odbjeći elope
odbjegao runaway
odbljesak glance, reflection, reflex
odboj kick
odbojan baffle, odious, repulsive
odbojka volley ball, volleyball, volley-ball, volleybally
odbojka na pijesku beach volleyball
odbojkaška košarica cup- formed fingers
odbojna ploča baffle plate
odbojni antagonistic
odbojnik backing, buffer, bumper, coushin
odbojno zrače back reflection
odbojno zračenje back reflection
odbojnost dislike, dourness, forbiddingness
odbor board, committee, council, pen
odbor ad hoc ad hoc committee
Odbor Europskoga parlamenta EP Committee
odbor EZ-a EC committee
odbor Islamske zajednice Islamic Community board
Odbor regija Committee of the Regions
Odbor stalnih predstavnika Coreper
Odbor stalnih predstavnika država članica Comitee of Permanent Representatives
Odbor veleposlanika ACP-EZ-a ACP-EC Committee of Ambassadors
odbor Vijeća EZ-a EC Council committee
Odbor za akreditaciju Committee On Accreditation
odbor za arhitekturu Interneta Internet architecture board
Odbor za europske integracije Committee for European Integration, Committee for the European Integration
Odbor za financije i Državni proračun Committee for Finances and Budget
Odbor za gospodarstvo i financije Committee for the Economy and Finances
Odbor za hrvatske branitelje iz Domovinskog rata Committee for Patriotic
Odbor za kulturu i društvene djelatnosti Committee for Culture and Social
Odbor za međuparlamentarnu suradnju Committee for Interparliamentary Cooperation
Odbor za odnose s javnošću Committee for Public Relations
Odbor za pitanja višestranačja Committee for Questions of the Multi-Party System
odbor za poljoprivredu EZ-a EC agriculture committee
Odbor za poljoprivredu i šumarstvo Committee for Agriculture and Forestry
Odbor za pravosuđe Committee for the Judiciary
Odbor za predstavke i pritužbe Committee for Petitions and Complaints
Odbor za ratne veterane Committee for War Veterans
Odbor za ravnopravnost spolova Committee for Gender Equality, Committee for the Equality of Sexes
Odbor za strateške odluke Committee for Strategic Decisions
Odbor za turizam Committee for Tourism
Odbor za useljeništvo Committee for Immigration
Odbor za Ustav i Poslovnik Committee for the Constitution and Standing Orders
Odbor za ustavno-pravna pitanja Committee for Constitutional and Legal Affairs
odbor za ustroj protokola Interneta Internet architecture board
Odbor za vanjsku politiku Committee for Foreign Affairs
Odbor za zakonodavstvo Committee for Legislation
Odbor za znanstvena i tehnička istraživanja Crest
odbora committee
odbornik alderman
odborski izvještaj committee report
odbrana answer, apology, assert, defence, defense, plea, protection
odbrojavati tally
odbrojiti count off
odbrusiti sauce
odcijepiti brek off, rip, tear off
odcijepljen torn
odcjepljenje secession
odčepiti uncork, unstop
odčepiti bure broach
odebljati thick, thicken
oderati flay, strip
oderati kožu flay, scalp, skin
odgađanje adjournment, deferment, postponement, prolongation
odgađati defer, delay, retract
odgajanje education
odgajatelj educator
odgajatelji Pre-school Teacher
odgajati bring up, educate, nurture, raise, rear, tutor
odgoda deferment, deferral, delay, postponement, respite
odgoda izvršenja kazne suspension of sentence
odgoda ponude deferral of proposal
odgoda ročišta adjournment
odgoda u prijavi reporting delay
odgoditi adjourn, default, defer, delay, postpone, prolong, put
odgodiv suspensive
odgođena mirovina deferred pension
odgođena renta deferred annuity
odgođeno oporezivanje deferred taxation
odgoiteljica governess
odgoj breeding, education, nurture, upbringing
