Rad HAZU, Matematičke znanosti, Vol. 22 (2018), 145-170.


Nikica Uglešić

Veli Råt, Dugi Otok, Hrvatska
e-mail: nuglesic@unizd.hr

Abstract.   All lp spaces (over the same field), p ≠ ∞, have the finite quotient shape type of the Hilbert space l2. It is also the finite quotient shape type of all the subspaces lp(p'), p < p' ≤ ∞, as well as of all their direct sum subspaces F0N(p'), 1 ≤ p' ≤ ∞. Furthermore, their countable and finite quotient shape types coincide. Similarly, for a given positive integer, all Lp spaces (over the same field) have the finite quotient shape type of the Hilbert space L2, and their countable and finite quotient shape types coincide. Quite analogous facts hold true for the (special type of) Sobolev spaces (of all appropriate real functions).

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification.   54E99, 55P55.

Key words and phrases.   Normed (Banach, Hilbert vectorial) space, quotient normed space, lp space, Lp space, Sobolev space, (algebraic) dimension, (infinite) cardinal, (general) continuum hypothesis, quotient shape.

Full text (PDF) (free access)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21857/9xn31cr62y


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