bezafibrat bezafibrate
bezakonit lawless
bezakonje anarchy, lawlessness, misrule
bezalkoholna pića soft drinks
bezalkoholno non-alcoholic
bezalkoholno piće non-alcoholic beverage, soft drink
bezazlen artless, dewy, ingenuous, innocent, inoffensive, naive, simple, simple minded
bezazleni innocent
bezazleno simply
bezazlenost guillessness, naivete
bezbaterijski telefon sound-powered telephone
bezbojan achromatic, bald, colourless
bezbojnost achromatism, flatness
bezbolan painless
bezboštvo atheism, paganism
bezbožan impious, ungodly, unholy
bezbožnik atheist
bezbožnost impiety, irreligion
bezbrižan carefree, careless, devil may care, heedless, improvident, light-hearted, neglectful, negligent, nonchalant, reckless, serene, thoughtlessly, unconcerned
bezbrižno carelessly
bezbrižnost improvidence, nonchalance, peace, placidity
bezbroj counless, countless
bezbrojan countless, incomputable, infinite, innumerable, numberless
bezcarinski duty-free
bezdan abysm, abysmal, abyss, bottomless, chasm, fathomless, gulf, profound
bezdana depths
bezdanost groundlessness
bezdimenzijski dimensionless
bezdimenzijski parametar za izračun broja modova u V number
bezdimni smokeless
bezdimni barut cordite
bezdušan remorseless, soul less, soulless, unfeeling
bezglasan noiseless
bezglav confused
bezglavo bježanje*************** stampede
bezgotovinski cashless
bezgraničan boundless, illimitable, incomprehensible, sovereign, unbounded, unlimited
bezgraničnost boundlessness, unlimitedness
bezgrješan impeccable, sinless
bezgrješnost impeccability
bezimen anonymous, nameless
bezimeni unnamed
bezizgledan unpromising
bezizlazan nonplus
bezizlazni položaj stalemate
bezizrazan expressionless, null
bezizražajnost lack of expression
bezličan impersonal
bezličnost impersonality
bezmetioninski methionineless
bezmjeran infinite, untold
beznačajan immaterial, inconsiderable, insignificant, mean, meaningless, minute, negligible, paltry, petty, pointless, slight, tenuous, trivial, trumpery, unimportant, vain, venial, weightless, worthless
beznačajan čovjek snip, squirt
beznačajna osoba nobody
beznačajna stvar gimcrack
beznačajno immaterial, insignificant, irrelevant, negligible, petty
beznačajnost insignificance
beznadan desperate, disconsolate, hopeless, irredeemable, unpromising
beznadnost despair
bezobličan amorphous, formless, shapeless
bezoblična masa jumble
bezobrazan aweless, brassy, brazen, cheeky, cynical, insolent, perk, perky, pert, saucy
bezobrazluk effrontery, mouth, sauce
bezobraznost insolence
bezobziran blunt, cynical, inconsiderate, reckless, regardless, thoughtlessly, uncharitable, unscrupulous
bezobzirna konkurencija infighting
bezobzirnost cheek, cynicism, indelicacy, negligence
bezočan impious
bezočnost cynicism, nerve
bezolovni benzin lead-free petrol
bezopasan harmless, hurtless, inoffensive, safe, wholesome
bezosjećajan callous, imperturbable, insensate, insensitive, marble, unfeeling
bezrazložan causeless
bezrazorne metode nondestructive method, nondestructive methods
bezrepetitorski transmisijski sustav unrepeatered system
bezubi toothless
bezuljni oil free
bezuman demented
bezumnost nonsense
bezuspješan ineffective, unavalin, unsuccessful
bezuspješno unsuccessfully
bezuvjetan immutable, implicit, termless, unconditional, unconditioned
bezuvjetna transakcija implicit transaction
bezuvjetni izlazak unconditional exit
bezuvjetni posao implicit transaction
bezuvjetno absolutely
bezuvjetno grananje unconditional branching
bezuvjetno prosljeđivanje poziva call forwarding unconditional
bezvazdušan airless, anaerobic
bezvazdušni air-free
