nar pomegranate
naracija narration
naracija u stihu narration in verse
naraditi overwork
naramak pruća fag(g)ot
naramenica shoulder strap, shoulder-strap, sling, strap
naramenice epaulets
naranča orange, oranges
narančada orange juice, orangeade
naranča-patuljasta kumquat
narančast orange
narančasta orange
narančasta boja orange
narančasto orange
narančin sok orange juice
narastanje excrescence
narasti accrue
naraštaj accretion, generation
naraštaji generations
narativan narrative
narativne razlike narrative levels
narativne strategije Narrative strategie, narrative strategies
narativni tekst narrative text
naratologija narrative, narratology
narav character, mettle, mood, moral, nature, temper
narav čovjeka human nature, nature of man
narav svjetlosti nature of light
narav uma nature of intellect
naravan natural, unadulterated
naravi character, nature
naravnati defray, reconcile
naravni jezik natural language
naravno assuredly, course, indeed, naturally, of course, sure
narazin narasin
narcis daffodil
narcisa daffodil
naredba command, decree, direction, instruction, injunction, order, ordinance, precept
naredba AT AT command, attention command
naredba bez adrese no-address instruction
naredba bez učinka no operation instruction
naredba bilježenja log command
naredba grananja branch instruction
naredba izbornika menu element
naredba kojom računalna aplikacija zahtijeva izvrš remote call procedure
naredba logičkog pridruživanja logical assignment statement
naredba nije uspjela command failed
naredba odlučivanja decision instruction
naredba pozornosti attention command
naredba pozornosti (u modemu) attention command
naredba prijamniku quit
naredba prijelaza na nadređeni imenik change to parent directory
naredba promjene vary command
naredba promjene radnog imenika change working directory
naredba skoka branch instruction
naredba u programu statement
naredba učitavanja load instruction
naredba uređaju da se vrati u početno stanje quit
naredba za bilješku note statement
naredba za napomenu note statement
naredba za otvaranje open statement
naredba za preskok blank command
naredba za prijenos more statement
naredba za prijenos podataka data transfer instruction, data transmission instruction
naredba za sabiranje add statement
naredba za spajanje and
naredba za uništenje eksplozivnih sredstava explosive ordnance disposal
naredba zapisivanja log command
naredba zbrajanja add instruction
naredbe commands
naredben command
naredbena crta command line
naredbena lista command list
naredbena sintaksa command syntax
naredbena veza command link
naredbeni dio operation post
naredbeni redak command line
naredbeni znak command character
naredbenoj command
naredbeno-upravljački sustav command and control system
naredbi commands
naredbu command
narediti bid, command, direct, enjoin, order, prescribe, require
naredni coming
narednik sergeant
narednog next
naređena lista usmjeravanja designated transit list
naređeno registriranje (pokretne postaje po naredb ordered registration
naređeno upisivanje ordered registration
naređenje za povratak back statement
naređivati dictate, direct, order
narezak cutlet, slice
narezan threaded
naricaljka dirge, lament, requiem, threnody
naricanje complaint, lament, lamentation
naricati bewail, complain, lament, moan, wail
narinuti obtrude
narječja speed
narječje dialect, group of dialects, idiom, speech, vernacular
narkoman addict, dope fiend, drug addict, junkie, junky
narkomanija drug addiction
narkotičan narcosis, narcotic
narkotik dope, narcotic, soporific
narkoza drug, narcosis
n-arna struktura n-ary structure
n-arni (n označava broj diskretnih vrijednosti n-ary
naročit distinctive, particular, remarkable, singular, special
naročita osjetljivost idiosycrasy, idiosyncrasy
naročiti especial
naročiti lijek specific
naročito especially, extra, particularly, primarily
naročitost speciality
narod commons, folk, mass, nation, people, populace, public
naroda nations
narodi nations, people, peoples
Narodna banka National Bank
narodna čitaonica national library
narodna demokracija people's democracy
narodna garda national guard
narodna industrija folk industry
narodna knjižnica public library
narodna nošnja folk costume, national costume
narodna pjesma folk song
Narodna Republika Bangladeš People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Narodna Republika Kina People’s Republic of China
narodna zastava national colour, national flag