odgoj i obrazovanje education, School education
Odgoj i obrazovanje za okoliš Environmental Education
odgoj i obuka education and training
odgoj i vrijednosti education and values
odgojem education
odgojen educated
odgojenost accomplishment
odgojitelj educator
odgojiteljica governess
odgojiti educate
odgojna funkcija škole educational function of school
odgojna i obrazovna postignuća academic achievement
odgojna praksa educational practice
odgojna preobrazba educational transformation
odgojna sredstva educational means
odgojna teorija i praksa educational theory and practice
odgojne vrijednosti educational values
odgojne vrijednosti rada educational values of work
odgojni educational, pedagogic
odgojni ideal educational ideal, educational ideals
odgojni postupci educational procedures
odgojni proces educational process
odgojno-obrazovna integracija educational integration
odgojno-obrazovna ustanova educational institution
odgojno-obrazovni sustav educational system
odgonetati puzzle out
odgonetnuti figure out
odgovara conforms, fit, match, meets
odgovarajuć adequately
odgovarajuća državna tijela relevant national authorities
odgovarajuća odredba corresponding provision
odgovarajuća omotnica matching envelope
odgovarajuće adequately, agreeably, appropriate, corresponding, correspondingly, severally
odgovarajuće domaće zakonodavstvo related internal legislation
odgovarajuće isprave appropriate documents
odgovarajuće mjere appropriate measures
odgovarajuće odredbe relevant provisions
odgovarajuće rješenje appropriate solution
odgovarajućeg proper, relevant
odgovarajući adequate, adequately, agreeable, analogous, appropriate, associated, commensurable, congenial, corresponding, corrospondent, equivalent, measurable, proper, reciprocal, related, relevant, respective, responsive, suitable, TRUE
odgovarajućim related, relevant
odgovaranje response
odgovaranje telefonom telephone answering
odgovarati agree, be responsible, comport, conform, corresdond, correspond, ensure, fit, match, respond, say, suit
odgovarati kome suit
odgovarati potrebama to meet the needs
odgovor answer, reaction, rejoinder, reply, responce, respond, response, return
odgovor bilo kojom tipkom anykey answer
odgovor na tužbu statement of defence
odgovor na ulazni zahtjev response
odgovor na zahtjev za pridruživanje join response
odgovor pozivajućeg pretplatnika calling party answer
odgovora responding
odgovoran accountable, amenable, answerable, in charge, liable, responsible
odgovoran položaj perch
odgovoran za in charge of, responsible for
odgovoran za izvršenje responsible for carrying out
odgovoran za obavljanje responsible for carrying out
odgovoren answered
odgovoreno answered
odgovorila replied
odgovoriti answer, discourage, dissuade, react, rejoin, reply, respond, retort, return, to answer
odgovorna responsible
odgovorna osoba za poslužitelja elektronske pošte postmaster
odgovorni accountable, appropriate, responsibility
odgovorni brodar deponent owner
odgovornih appropriate
odgovornog responsible
odgovornost liability, peril, responsibility, responsiveness
odgovornost države liability of the state
odgovornost poslodavatelja Employers' Liability
odgovornost proizvođača producer's liability
odgovornost treće strane u vezi s nuklearnim pitan nuclear third party
odgovornost za štetu liability for damages
odgovornosti accountability, liability, responsibilities, responsibility
odgovornošću liability
odgovrajući equivalent
odgristi bite
odgurnuti give a push, repel, repulse
odgurnuti nogom spurn
odi k vragu! get lost!
