Andrej Dujella - Graduation Thesis Supervisorships:

  1. Drazenka Djurin, Dimension Theory (8.3.1995.)

  2. Jasmina Gulija, Convex Invariants (14.7.1995.)

  3. Natasa Waniek, Gaussian Integers and Four Square Theorem (6.11.1995.)

  4. Mario Spremic, Convex Sets in Topological Vector Spaces (22.11.1995.)

  5. Natasa Lepoglavec, Separation and Countability Axioms (12.6.1996.)

  6. Ivana Grga, Compact and Paracompact Spaces (17.6.1996.)

  7. Mirela Zadro, Helly Theorem and Its Applications (17.6.1996.)

  8. Antonela Srzic, Metrizability of Topological Spaces (3.7.1996.)

  9. Tatjana Bosnic, Quadratic Residues and Quadratic Reciprocity Law (16.10.1996.)

  10. Katarina Gavric, Abstract Convexity Theory (20.11.1996.)

  11. Zdenka Jurcevic, Erdos-Selfridge Theorem on Products of Consecutive Integers (10.12.1996.)

  12. Jasminka Horvat, Geometric Properties of Convex Sets (29.1.1997.)

  13. Dragica Pravica, Representations of Positive Integers as Sums of k-th Powers (17.2.1997.)

  14. Sanja Franulovic, Constructions on Topological Spaces (10.7.1997.)

  15. Daniela Novakovic, The 3n+1 problem and Its Generalizations (14.7.1997.)

  16. Damir Hotko, Continued Fractions and Asymptotic Diophantine Approximations (4.11.1997.)

  17. Sanja Sagaj, Primitive Roots and Indices (10.11.1997.)

  18. Zeljka Lacko, Selection Theory (3.12.1997.)

  19. Marina Presecki, Quadratic Fields (17.3.1998.)

  20. Vlatka Peric, Separation Axioms in Axiomatic Theory of Convexity (6.4.1998.)

  21. Marta Farcic, Topologies on Families of Subsets (27.4.1998.)

  22. Neven Crnosija, Topological Spaces with Convex Structure (18.5.1998.)

  23. Melita Kovacevic, Primitive Divisors of Fibonacci Numbers (5.6.1998.)

  24. Ornela Trek, Pythagorean Triples (29.6.1998.)

  25. Sandra Kovac, Waring's Problem (8.7.1998.)

  26. Zrinka Blazek, Krein-Milman Theorem for Topological Convexities (9.7.1998.)

  27. Branka Lucic, Congruences (16.7.1998.)

  28. Vera Tonic, Theory of Regular Neighborhoods (24.9.1998.)

  29. Hrvoje Strepacki, Pseudo-metric Spaces (30.9.1998.)

  30. Sebastijan Prosenjak, Squares in Fibonacci and Lucas Sequences (8.10.1998.)

  31. Gordana Leder, Diophantine Equation ax + by = cz (8.10.1998.)

  32. Marko Goljak, Cantor Set (21.10.1998.)

  33. Mihaela Lojen, Pseudoprimes (3.11.1998.)

  34. Dejana Koncar, Interval Spaces (4.11.1998.)

  35. Antonio Supicic, Functions between Convex Structures (17.2.1999.)

  36. Ljiljana Ivsa, Divisibility of Fibonacci Numbers (9.3.1999.)

  37. Biljana Stefanov-Ivanov, P-spaces (15.3.1999.)

  38. Lidija Crnkovic, Arithmetical Functions and Integer Points (19.4.1999.)

  39. Fabrizio Vizintin, Pell Equation in Imaginary Quadratic Fields (26.4.1999.)

  40. Igor Bakovic, Torsion Points on Elliptic Curves (29.4.1999.)

  41. Dejan Ivanek, Bryant-Webster Spaces (3.5.1999.)

  42. Jesenka Znidaric, Prime Numbers (26.5.1999.)

  43. Gordana Svetlicic, Schnirelmann Density and Mann's Theorem (27.5.1999.)

  44. Elena Ostric, Prime Number Theorem (27.5.1999.)

  45. Gordana Baric, Perfect Numbers (15.6.1999.)

  46. Kruno Jugovic, Euler Function (18.6.1999.)

  47. Vedrana Alisic, Theory of Retracts (28.6.1999.)

  48. Natasa Gregurec, Gauss Hypergeometric Function (28.6.1999.)

  49. Tanja Katunaric, Approximation of Complex Numbers (28.6.1999.)

  50. Vladimir Maric, Modules (1.7.1999.)

  51. Irena Rasovic, Bezout's Theorem (6.9.1999.)

