoscopic imaging
stereotip stereotype
sterilan aseptic, sterile
sterilitet sterility
sterilizacija sterilization
sterilizirano mlijeko sterilized milk
sterilnost sterility
sternotomija sternotomy
steroidi steroids
steroidni hormoni steroid hormones
steroidni receptori steroid receptors
steroli sterols
stevia stevia
stezanje astriction, clamping, grasp, reach, shrinkage, squeamish, take-up, wring
stezanje mišića convulsion
stezanje zuba clench
stezati astringe, pinch, tighten
stezati se shrink
stezna ploča bolster
stezni tiskač shrink ring
steznik bodice, corset, stay
sticanje acquirement
sticati acquire
stici arrive
stići arive, arrive, arriving, come, get, land, mature, reach
stid shame
stidjeti se shame
stidljiv bashful, coy, prudish, shamefaced, shy, timid
stidljivo shy
stidljivost shyness
stidnica pudenda, vulva
stigao arrived
stigla get
stigli arrive
stigma stigma
stignuti overtake
stih line, verse
stihoklepac rhymer
stihove verses
stihovi rhyme, verses
stijeg flag, hoist, mast, pole, staff, standard
stijena boulder, cliff, crag, rock, scar, stone, wall
stijene cliffs
stijenka wall
stijenke surface
stijenska rock
stijenske rock
stiješnjen squeezed
stik butt
stil diction, fashion, pattern, pen, phrasing, style
stil pisca penmanship
stil rješavanja konflikta conflict resolution style
stil u epu style in the epic
stil u glazbi style in music
stil u plivanju butterfly, crawl
stil vođenja style of leadership
stil znakova character style
stil življenja Life style
stil života lifestyle
stila style
stilista stylist
stilistička analiza nebeletrističkih djela stylistic analysis of non-literary
stilistička metoda stylistic method
stilističke osobitosti stylistic pecularities
stilističko značenje stylistic meaning
stilistika style, stylistic, stylistics
stilizacija stylization
stilom style
stilovi style pointers, styles
stilovi i pravci styles and formations, styles and tendencies
stilovi rješavanja konflikata styles of handling conflicts
stilovi vođenja leadership style
stilska analiza style analysis, stylistic analysis
stilska epoha stylistic periods
stilska formacija style formation
stilska pravila stylistic rules
stilske figure stylistic figures
stilske mijene stylistic changes
stilske pojave styles
stilski stylistic
stilski pravci i tendencije styles and tendencies
stilski razvoj stylistic development
stilskim period
stimulacija stimulation
stimulacijski stimulatory
stimulans sham, stimulant, stimulus
stimulativan stimulant, stimulating
stimulativni poticaji stimuli
stimulator stimulator
stimulatori stimulators
stimulatori proizvodnosti production stimulators
stimulirana stimulated
stimulirana emisija stimulated emission
stimulirano Brillouinovo raspršenje stimulated Brillouin scattering
stimulirano Ramanovo raspršenje stimulated Raman scattering
stimulirano zračenje stimulated emission
stimuliranje stimulation
stimulirao stimulated
stimulirati stimulate, turn upon
stipendija scholarship, stipend
stipendiranje scholarship, scholarships
stipendist scholar
stipsa alum
stipsan aluminous
stipulacija stipulation
stiren-butadien kopolimer styrene-butadiene copolymer
stirenbutadienski kaučuk Styrenebutadiene rubber
stiren-g-butadien styrene-g-butadiene
stisak gripe, squeamish, squeeze
stisak ruke hansel, shake
stiska pressure
stiskanje pinch, squeeze, wring
stiskati clutch, squeeze
stisnuta stanja squeezed states
stisnuta šaka fist
stisnuti clench, clinch, compress, constrict, hug, narrow, pinch, shrink, squeeze
stisnutu squeezed
stišati appease, becalm, mitigate, pacify, turn down
stišljivi fluid compressible fluid
stizao brought
stizati brought
stjecaj conjuction, juncture
stjecaj prilika conjunction
stjecanje acquirement, acquiring, acquisition, earning, gaining, PURCHASE
stjecanje (prema ciljnoj veličini) convergence
stjecanje državljanstva prirođenjem acquisition of citizenship by naturalization
stjecanje nekretnina acquisition of real estate, acquisition of real property
stjecanje prava vlasništva acquiring of the ownership right
stjecanje vlasništva acquisition of property
stjecatelj acquisitor
stjecati acquire
stjecište confluence, summing junction
stječe acquires
stječe pravo entitled
stječu acquired
stjegonoša ancient, color-bearer, colour guard, colour-bearer, flag-bearer, standard-bearer, vexillary
stjegoslov vexillologist
stjegoslovlje vexillology
stjegoslovni vexillologic, vexillological
stjenci wall
stjenica bug
stjenice bugs
stjenovit craggy, rocky
Stjepanje Boxing day
stjerati round up
stješnjavanje restraint
stjuard steward
stjuardesa air hostess, air-hostess, stewardess
sto a hundred, hundred, one hundred, table
sto h a slično kodiranje stochastic coding
sto stupnjeva centigrade
Stockholmski akt Stockholm Act
stočar cattle breeder, cattle-breeder
stočarska livestock
stočarska farma ranch
stočarska kretanja cattle-breeding movement
stočarska proizvodnja livestock breeding
stočarski livestock
stočarsko ranch
stočarsko gospodarstvo farm, ranch
stočarstvo animal husbandry, cattle breeding, cattle-breeding, livestock, livestock farming
stočarstvo na otvorenome free-range farming
stočarstvo u zatvorenim prostorima indoor livestock farming
stočna hrana animal feedingstuffs, provender
stočna repa fodder beet
stočni kelj stock kale
stog hayrick, haystack, mow, rick, stack
stog objekata stack of objects
stog protokola protocol stack
stog sijena haystack
stoga consequently, hence, so, then, thence, thereby, therefore, thus
stoga što because
stogodišnjak centenerian
stogodišnji centenary, centenerian, centennial, secular
Index Indeks