Rad HAZU, Matematičke znanosti, Vol. 10 (1991)
- H. Wresnik, Regelflächen mit mehreren EK-Scharen II, (1-8)
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- I. Matulić-Bedenić, The classification of projective planes of order 13 which
possess an involution, (9-13)
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- D. Palman, Vollständig zirkuläre Kurven 4. Ordnung der isotropen Ebene, (15-32)
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- S. J. Bilchev and D. G. Kontogianis, A short and elementary proof of Mushkarov-Simeonov's
inequality, (33-37)
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- V. Ščurić-Čudovan, Weitere Untersuchungen in der
Gesamtheit (MF2), II. Teil, Komplex (VN), (39-57)
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- D. Veljan, On the Erdős-Mordell type inequalities for plane and space, (59-64)
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- Z. Miminoshvili, On axiomatic strong homology theory, (65-79)
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- D. Palman, Eine Verallgemeinerung des Potenzbegriffes in der isotropen Ebene und im einfach isotropen
Raum, (81-93)
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- O. Röschel, Kinematic rational Bézier patches I, (95-108)
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- I. Lončar, The Wallman extension of the inverse limit, (109-113)
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- J. Lang and H. Wresnik, Symmetrische Schrotungen an Strahlkongruenzen des Euklidischen
Raumes, (115-130)
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- O. Röschel, Kinematic rational Bézier patches II, (131-138)
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- V. Volenec, Geometry of IM-quasigroups, (139-146)
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- K. Horvatić, Pseudoballs and Poincaré conjecture, (147-158)
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- S. Mardešić, Strong expansions and strong shape for pairs of spaces, (159-172)
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- M. L. Husty, Über Polkurven von einparametrigen Bewegungsvorgängen in der isotropen Ebene,
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- I. Kamenarović, Existence theorems for ruled surfaces in the Galilean space G3,
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- H. Sachs and V. Ščurić-Čudovan,
Zur Theorie der Flächen 2. Ordnung im Flaggenraum, (197-216)
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- J. Novotná, Discrete analogues of certain inequalities of Wirtinger type involving a function and its first
and second derivatives, (217-225)
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