narodne folk
narodne nošnje folk costumes
Narodne novine Official Gazette
narodni folk, national, national holiday, popular, public, putative
narodni jezik native language
narodni ples folk dance
narodni preporod national renesaince, National Revival
narodni suverenitet national sovereignty
narodnih folk, national
narodnih nošnji folk costumes
narodno national, people's
narodno gospodarstvo national economy
Narodno vijeće National Council
Narodno vijeće SHS National Counsel of SCS
narodnoj predaji tradition
narodnosna struktura nation structure
narodnost nation, nationality
narodnosti Nationalities
narteks narthex
naručen purchased
naručenog ordered
naručila ordered
naručili ordered
naručitelj client, customer
naručitelj po brodarskom ugovoru na vrijeme time charterer
naručitelj usluga client
naručitelj zakupa charterer
naručitelja clients
naručitelja usluga clients
naručiti order
naručivati order
naručje armful, arms
narudžba order, ordering, work order
narudžbenica indent, job order sheet, order form, order ticket, purchase order
narukvica armband, armlet, bracelet
narukvice bracelets
narušavaju spoil
narušavanje violation
narušavanje bipolarnosti alternate mark inversion violation, alternate mark inversion violation (AMI violation)
narušavanje reda perturbation
narušavanje tržišnoga natjecanja distortion of competition
narušavanjem violation
narušavati distort, disturb, impair
narušavati tržišno natjecanje to distort competition
narušavati uvjete impair conditions
narušena zdravlja dissipated
narušiti disturb, perturb, prejudice, undermine
narušiti re disorganize
narušiti red disorganize
nas ourselves, us
nas same ourselves
nas vodi takes us
nasad plantation
nasalni receptori nasal receptors
nasamariti deceive, dupe, fob, kid
nasapunjati lather, soap
naseliti immigrate, populate, settle
naseliti se settle, squat
naselja nobility, settlements, villages
naselja na otvorenom settlements in the open
naselja otvorenog tipa open-type settlements
naseljavaju settled
naseljavali domiciled, inhabited
naseljavan domiciled
naseljavanje colonisation rate, population
naselje settlement, settlements, village
naselje na obali rijeke Settlement on the river bank
naseljen inhabitated
naseljenik settler
naseljeno inhabitated
naseljenje settlement
naseljima villages
naseljiv habitable
naselju village
naseljuju settling in
naseobina colony
naseobinu settlement
nasilan forcible, heavy-handed, outrageous, violent
nasilni pokušaj otključavanja (npr. datoteke) lock violation
nasilnici bullies
nasilnik purpotrator, violator, violent person
nasilno rough
nasilno odvesti abduckt, abduct
nasilno za službu na brodu ili u vojsci crimp
nasilnost rowdiness
nasilje outrage, tyranny, violation, violence
nasilje u školi bullying
nasip bank, bulwark, causeway, dam, dike, dyke, embankment, moun, mound, pier, sea
nasipa embankment
nasipanje filling
nasipe embankment
nasipu embankments
nasititi se eat one's fill
nasjeckati chop
nasjesti be deceived
naskroz throughout
naslada delight, enjoyment
naslađivati se enjoy
naslaga deposit, layer, lode, pile, rock, sediment, storage, store, strata, stratum
naslagati heap, lay up
naslagati prozore Cascade Windows
naslagati u visinu stack
naslage beds
naslanja abuts
naslanjanje lean
naslanjati se abut
naslijedan hereditary
naslijediti inherit, succeed
naslijedstvo heritage
naslijeđe inheritance, tradition
naslijeđem traditions
naslijeđen ancestral, hereditary, heritable, inherited
naslijeđena aplikacija legacy application
naslijeđena osobina reversion
naslijeđene inherited
naslijeđeni namjenski program legacy application
naslikati image, picture
naslon back, shoulder
nasloniti recline
nasloniti se recline
naslonjač arm chair, armchair, easy-chair, reclining chair
naslonjača arm chair, armchair, seat
naslonjen accumbent, recumbent
naslov address, caption, catch word, heading, headline, name, style, tile, title
naslov (slike caption
naslov ekrana titlebar
naslov novinskog stupca headline
naslov prvaka champion' s title
naslov stupca column heading, headline
naslov uz prezime muškarca Mr
naslov uz prezime udate žene Mrs
naslova title
naslove titles
naslovi u margini side heads
nasloviti address, entitle
nasloviti zahtjev to address a request
naslovljavanje addressing
naslovljen entitled
naslovljenik pripovijedanja naratee
naslovljenog entitled
naslovljiv addressable
naslovna oznaka header label
naslovna stranica title page