odi u kurac fuck you, fuck yourself, go to hell, shit on you
odignuti erect
odigrano played
odigrati play
odigrati se occur
odijeliti detach, insulate, partition, separate, sever
odijeliti pregrado divide
odijelo array, clothing, habit, motley, raiment, suit, vestment, wear
odijeljen detached, segregate, separate
odijeljenost seclusion
odijevanje dressing, garment
odijevati clothe, wear
odio compartment, department
odio trgovačke zgrade department
odio uredske zgrade department
odjava checking-out, logoff, logout, sign-off
odjavite se Logout
odjaviti check out, sign off, unregister
odjavljivanje signing off, sign-off
odjeci sounds
odjeća apparel, array, attire, clothes, clothing, costume, dress, dresses, frock, garb, garment, raiment, rig, tog, vestment
odjeće apparel, cloth ornaments, clothing
odjeći clothes, dress
odjećom department
odjeću clothes, clothing
odjednom at once, suddenly
odjedriti bear away, clear, sail, square away, weigh
odjek echo, repercussion, response, reverberation
odjeka reflection
odjeke sounds
odjekivanje boominess
odjekivati echo, resound, ring, sound
odjeknuti resound, reverberate
odjel department, division, section
Odjel međunarodne suradnje Department for International Cooperation
odjel prodaje sales office
Odjel strukturnih Department of Structural
Odjel za financije Financial Department
Odjel za hitne intervencije Department for Urgent Intervention
Odjel za informiranje i istraživanje Department for Information and Research
Odjel za kakvoću Department for Quality
Odjel za matematiku Department of Mathematics
Odjel za međunarodnu suradnju Division for International Cooperation
Odjel za mjeriteljstvo Department for Metrology
Odjel za normizaciju Department for Standards
Odjel za obranu od tuče Hail Defence Department
odjel za pomoć help desk
Odjel za poslovanje Zavoda General Administrative Department
Odjel za pravila Department for Rules and Regulations
Odjel za pravne Department for Legal, Department of Legal
Odjel za studij mora i pomorstva Department of Marine and Maritime Studies
Odjel za šport i tehničku kulturu Division for Sport and Technical Culture
Odjel za tehnologijski razvitak i sustave Department of Technology Development
odjela sections
odjela medalja medal awarding
odjelak compartment
odjele departments, sections
odjelu department
odjeljak bay, compartment, division, folder, parcel, section, segment
odjeljak pravca line segment
odjeljak u WC-u stall
odjeljenost seclusion
odjeljenje bureau, department, detachment, division, partition, section, squad
odjeljivač delimiter
odjeljivanje separation
odjenuti apparel, invest, rig, robe, vest
odjenuti se clothe
odjeven clad
odjevna clothing
Odjevna tehnologija Clothing technology
odjevni clothing
odjevni predmet article of apparel
odjevni predmeti clothing
odjevni proizvod clothing product
odjuriti troop, whisk
odlagalište landfill
odlagalište otpada landfills, scrap-heap
odlagalište za otpad scrap-heap
odlaganja disposal
odlaganje adjournment, deferment, delay, discarding, disposal, dumping, let alone, postponement, procrastination, reprieve, respite, shelving, stay
odlaganje opasnih otpada hazardous wastes disposal
odlaganje otpada waste disposal
odlaganje plaćanja deferment of payment, delay in payment, indulgence
odlaganje poziva call parking, parking of calls
odlagati delay, procrastinate
odlaska departure
odlazak departure, leave, offset, parting, withdrawal
odlazak u mirovinu retirement
odlazak u smrt dead man walking
odlaze they are leaving
odlazeći outgoing
odlazi goes, he is leaving
odlaziti resign
odlazna poruka outgoing message
odlazni outwards, waste
odlazni gas waste gas
odlediti defrost, de-ice
odletjeti fly, fly away, migrate
odletjeti u zrak exploded
odležan aged, mellow
odležati age
odličan cool, excellent, exquisite, fine, grand, great, illustrious, noble, out and out, ripping, splendid, super
odličan pucač great shooter
odličje decoration, medal
odličjima decorations
odlična kvaliteta excellency
odlična roba super
odlično excellently, groovy, perfect, tiptop, Wonderful
odlijevna cijev sewer pipe
odlijevna cijev (paluba) scupper pipe (deck)
odlijevna cijev s palube scupper pipe from deck
odlijevni sustav scupper system
odlika attribute, characteristic, merit
odlikovanje medal
odlikovati se differ, distinguish oneself, excel, top