  52. Jasminka Masic, Diophantine Equations of the Second Degree (11.10.1999.)

  53. Ivica Kovacic, Square Classes of Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers (12.10.1999.)

  54. Tanja Cehic, Elementary Proof of a Theorem of Baker and Davenport (13.10.1999.)

  55. Ivan Budimir, Modular and Semimodular Lattices (18.10.1999.)

  56. Toni Milun, Connected Spaces (20.10.1999.)

  57. Ivana Lukin, Continued Fraction Algorithm for Egyptian Fractions (27.10.1999.)

  58. Tanja Stimec, Abelian Groups (19.1.2000.)

  59. Vedrana Djokovic, Equations over Finite Fields (28.2.2000.)

  60. Lada Rokov, Heuristic and Probabilistic Results on Distribution of Primes (13.3.2000.)

  61. Marija Fotak, Factorization Methods (7.6.2000.)

  62. Maja Tot-Djerdj, Theory of Partitions (12.6.2000.)

  63. Andreja Plantak, Complete Lattices (28.6.2000.)

  64. Tajana Varunek, Multiples of Irrational Numbers (13.7.2000.)

  65. Dzenana Odobasic, Groups of Permutations (14.7.2000.)

  66. Silvija Kranjcec, p-adic Numbers (2.10.2000.)

  67. Kristina Belina, Simultaneous Diophantine Approximations (4.10.2000.)

  68. Zaklina Polak, Structure of Groups (9.10.2000.)

  69. Stefica Poljski, Diophantus and Diophantine Equations (11.10.2000.)

  70. Maria Bratanic, Polynomials over Commutative Rings and Fields (13.10.2000.)

  71. Nikolina Grdjan, Fibonacci Number System (25.10.2000.)

  72. Marko Stokuca, Finite p-groups and Sylow Theorems (16.2.2001.)

  73. Tanja Marevic, Dirichlet's Theorem on Primes in Arithmetic Progressions (23.2.2001.)

  74. Lorana Antunac, Continued Fractions (23.2.2001.)

  75. Mira Martinic, Dirichlet Series (26.2.2001.)

  76. Vesna Smadilo, The Basics of Cryptography (4.4.2001.)

  77. Drago Begic, Function Spaces (20.4.2001.)

  78. Maja Skevin, Diophantine Approximations (28.5.2001.)

  79. Sasa Orcic, Bernoulli Numbers (31.10.2001.)

  80. Tonci Crmaric, Freiman's Theorem (7.11.2001.)

  81. Tatjana Les, Sidon Sets (7.12.2001.)

  82. Davor Budimir, Hasse-Minkowski Theorem (9.1.2002.)

  83. Jasna Mesic, Representations of Integers as Sums of Squares (11.1.2002.)

  84. Anamarija Horvat, Finite Fields and Quadratic Residues (22.2.2002.)

  85. Ivana Petek, Advanced Encryption Standard (25.4.2002.)

  86. Marcel Maretic, Elliptic Curves in Cryptography (5.6.2002.)

  87. Robert Buntak, Diffie-Hellman Key Distribution Protocol (23.9.2002.)

  88. Tajana Sesjak, Polyalphabetic Ciphers (4.10.2002.)

  89. Dubravka Terzic, Primality Tests (11.11.2002.)

  90. Mario Matijevic, Discrete Logarithm Problem (25.11.2002.)

  91. Dalibor Ozvacic, Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Section (29.11.2002.)

  92. Tamara Krulic, Hash Functions in Cryptography (9.12.2002.)

  93. Ana Kundic, Knapsack Problem and Applications in Cryptography (19.2.2003.)

  94. Jelena Milun, Continued Fractions and Their Applications (19.2.2003.)

  95. Sabrina Buha, Fermat's Little Theorem and Its Consequences (20.2.2003.)

  96. Mia Ezgeta, Primality Testing (28.2.2003.)

  97. Narcisa Polic, Zero-knowledge Proofs (27.3.2003.)

  98. Ruzica Soldo, Kneser's Theorem (31.3.2003.)

  99. Jadranka Greguric, DES Cryptosystem (10.9.2003.)

  100. Vinko Petricevic, Congruent Numbers and Elliptic Curves (13.10.2003.)

  101. Aneta Jozic, Congruences of Integers and Polynomials (15.10.2003.)

  102. Ana Korunek, Statistical Properties of Arithmetic Functions (29.10.2003.)

  103. Mirela Gabaj, Mersenne Numbers and Perfect Numbers (8.12.2003.)