naslovna traka title bar, Titlebar
naslovne riječi title case words
naslovni list frontispiece
naslovnica cover sheet
naslovnica faksa fax cover sheet
naslovnik addressee
naslutiti flair, forebode, portend
naslutiti nešto flair
nasljedan hereditary
nasljedna bolest congenital disease
nasljedna dobit reversionary bonus
nasljedna renta reversionary annuity
nasljedni hereditary, reversionary
nasljednici heiress
nasljednik heir, legatee, successor
nasljedno pravo law of inheritance, law of succession
nasljednost heredity, heritability
nasljedstvo bequest, heredity, heritage, inheritance, legacy, patrimony
nasljeđa heritage
nasljeđe heritage, inheritance, patrimony
nasljeđivanje inheritance, Succession
nasljeđivanje poljoprivrednoga gospodarstva transfer of farms
nasljeđivati inherit
nasljeđuje succeeded
nasmetiti litter
nasmijan laughing, smiling
nasmijana smiling
nasmijati jolly
nasmije laugh
nasmiješiti se smile
naspram against
nasrnuti aggress, assail, encroach
nasrtaj thrust
nasrtati infest
nasrtljiv aggressive, urgent
nasrtljivost aggression
nastajali evolve
nastajanje gestation
nastajanje profita emergence of profit
nastajati arise, evolve, grow
nastaju arising, occurring
nastala came into existence
nastale štete incurred claims
nastali incurred
nastali u Hrvatskoj written in Croatia
nastalog incurred
nastamba living
nastanak came into being, emergence, genesis
nastaniti accommodate, domicile, inhabit, people, pioneer, populate, settle
nastaniti se house, settle
nastanka came into being
nastanjen inhabited, settled
nastanjenim inhabited
nastanjiv inhabiting
nastanjivali settled
nastanjivati inhabit
nastao developed, resulting
nastao je developed
nastati arise, came into existence, incur, issue, result, set up
nastati kao posljedica arise from differences
nastati početi originate
nastava class, classes, education, educational system, instruction, secondary school, teaching
nastava jezika language teaching
nastava kemije u Hrvatskoj Educational system of chemistry in Croatia
nastava matematike teaching of mathematics
nastavak butt, continuation, continued, ending, extension, instalment, resumption, sequel, sequence, sequent, splice, suite, to continue
nastavi continue, to continue
nastavila continue, went on
nastavio continues
nastaviti continue, continued, maintain, proceed, prolong, resume
nastaviti igru continue the game
nastaviti s to apply forth with
nastaviti s provedbom mjera to maintain measures
nastavku continuation
nastavljanje continuation, juxtaposition, resumption
nastavljen continuing
nastavljena continuing
nastavna jedinica training unit
nastavna metoda teaching method
nastavna praksa teaching practice
nastavna tehnologija teaching technology
nastavne metode teaching methods
nastavni educational
nastavni materijali curriculum material, teaching materials
nastavni plan syllabus, teaching plan
nastavni plan i program curriculum, educational plan and program, syllabus, teaching curriculum
nastavni program curriculum
nastavni sat lesson
nastavnica teacher
nastavnici teachers
nastavničke kauzalne atribucije students' interest in learning
nastavnički stres teacher job-stress
nastavnih teaching
nastavnik educator, liege, monitor, pedagogic, pedagogue, preceptor, teacher
nastavnika subject teachers
nastavnika i profesora moral characteristic of the parents
nastavnike teachers
nastavno gradivo teaching materials
nastavno na further to
nastavu learning
nastojali tried
nastojanja efforts, endeavours
nastojanje effort, endeavor, endeavour, exertion
nastojanju endeavour
nastojat strive, undertaken
nastojati attempt, endeavour, insist, persevere, seek, strive, tend, to endeavour to, try
nastojati učiniti to endeavour to
nastoji tries
nastojimo strive, try
nastojnik caretaker
nastran bizarre, crotchety, cussed, deviant, eccentric, extravagant, fanciful, mad, nasty, odd, oddish, queer, quizzical, ringlety, rum, rummy, screwy, vagrant, wrongheaded
nastran čovjek medcap
nastranost eccentricity, oddity, vagary
nastrešnica eaves
nastrojenih orientation
nastup advent, appearance, attack, bout, burst, conniption, emersion, entrance, fit, flash, onset, outbreak, outburst, seizure, spell, twinge
nastup bola twinge
nastup bolesti accession
nastup gnjeva tantrum
nastupajući comming
nastupanje appearance, attack, ingoing, performance
nastupanje mrak nightfall
nastupati act, appear, behave
nastupiti appear, arrive, behave, mature, pose
nastupna površina tread-board