Rad HAZU, Matematičke znanosti, Vol. 12 (1995)
- E. Kramer, A contribution to the analysis of a biplane with parameters (154,18,2), (1-6)
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- I. Matulić-Bedenić and K. Horvatić-Baldasar,
On infinite series of biplanes of order n ≠ 2 prime number with Frobenius group
Fn·(n-1), (7-12)
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- V. Szirovicza, Berührbüschel von Kegelschnitten der isotropen Ebene mit konjugiert-komplexen
Grundpunkten, (13-34)
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- Lj. Dedić, Generalizations of Wiener measure and Brownian motion, (35-59)
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- Lj. Dedić, The Plemelj-Smithies formula and moments of Gaussian measures, (61-68)
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- N. Uglešić, Stability of gauged approximate resolutions, (69-85)
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- F. Mészáros, Flächen 2. Ordnung im pseudoisotropen Raum
I3(1)P, (87-111)
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- H. Havlicek, Invariant points of circular transformations, (113-118)
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- V. Ščurić-Čudovan and H. Sachs,
Klassifikationstheorie der Kegelschnittbüschel vom Typ IV der isotropen Ebene, I, (119-137)
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- I. Kamenarović, Quadrics in the Galilean space G3, (139-156)
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- A. Sliepčević, Isogonale Transformation und Fokalkurve einer Kegelschnittschar, (157-166)
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- I. Babić, Darstellende Geometrie im hyperbolischen H3-Raum. I. Teil.
Grundbegriffe. Definitionen. Lagenbeziehungen,
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- S. Gorjanc, Quartic inversion in space and some of its products, (187-197)
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- S. Varošanec, A remark on Volkov's result, (199-203)
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- L. Czech, Simple construction of ruled surface of the third degree, (205-208)
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- B. Mond and J. Pečarić, Some inequalities for monotonic sequences of operators,
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- M. Polonijo, Quasicentroids of tetrahedrons in IMC-ternary quasigroups, (217-226)
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- C. Jardas and N. Sarapa, A note on the mean ergodic theorem, (227-233)
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