  104. Matija Kazalicki, Modular Functions and Complex Multiplication of Elliptic Curves (19.12.2003.)

  105. Petra Tadic, Mordell's Theorem (7.1.2004.)

  106. Irena Pacic, Shannon's Theory (26.2.2004.)

  107. Irena Blazevic, RC6 Cryptosystem (26.4.2004.)

  108. Helena Dragovic, History of Cryptography (13.7.2004.)

  109. Ana Vrban, Monoalphabetic Substitution Ciphers (15.10.2004.)

  110. Sanja Zeljkovic, Steganography (30.3.2005.)

  111. Ana-Marija Tomic, Digital Signature and Digital Money (27.6.2005.)

  112. Tonci Kalina, Internet Security and SSL Protocol (14.7.2005.)

  113. Helena Bogunovic, Arithmetic Functions (7.11.2005.)

  114. Tomislav Pejkovic, Roth's Theorem (21.11.2005.)

  115. Romana Mokrovic, Topological Convex Structures (30.11.2005.)

  116. Mihaela Odak, Error-correcting codes and McEliece Cryptosystem (6.2.2006.)

  117. Tanja Kantoci, Modern Block Ciphers (20.2.2006.)

  118. Marina Miletic, Transposition Ciphers (23.2.2006.)

  119. Maja Radulovic, Markov Chain (2.5.2006.)

  120. Danijela Skarijot, Digital Watermarking (5.5.2006.)

  121. Josip Matanovic, Steganography: Hiding Information in Images (15.5.2006.)

  122. Marko Seremet, Algorithms for Large-Integer Multiplications (12.6.2006.)

  123. Nina Culo, Algebraic Numbers (28.6.2006.)

  124. Valentina Flego, PGP - Pretty Good Privacy (12.7.2006.)

  125. Branka Skelin, Elliptic Curves and Elliptic Functions (4.12.2006.)

  126. Filip Najman, Representation of Primes by Quadratic Forms (19.1.2007.)

  127. Mirjana Sinkic, Euclidean Algorithm (23.1.2007.)

  128. Nikolina Marijan, Primitive Roots and Quadratic Residues (26.2.2007.)

  129. Goran Hatala, ENIGMA (5.3.2007.)

  130. Vladimir Novakovic, Distribution of Quadratic Residues (11.7.2007.)

  131. Ana Kuzle, Complex Continued Fractions (12.10.2007.)

  132. Branimir Petrusa, Principles of Design of Modern Block Cryptosystems (14.12.2007.)

  133. Tihana Pecenkovic, Security of Electronic Commerce (21.12.2007.)

  134. Bruno Tanfara, Public Key Infrastructure (14.1.2008.)

  135. Ivana Sucic, Security of Bank Systems (14.3.2008.)

  136. Iva Jankovic, Digital Signature Authentication (15.5.2008.)

  137. Irma Fazlic, Public Key Cryptography (16.5.2008.)

  138. Hrvoje Biscan, Polygraphic Substitution Ciphers (23.6.2008.)

  139. Nina Mikolaj, Pell Equation and Pythagorean Triples (7.7.2008.)

  140. Marija Barun, Cryptography in School (25.9.2008.)

  141. Helena Cikojevic, Factorization and Ideals (27.10.2008.)

  142. Mateja Matulin, Polynomials over finite fields, (20.11.2008.)

  143. Darko Patrcevic, Cryptosystems with Public Key (20.11.2008.)

  144. Silvija Dodig, RSA Cryptosystem (21.11.2008.)

  145. Danijela Varga, Solving Congruences (11.12.2008.)

  146. Melani Sulejmani, Convex Sets (18.12.2008.)

  147. Ivana Daus, Security of Micropayment Systems (16.1.2009.)

  148. Goran Ljaljic, Distribution of Prime Numbers (2.2.2009.)

  149. Ivana Hladki, Technologies for E-Commerce (3.4.2009.)

  150. Lucija Laca, Smart Cards (6.4.2009.)

  151. Anton Majetic, Generating Random Numbers (19.6.2009.)

  152. Doris Striskovic, Micropayments (7.9.2009.)

  153. Sanja Oreskovic, Perfect Numbers (8.9.2009.)

  154. Jelena Debogovic, Fermat Numbers (24.9.2009.)

  155. Tanja Vranesevic, Secure Online Credit Card Payments (5.11.2009.)

  156. Tajana Soufek, Digital Cash and Digital Checks (10.12.2009.)