bezventilni valveless
bezveznjak geek
bezvjeran faithless, unbelieving
bezvlađe anarchy, interregnum
bezvlašće anarchy
bezvodnih anhydrous
bezvoljan apathetic, bloodless, dejected, passive
bezvrijedan ineligible, naught, nugatory, null, paltry, pitiful, shoddy, slushy, trumpery, unworthy, valueless, worthless
bezvrijedan čovjek nonentity
bezvrijedna e pošta junk e-mail
bezvrijedna e-pošta junk e-mail
bezvrijedna faksimilna kopija junk fax
bezvrijedna stvar trumpery
bezvrijednost futility
bezvučan soundless, toneless, tuneless
bezvučnost soundlessness
bezzračan airless, anaerobic, vacant
bezzračni air-free
bezzračni prostor vacuum
bež beige
beženstvo celibacy
bežičan wireless
bežična inteligentna mreža wireless intelligent network
bežična kućna centrala wireless private branch exchange
bežična lokalna mreža local area wireless network, wireless local area network
bežična lokalna petlja wireless local loop
bežična mreža u zgradi wireless in-building network
bežična mreže u zatvorenom prostoru wireless in-building network
bežična pametna mreža wireless intelligent network
bežična područna mreža wireless local area network
bežična poslovna centrala wireless private branch exchange
bežična telekomunikacija wireless telecommunication
bežične digitalne komunikacije wireless digital communications
bežične komunikacije wireless communications
bežične telekomunikacije cordless telecommunications
bežični aplikacijski protokol wireless application protocol
bežični kana wireless channel
bežični komunikacijski sustav za prijenos brzojava radio telegraphy
bežični mikrofon male snage low power cordless microphone
bežični modem wireless modem
bežični sustavi wireless systems
bežični telefon cordless telephone, mobile phone, wireless phone, wireless telephone
bežični telefon druge generacije cordless telephone generation 2
bežični telefon nulte generacije cordless telephone generation 0
bežični telefon prve generacije cordless telephone - first generation, cordless telephone generation 1
bežični telefon treće generacije cordless telephone generation 3
bežični telefonski sustav cordless telephony system
bežični terminal cordless terminal
beživotan dead, inanimate, lifeless
beživotnost inanity
bhindi bhindi
bi would
bi bile would be
bi bilo would be
bi jednom jedan once upon a time
bi otišla went
bi se would be
bi se trebala should
bi trebao should
biafin biaffine
bianco indosament blank endorsement, endorsement in blank
bianco mjenica blank bill of exchange
bias bias
biber biber, pepper
bibernica pepper box, pepper castor, pepper pot
Biblija Bible, book, book of the books, Holy Bible, Jesus Christ, scripture
biblijska čitanja biblical readings
biblijski Biblical
biblijski ep Biblical epic
biblijski mitemi Biblical myths
biblijski tekstovi biblical scriptures
biblijskih biblical
bibliografija bibliography
bibliografija kvantne logike bibliography on quantum logic
bibliografija radova Bibliography
bibliografije bibliographies
bibliografska baza podataka bibliographic data base
bibliografske baze podataka bibliographic data bases
Bibliografske bilješke Bibliographical notes
bibliografski bibliographic, bibliographical
bibliografski nacrt bibliographical scheme
bibliometrija bibliometrics, bibliometry
bibliotečna datoteka library file
bibliotečni potprogram library routine
biblioteka library
biblioteka dinamičnih telefonskih veza telephony dynamic-link library
bibliotekar librarian
bibliotekarstvo librarianship
biblioterapija bibliotherapy
biblizam biblism
biceps biceps
B-ICI signalizacijski prilagodni sloj B-ICI signaling ATM adaptation layer
