očeličiti inure
očeličiti se steel
očešljati comb
očetkati dust
očev father's, paternal
očeva fathers
očevid inquest, inquiry, investigation
očevidac bystander, eyewitness, spectator
očevidan apparent, at a glance, bare, conspicuos, evident, manifest, naked, obvious, ocular, overt, palpable, patent, self evident, sheer
očevidnik inquest register
očevidno apparently
očevidnost truism
očevina entail, patrimony
očevo ime patronymic
oči eyes
očica stitch
očigledan apparent, axiomatic, descriptive, downright, manifest, obvious, plain, positive, self-evident, visual
očigledan (laž) downright
očigledno obviously
očiglednost evidence
očiju eyes
očima eyes
očinski fatherly, parental, paternal
očinstvo fatherhood, parenthood, paternity
očistiti clear, defecate, paunch, purify, rectify, refine, scavenge, scrape off, seed
očistiti grijeh sanctify
očistiti od koštica pit
očistiti se purity
očit apparent, conspicuous, evident, flagrant, in view, manifest, obvious, ostensible, patent, self-evident
očitani signal sensed signal
očitanje readings
očitati scan
očitavanje sensing
očitavanje podataka mehaničkim uređajem mechanical sensing
očitavati sense
očito manifestly, obviously
očitost evidence, flagrancy
očitovanje arraignment, declaration, reply, response, statement
očitovati manifest
očitovati se become clear, give answer to, reply, respond
očituje manifest
očna banka eye bank
očna šupljina orbit
očna vodica aqueous humor
očni ocular, optic
očni kapak eyelid
očnjak canine, fang
očuh foster father, step father, stepfather
očuvala maintained
očuvan conserved, maintained, preserved, saved
očuvane preserved
očuvanim preserved
očuvano conserved
očuvanost preservation
očuvanja preservation
očuvanje conservation, maintenance, preservation, preserving, protection
očuvanje biološke raznovrsnosti conservation of biodiversity
očuvanje okoliša environment, environmental protection
očuvanje radnih mjesta job preservation
očuvanje sigurnosti safeguarding
očuvanje zakona i reda maintenance of law and order
očuvanju sigurnosti safeguarding
očuvati conserve, conserves, conserving, last, maintain, preserve, safeguard, save
očuvati mir to maintain peace
očuvati u dobrom stanju to preserve in good condition
očvrsnuo solidified
očvrsnuti sinter, toughen
očvršćivanje seasoning, solidification
očvršćivati reinforce
oćut mjesta sense of place
od away, by, from, of, of the, off, out of, since, than, with, with effect from
od alkalija alkaline
od barija bariated
od boka do boka side to side
od bolova writhe
od boraksa boracic
od crva pojeden worm eaten
od čega whereof
od dana stupanja na snagu at the date of entering into force of
od dna prema vrhu bottom up, bottom-up
od drveta wooden
od ilovače clayey
od jasena ashen
od jasike aspen
od koga whereof
od kojeg se mnogo očekuje promising
od korisnika do korisnika user-to-user
od kremena flinty
Od krušaka Pear
od krvi i mesa flesh and bone
od mesa with meat
od onda then, thence
od ovog thereof
od pepela ashen
od početka godine year-to-date
od posebnoga interesa of particular interest
od povijesne vrijednosti of historic value
od povrća with vegetables
od prije from before
od primatelja imenovan alternativni primatelj (MHS recipient-designated
od rezultata prema uzroku aposteriori
od riba with fish
od riječi do riječi verbatim
od rođenja congenital
od sad henceforth
od samoga početka from the outset
od samta plushy
od sira with cheese
od straha fear, with fear
od svile silken
od tada after that, hereafter, thereafter
od talija thallic
od tog thereof
od tog doba thenceforth
od toga thereof
od toga doba thence, thereafter
od tud thereof
od važnosti relevant
od vrha prema dolje top-down
od željeza hardware
oda ode
odaberi select
odaberite choose, select
odabir choice, choosing, screening, selection
odabir kandidata candidate selection
odabir podataka na temelju poziva call - based data selection
odabir podataka pozivom call-based data selection
odabir podatkovnog kanala data channel selection
odabir pogodnih primjeraka iz prirode selection of suitable trees from Nature
odabir predloška pattern selection
odabir radova selected works
odabir slučajem randomization
odabir snage takeoff
odabir tekstova o hrvatskoj arhitekturi choice of articles on Croatian architecture
odabir vremena s razmacima slotted timing
odabir za akciju choose
odabir zaštitnih cijevi casing design
odabira choosing, selecting
odabiranje assortment, picking, selection, sorting
odabiranje puta kroz mrežu do odredišta routing
odabirati assort, choose, pick, select
odabirnik selector
odabiru choice, selection
odabran assorted, choice, chosen, elected, exquiste, polite, sampled, select, selected
