Rad HAZU, Matematičke znanosti, Vol. 25 (2021), 51-77.
Nicolas T. Courtois, Marek Grajek and Michal Rams
University College London, Gower Street, London, UK
e-mail: n.courtois@ucl.ac.uk
Independent expert on crypto history, Grodzisk Mazowiecki, Poland
e-mail: mjg@interia.eu
Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
e-mail: rams@impan.pl
Abstract. Since the 1920s until today it was assumed that rotors in
Enigma cipher machines do not have a particular weakness or structure. A
curious situation compared to hundreds of papers about S-boxes and weak
setup in block ciphers. In this paper we reflect on what is normal and what
is not normal for a cipher machine rotor, with a reference point being a
truly random permutation. Our research shows that most original wartime
Enigma rotors ever made are not at all random permutations and conceal
strong differential properties invariant by rotor rotation. We also exhibit
linear/algebraic properties pertaining to the ring of integers modulo 26.
Some rotors are imitating a certain construction of a perfect quasigroup
which however only works when N is odd. Most other rotors are simply
trying to approximate the ideal situation. To the best of our knowledge
these facts are new and were not studied before 2020.
2020 Mathematics Subject Classification.
94A60, 68P25, 20N05, 05B15, 13A50.
Key words and phrases. Enigma, block ciphers, linear cryptanalysis, differential cryptanalysis,
weak keys, Latin squares, algebraic representation, quasigroups, Turing-Welchman attack.
Full text (PDF) (free access)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21857/y26kec4k89
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