Index Indeks
budnica reveille
budnik deadman control
budnima awake
budno paziti keep a good lookout
budno pažen peeled
budnost alert, vigilance, watchfulness
budu be
budući being, future, prospective, to be
budući da as, because, for, future, inasmuch, inasmuch as, seeing, since, whereas
budući naraštaj posterity
budućnos future
budućnosnice futures
budućnost future, futurity, hereafter, prospect
budućnosti future
budućnosti odgoja i obrazovanja educational future
budžet budget
budžet domaćinstva Household Budget
budžetiranje Budgeting
budžetski budgetary
budžetski deficit budget deficit
buđenje awaking, wake, wake-up call
buffer buffer
bugačica blotting-paper
bugarin bulgarian
Bugarka bulgarian
Bugarska Bulgaria
Bugarske Bulgaria
bugarski Bulgarian
buha flea
buhara calaboose
bujan dense, exuberant, lush, luxuriant, prime, prodigal, rich, showy, verdant
bujati flourish, overflow, overgrow
bujica current, flood, flooding, flow, flux, redundance, spate, stream, torrent
bujica psovki broadside
bujica riječi padding, tirade, verbiage, volubility
bujice rapid
bujna kosa fuzz
bujne mašte imaginative
bujnih grudi busty
bujnom lush, rich
bujnost exuberance, luxuriance, rankness, trees vigor, verdure
bujol bucket
buka ado, affray, bluster, booming, brawl, clamor, clamour, fuss, hubbub, jangle, loudness, noise, racket, riot, roar, row, rumble, thunder, tumult, uproar
buka i vibracije noise and vibrations
bukaletom jug
bukavac bittern
buket bouquet, bunch
buknuti break out, flash
bukolički pejzaž bucolic landscape
bukovača oyster mushroom, oyster mushroom Austernpilz
Bukovčev krug u zagrebu Bukovac circle in Zagreb
bukovih beech
bukovina beech, beech wood
buksna slippage
buktati flame
buktinja torch
buktinja pogibelji distress flare
buktjeti blaze, flame
Bukurešt Bucharest
Bukureštu Bucharest
bukva beech, bogue
bukvalan literal
bukvalni verbal
bukvalno literally
bukvar abc book, primer, spelling book
bukve beech
bukvici beech population
buldog bulldog
buldožer bulldozer
bulevar boulevard
bulgur bulgur
Bulova algebra Boolean algebra
bulovski boolean
Bulozni dermatitis Bullous dermatitis
buljenje stare
buljina eagle owl, owi, owl
buljiti goggle, stare
buljon broth
bum boom
bumbar Bombus terrestris, bumble bee, bumblebee, bumble-bee, humble bee
bumerang boomerang
buna insurrection, mutiny, rebellion, rising, uprising
bunar draw well, draw-well, fountain, well, wellspring
buncati be delirious, rave
bunda fur coat
bundeva gourd, pumpkin
bune uprising
bungalov bungalow
bungalova bungalows
Bunić Bunic
bunika belladona, henbane
bunilo delirium
buniti se murmur, object, rebel, resent
bunker bin, bunker, bunkers, pill box
bunkera bunkers
bunovan delirious, giddy
buntovan rebellious, seditious, tumultuous
buntovni mutinous
buntovnički insubordinate, rebel, rebellious, riotous
buntovnik insurgent, mutineer, rebel
bura bora, squall, storm
burag paunch, rumen, tripe
burag preživača tripe
buran boisterous, gusty, nasty, rough, squally, tempestuous, tumultuous, turbulent, violent, windy
buran (o moru) wavy
buran aplauz acclaim
buran uspje furore
Burchova metoda Burchs method
bure barrel, barrell, butt, cask
burek  leafy meat-pie
burence keg
burg burg
burgija bore, drill, gimlet
Burgundija Burgundy
Burkina Faso Burkina Faso
burleska burlesque, extravaganza
burley burley, Burley tobacco
burley duhan Burley tobacco
Burma Burma
Burmanac burmese
Burmanka burmese
burmanski burmese
burmut snuff
burmutica snuff box
burne stormy
burnih tempestuous
burstoscilator burst oscillator
Burundi Burundi
burza bourse, change, exchange, stack - exchange, stock exchange, stock market, stock-exchange
burza dionica stock market
burza rada employment office
burza roba commodities exchange
burze stock market
burzovna kotacija stock-exchange listing
burzovna transakcija stock-exchange transaction
burzovni izvještaji) premium rate service
burzovni mešetar broker, stockbroker
burzovni posrednik broker
burzovni špekulant punter
burzovno posredništvo brokerage
burzovno pravo protection of investor
buržoazija bourgeoisie
buržuj bourgeois
buržujski bourgeois
busen sod, sward, turf
busen trave hassock
busenje sod
busola compass
bušač clutcher, keypunch, punch, searcher
bušač kartice badge punch
bušaća glava drill bit
bušaća kruna drill bit
bušan punctured
bušel bushel
bušena punched
bušena kartica punch card, punched card, unit record
bušena vrpca punched tape
bušenje boring, drilling, perforation, perforation drill, trepanning, whet
bušenje tunela tunnelling
bušenje u akvatoriju offshore drilling
bušilac borer
bušilica auger, bore engine, bore-machine, boring machine, card punch, derrick, drill, drilling machine, keypunch
bušiti bore, bore hole, drill, keypunch, perforate, pierce, punch
bušiti kroz stijenu dig through the rock
bušiti na tokrilici bore on a lathe
buškaina jacob's ladder, ladder, jacob's