  157. Zrinka Mujukic, Smart Card Security in Banking (25.2.2010.)

  158. Ivana Orsolic, Sieve Methods (13.7.2010.)

  159. Maja Ivkovic, Cryptography in the Second World War (14.7.2010.)

  160. Dijana Kreso, Elliptic Curves over Finite Fields (14.7.2010.)

  161. Stefica Vitkovic, Quadratic Fields and Quadratic Forms (8.9.2010.)

  162. Petar Sirkovic, LLL Algorithm and Some Applications to Cryptography (6.7.2012.)

  163. Mia Mijatovic, Finite Fields and Polynomial Congruences (6.9.2012.)

  164. Tihana Trivic, Internet Security (6.9.2012.)

  165. Mirjana Antonija Bencek, Stream Ciphers (25.1.2013.)

  166. Sonja Stabi, Geometric Approach to Continued Fractions (8.2.2013.)

  167. Dora Vidakovic, Applications of Elliptic Curves in Cryptography (8.2.2013.)

  168. Kristina Milovic, Diffie-Hellman Problem and Discrete Logarithm Problem (11.4.2013.)

  169. Marija Gudelj, Indefinite Binary Quadratic Forms (26.9.2013.)

  170. Antonio Kovacic, DNA Cryptography (14.7.2014.)

  171. Ivana Marsic, Padé Approximants and Diophantine Approximations (14.7.2014.)

  172. Mladen Badrov, Addition and Points Multiplication on Elliptic Curves (26.9.2014.)

  173. Josip Ivekovic, Hybrid Cryptosystems (26.9.2014.)

  174. Ana Boban, Cubic and Biquadratic Reciprocity Laws (26.9.2014.)

  175. Valentina Pribanic, NTRU Cryptosystem (13.7.2015.)

  176. Monika Ratkajec, Block Cipher Modes of Operation (24.9.2015.)

  177. Andrea Tolic, Transposition Ciphers ADFGX and ADFGVX (24.9.2015.)

  178. Ana-Marija Pospaic, Transcendental Numbers (13.7.2016.)

  179. Leonora Gaspar, Differential Cryptanalysis (13.7.2016.)

  180. Jelena Krnjak, Stream Cipher RC4 (27.9.2016.)

  181. Tomislava Solar, Quadratic Residues and Square Roots in Public Key Cryptography (29.11.2016.)

  182. Ana Mimica, Generating Elliptic Curves Using the Complex Multiplication Method (18.7.2017.)

  183. Martina Alilovic, Cryptanalysis of RSA and Its Variants (28.9.2017.)

  184. Kristina Kralj, Applications of Continued Fractions in Factorization and Primality Testing (28.11.2017.)

  185. Marija Sabljic, Koblitz Elliptic Curves (17.7.2018.)

  186. Tanja Zrilic, Homomorphic Cryptosystems (17.7.2018.)

  187. Ana Vlasic, Block Cipher KeeLoq (27.9.2018.)

  188. Petar Vlasic, Classical and Quantum Attacks on Discrete Logarithm Problem (27.9.2018.)

  189. Mia Matic, Algorithms for Factorization of Polynomials, (27.9.2018.)

  190. Marija Laca, Factorization of Large Positive Integers, (16.7.2019.)

  191. Viktorija Pihler, Applications of Smart Cards in Finance and Banking, (26.9.2019.)

  192. Mihaela Bos, Characteristic Region-Based Image Steganography (22.7.2021.)

  193. Martina Gacina, Pollard's Factorization Methods (4.3.2022.)

  194. Ena Majin, Perfect Security in Cryptography (27.9.2022.)

  195. Martin Matijevic, Arithmetic of Finite Fields (27.9.2022.)

  196. Jelena Zuparić-Iljic, From Pythagoras' to Fermat's Equation (27.9.2022.)

  197. Natasa Glozinic, Decimal Representation of Real Numbers (30.11.2022.)

  198. Fran Misic, Statistical Tests for Polyalphabetic Ciphers (26.9.2023.)

  199. Mihaela Zima, Digital Signature using Elliptic Curves (27.9.2023.)

  200. Luka Zunic, Rank of Elliptic Curves (28.2.2024.)

  201. Nina Salaj, Application Programming Interface Security (27.11.2024.)

  202. Brigita Rusan, Cryptographic Algorithms for Limited-resource Devices (27.2.2025.)

  203. Doris Blašković, Zodiac's Cipher (27.2.2025.)

Andrej Dujella home page