odabran slučajno randomized
odabrana boja zaslona u prikazu background color
odabrane dionice selected intersections
odabrani selected
odabrani podaci sampled data
odabranih selected
odabranik elect
odabrano selectively
odabranom selected
odabrati check, choose, cull, pick, select, selecting, single
odagnati whip off
odahnuti have a sigh of relief, respire, vent
odaja chamber, room
odaje chambers
odakle from, from where, hence, whence, where, wherefrom
odakle dolaze spasioci where cavers come from
odakle si where are you
odan addicted, addictive, affectionate, attached, clinging, committed, dedicated, devoted, faithful, fealty, liege, loyal, sincere, sincerely, stanch, staunch, straight, submissive, TRUE, whole-hearted
odan dužnosti duteous
odano affectionately, truly
odanost addiction, adherence, allegiance, attachment, devotedness, devotion, fidelity, loyalty, sincerity
odanost nečemu adhesion
odanost,sklonost addiction
odapeti let off, loose
odar hearse
odaslan transmitted
odaslani podatci expedited data
odaslati despatch, expedite, route, send, send off
odaslati (alarm) issue
odaslati (poštu) mail, post
odašiljač sender, transmitter
odašiljač digitalnih podataka digital data transmitter
odašiljač koda code sender
odašiljač podataka data transmitter
odašiljač s izravnom modulacijom directly modulated transmitter
odašiljač s izravnom modulacijom (na frekvenciji o directly modulated
odašiljač signala položaja u nuždi emergency locator transmitter
odašiljač-prijamnik transceiver, transmitter-receiver
odašiljanje despatch, dispatch, emission, sending, transfer, transmission
odašiljanje iste poruke podgrupi terminala multicast
odašiljanje paketa većem broju korisnika putem IP IP multicast
odašiljanje poruke prema jednom terminalu unicasting
odašiljanje stanice cell exit event
odašiljati broadcast, emit, send, shoot, transmit
odašiljati poruke prema jednom terminalu unicast
odati betray, disclose, divulge, reveal, uncover
odati počast commemorate, honour
odati priznanje reward
odati se apply
odatle away, hence, off, thence, therefrom, thus
odavanje betrayal
odavati betray
odavati se indulge
odavde hence, off
odavna a long time ago
odavno a long time ago, long, long since
odaziv response
odaziv birača turnout of voters
odazivanje answerin, answering
odazivati se answer
odazivni answerin
odazvati se answer
odbaci-poveži-preinaci (naredba) reject connect modify
odbaciti abort, cast, decline, disallow, discard, dismiss, give up, ignore, rebuff, refuse, reject, repudiate, throw away(out), throw out, truncate
odbaciti bez dojave silently ignore
odbaciti brod u staro željezo scrap a ship
odbaciti konope i otisnuti se cast off
odbacivanje discarding, graft rejection, rejection, repercussion, shedding, truncation
odbacivanje ćelija cell discarding
odbacivanje okvira frame reject
odbacivanje prazne stanice discarding of idle cell
odbacivanje stanica cell discarding
odbacivanje stanica (u ATM mreži) cell discarding
odbacivati waste
odbačaj rebuff
odbačen cast off, castoff, derelict, discarded, dump, dumped, forlorn, off-cast, refuse, reject, thrown, turndown, waste
odbačena stvar reject
odbačeni predmet castaway
odbačenik offcast
odbačeno dumped
odbačenost turndown
odbici od osnovice tax allowances
odbiće weaning
odbija reflected
odbijajuće temeljne boje subtractive primaries
odbijajući abominable, repellent, repulsive, revolting
odbijanja reflecting
odbijanje ablactation, declension, declination, deduction, denial, disavowal, rebound, reflection, refusal, refuse, rejection, repercussion, repulse, repulsion, reverberation
odbijanje (odašiljanja ili prijama poruke) repudiation
odbijanje dojenčeta od sise ablactation
odbijanje lopte bounce
odbijanje ponude refusal to bid
odbijanje suradnje passive behavior
odbijanje udarca parry
odbijanjem declining
odbijati battle off, demur, fend, frown, mirror, negative, put off, reflect, repel, repulse, retract, revolt
odbijati (se) bounce, rebound
odbijati napad save
odbijati se Bounce, reflect
odbije refuse
odbijen subtractive
odbijena prasad weaned pigs
odbijene reflected
odbijene temeljne boje subtractive primaries
odbir selection
odbita prasad weaned pigs
odbita prasad. weaned pigs.
odbitak deduction, drawback, subtraction
odbitak na izvoru deduction at source
odbiti decline, deduct, detract, disallow, discount, overrule, parry, rebuff, refuse, reject, renounce, repel, repudiate, repulse, resound, subtract, to refuse, ward
odbiti dojenče od sise ablactate
odbiti podršku discountenance
odbiti pomoć to refuse assistance
odbiti prosioca jild
odbiti se recoil, reverberate
odbiti se natrag bounce back