bušotina bore, borehole, boring, well
bušotinski fluid wellbore fluid
bušotinski fluidi borehole fluid
but ham, haunch, leg, round
Butan Bhutan, butane
butan propan mješavina lpg mix, lpg mixture
butandion monoksim endothelium
butik boutique, shop
butil kation butyl cation
butilen butylene
butina loin, thigh
butine loin
buzdovan mace
bužir pipe, spaghetti, tube
C - ekvivalent C-equivalent
C o stas o v PLL sustav Costas PLL system
c opseg c-band
C vitamin vitamin C
C02 laser CO2 laser
C-14 datiranje C-14 dating, radiocarbon dating
C-14 u godovima drveća C-14 in tree rings
CAD sustavi CAD system
caecuma caeca, caecum
caecumima caeca
caklina enamel, varnish
caklinske erozije enamel erosion
Calvinovi kombinatorički modeli Calvino's combinatory models
CAM sustavi CAM systems
camembert sir camembert cheese
campinellima campiellis
canellini grah canellini beans
CAP sustavi CAPP systems
capuccino capuccino
car czar, emperor, monarch, tsar, tzar
car wash autopraonica
cara Emperor
carbonatni facijesi Carbonate facies
carev emperor's, regal
carevina empire
carica empress, queen
carice empress
carić winter wren, wren
carina custom, custom duty, customs, customs duty, duty, duty rate, import duties, rate of duty, tariff, toll
carina koja se primjenjuje applicable duty
carina koja se primjenjuje erga omnes duty applied erga omnes
carina koja se primjenjuje na duty applicable on
carina koja se primjenjuje pri customs duty applicable upon
carina s istovjetnim učinkom customs duty having equivalent effect
carina utvrđena po načelu najpovlaštenije države MFN (rate of duty), MFN duty, MFN rate of duty
carinarnica custom house, custom-house, customs, customs house, customs office, customs officer, customs post
carine customs, import duties
carine koje se primjenjuju duties applicable, duties applied
carine na uvoz customs duties on imports
carinik customs officer, custom's official, customs profession
cariniti collect custom dutie, collect customs
carinska deklaracija customs declaration
carinska deklaracija, broda ship's stores declaration, store list
carinska deklaracija, posade effect list
carinska deklaracija, tereta cargo manifest
carinska inspekcija customs inspection
carinska koncesija tariff concession
carinska kvota tariff quota
carinska nomenklatura tariff nomenclature
carinska pitanja customs matters
carinska politika tariff policy
carinska povlastica tariff preference
carinska prijevara customs fraud
carinska pristojba customs duties, customs duty
carinska pristojba ad valorem ad valorem customs duty
carinska procjena customs valuation
carinska služba customs office
carinska sprema bonded locker
carinska stopa customs charge, duty rate, rate of customs charge, rate of duty
carinska stopa od 5 % 5 per cent rate of customs charge
carinska suradnja customs cooperation
carinska taksa custom duty
carinska tarifa custom tarrif, customs tariff
carinska unija customs union
Carinska uprava Customs Administration
carinska vrijednost customs value
carinska zapreka tariff barrier
carinske custom
carinske formalnosti customs formalities
carinske kvote navedene u nastavku tariff quotas set out below
carinske pogodnosti customs facilities
carinske povlastice tariff preferences
carinske pristojbe customs duties
carinske pristojbe fiskalne naravi customs duties of a fiscal nature
carinske tarife tariffs
carinske vlasti customs administrations, customs authorities
carinske vlasti koje su podnijele zahtjev requesting customs authorities
carinske vlasti nadležne za izdavanje potvrde issuing customs authorities
carinski custom, customs, tariff
carinski brod custom boat
carinski dokument customs document
carinski dug customs debt
carinski informacijski sustav customs information system
carinski limit tariff ceiling
carinski nadzor customs control
carinski postupak customs procedure
carinski postupak Zajednice Community customs procedure
carinski pregovori tariff negotiations
carinski propisi customs regulations
carinski provoz customs transit
carinski režim customs regime
carinski službenik customs officer
carinski sporazum tariff agreement
carinski sustav customs system
carinsko izuzeće tariff exemption
carinsko ovlaštenje customs authorization
carinsko područje customs territory
carinsko područje EZ-a EC customs territory
carinsko skladište bondage store, customs warehouse
carinsko zakonodavstvo customs legislation
carinjenja cleared through customs
carinjenje cleared through customs, customs clearance
Caritas charity
carolans carolans
carska reign
carska šljuka curlew
carski imperial, palatial, purple, regal
carski rez caesarean section
Carstva Empire
carstvo Empire, kingdom, realm
carstvo duhova pandemonium
caru emperor
casina casinos
casino casino
casinoa casinos
Castilla i La Mancha Castille and La Mancha
Castilla i León Castille and Leon
castrens castrens
castrum Castrum
Index Indeks