bicikl bicycle, bike, cycle, machine
bicikli bicycles
biciklist bicyclist, biker, cyclist
biciklista bicyclist
biciklistička staza cycle track
biciklističke staze bicycle lanes
biciklizam cycling
biciklizma cycling
biciklobutonij kation bicyclobutonium cation
biciklom bicycle
bič flog, lash, scourge, switch, thong, whip, whipcord
bičaši flagellates
bičevanje castigation
bičevati cow-hide, flog, scourge, slash, switch, welt, whip
bića beings
biće being, creature, self, soul
biće iz bajke spirit
bide bide
biedermajer Biedermeier
bifazno kodiranje jedinice biphase mark coding
bife bar, buffet, snack bar
bifenil biphenil
bifenilen biphenylene
bifilarni bifilar
bifokalan bifocal
biftek beef, beefsteak
biftek na žaru grilled beefsteak
biftek punjen gorgonzolom beefsteak filled with gorgonzola
biftek sa žara grilled beefsteak
biftek u lisnatom beefsteak with puffed pastry
biftek u umaku od papra beefsteak in pepper sauce
bifurkacija bifurcation
bifurkacijski dijagrami bifurcation diagrams
bifurkacioni bifurcational
bigamija bigamy
bigamist bigamist
BiH Bosnia and Herzegovina, should
biharmonijska jednadžba biharmonic equation, biharmonius equation
biharmonijski biharmonic
bihevioralne reakcije behavioral reactions
bihevioralne varijable bihevioural variables
bihevioralni modeli behavioural models
biheviorem behavioureme
bihomorfan biholomorphic
bijeda disaster, misery, pest, poverty, squalor
bijedan abject, deplorable, forlorn, haggard, miser, miserable, paltry, piteous, pitiable, poor, sad, shabby, squalid, woeful, wretched
bijedan prihod pittance
bijednik wretch
bijedno mean, miserly
bijeg elopement, escapade, escape, escapement, fled, flight, getaway, lam, offshoot, rout, scuttle
bijel blank, white
bijel kao snijeg snow white, snowy
bijela čaplja egret, great white heron
bijela čapljica little egrett
bijela čiopa alpine swift
bijela dirka natural
bijela glina pipe clay
bijela imela mistletoe
bijela kanja egyptian vulture
bijela kava bijela kava, white coffee
bijela kovina white metal
bijela kuća white
bijela lupina white lupin
bijela pliska white wagtail
bijela repa turnip, turnips
bijela roda Black Stork, White Stork
bijela sjenica penduline tit
bijela slačica white mustard
bijela slika na modroj pozadini blueprint
bijela svjetlost white light
bijela topola abele
bijela zastava parley flag, white flag
bijela zastava koja se ističe u ratu kao znak zaht parley flag
bijela žličarka spoonbill
bijelac Caucasian
bijeli amur gras carp
bijeli celer blanching celery
bijeli dud white mulberry
bijeli grah white kidney bean
bijeli jasen european ash
bijeli kruh soft tack
bijeli kupus white cabbage
bijeli lim terne, tin-iron, tin-plate
bijeli lopoč white lillies, white lilly
bijeli luk garlic
bijeli prudnik sanderling
bijeli ronac Smew
bijeli šećer white sugar
bijeli šum Gaussian noise, white Gaussian noise, white noise
bijeli šum koji se zbraja sa signalom additive white Gaussian noise
bijeli žalar sanderling
bijelih white
bijelim white
bijelim svjetlom white light
bijeliti blanch, bleach, blench, white, whiten
bijelo all round light, white
bijelo jarbolno navigacijsko svijetlo masthead light
bijelo usijan white hot
bijelo usijanje white-heat
bijelo vino white wine
bijelobrdska kultura Bijelo Brdo Culture
bijelom svjetlošću white light
bijeljenje bleaching, whitewash
bijeljeti bleach
bijes anger, bait, choler, ferocity, frenzy, fret, fume, fury, madness, passion, rabies, rage, storm, violence, wrath
bijesan disgusted, ferocious, fierce, fiercely, frantic, furious, irate, mad, rabid, raging, rampant, rugged, violent
bijesno angrily
bijesno protisnuti hiss