Andrej Dujella - Graduation Thesis Supervisorships:
- Drazenka Djurin, Dimension Theory (8.3.1995.)
- Jasmina Gulija, Convex Invariants (14.7.1995.)
- Natasa Waniek, Gaussian Integers and Four Square Theorem (6.11.1995.)
- Mario Spremic, Convex Sets in Topological Vector Spaces (22.11.1995.)
- Natasa Lepoglavec, Separation and Countability Axioms (12.6.1996.)
- Ivana Grga, Compact and Paracompact Spaces (17.6.1996.)
- Mirela Zadro, Helly Theorem and Its Applications (17.6.1996.)
- Antonela Srzic, Metrizability of Topological Spaces (3.7.1996.)
- Tatjana Bosnic, Quadratic Residues and Quadratic Reciprocity Law (16.10.1996.)
- Katarina Gavric, Abstract Convexity Theory (20.11.1996.)
- Zdenka Jurcevic, Erdos-Selfridge Theorem on Products
of Consecutive Integers (10.12.1996.)
- Jasminka Horvat, Geometric Properties of Convex Sets (29.1.1997.)
- Dragica Pravica, Representations of Positive Integers as Sums of k-th Powers (17.2.1997.)
- Sanja Franulovic, Constructions on Topological Spaces (10.7.1997.)
- Daniela Novakovic, The 3n+1 problem and Its Generalizations (14.7.1997.)
- Damir Hotko, Continued Fractions and Asymptotic
Diophantine Approximations (4.11.1997.)
- Sanja Sagaj, Primitive Roots and Indices (10.11.1997.)
- Zeljka Lacko, Selection Theory (3.12.1997.)
- Marina Presecki, Quadratic Fields (17.3.1998.)
- Vlatka Peric, Separation Axioms in Axiomatic Theory of
Convexity (6.4.1998.)
- Marta Farcic, Topologies on Families of Subsets (27.4.1998.)
- Neven Crnosija, Topological Spaces with Convex Structure (18.5.1998.)
- Melita Kovacevic, Primitive Divisors of Fibonacci Numbers (5.6.1998.)
- Ornela Trek, Pythagorean Triples (29.6.1998.)
- Sandra Kovac, Waring's Problem (8.7.1998.)
- Zrinka Blazek, Krein-Milman Theorem for Topological
Convexities (9.7.1998.)
- Branka Lucic, Congruences (16.7.1998.)
- Vera Tonic, Theory of Regular Neighborhoods (24.9.1998.)
- Hrvoje Strepacki, Pseudo-metric Spaces (30.9.1998.)
- Sebastijan Prosenjak, Squares in Fibonacci and Lucas
Sequences (8.10.1998.)
- Gordana Leder, Diophantine Equation
ax + by = cz (8.10.1998.)
- Marko Goljak, Cantor Set (21.10.1998.)
- Mihaela Lojen, Pseudoprimes (3.11.1998.)
- Dejana Koncar, Interval Spaces (4.11.1998.)
- Antonio Supicic, Functions between Convex Structures (17.2.1999.)
- Ljiljana Ivsa, Divisibility of Fibonacci Numbers (9.3.1999.)
- Biljana Stefanov-Ivanov, P-spaces (15.3.1999.)
- Lidija Crnkovic, Arithmetical Functions and Integer Points
- Fabrizio Vizintin, Pell Equation in Imaginary Quadratic
Fields (26.4.1999.)
- Igor Bakovic, Torsion Points on Elliptic Curves
- Dejan Ivanek, Bryant-Webster Spaces (3.5.1999.)
- Jesenka Znidaric, Prime Numbers (26.5.1999.)
- Gordana Svetlicic, Schnirelmann Density and Mann's Theorem
- Elena Ostric, Prime Number Theorem (27.5.1999.)
- Gordana Baric, Perfect Numbers (15.6.1999.)
- Kruno Jugovic, Euler Function (18.6.1999.)
- Vedrana Alisic, Theory of Retracts (28.6.1999.)
- Natasa Gregurec, Gauss Hypergeometric Function
- Tanja Katunaric, Approximation of Complex Numbers
- Vladimir Maric, Modules (1.7.1999.)
- Irena Rasovic, Bezout's Theorem (6.9.1999.)
- Jasminka Masic, Diophantine Equations of the Second Degree
- Ivica Kovacic, Square Classes of Fibonacci and
Lucas Numbers (12.10.1999.)
- Tanja Cehic, Elementary Proof of a Theorem of Baker
and Davenport
- Ivan Budimir, Modular and Semimodular Lattices (18.10.1999.)
- Toni Milun, Connected Spaces (20.10.1999.)
- Ivana Lukin, Continued Fraction Algorithm for
Egyptian Fractions
- Tanja Stimec, Abelian Groups (19.1.2000.)
- Vedrana Djokovic, Equations over Finite Fields (28.2.2000.)
- Lada Rokov, Heuristic and Probabilistic Results on
Distribution of Primes (13.3.2000.)
- Marija Fotak, Factorization Methods (7.6.2000.)
- Maja Tot-Djerdj, Theory of Partitions (12.6.2000.)
- Andreja Plantak, Complete Lattices (28.6.2000.)
- Tajana Varunek, Multiples of Irrational Numbers (13.7.2000.)
- Dzenana Odobasic, Groups of Permutations (14.7.2000.)
- Silvija Kranjcec, p-adic Numbers (2.10.2000.)
- Kristina Belina, Simultaneous Diophantine Approximations (4.10.2000.)
- Zaklina Polak, Structure of Groups (9.10.2000.)
- Stefica Poljski, Diophantus and Diophantine Equations (11.10.2000.)
- Maria Bratanic, Polynomials over Commutative Rings and
Fields (13.10.2000.)
- Nikolina Grdjan, Fibonacci Number System (25.10.2000.)
- Marko Stokuca, Finite p-groups and Sylow Theorems
- Tanja Marevic, Dirichlet's Theorem on Primes in Arithmetic
Progressions (23.2.2001.)
- Lorana Antunac, Continued Fractions (23.2.2001.)
- Mira Martinic, Dirichlet Series (26.2.2001.)
- Vesna Smadilo, The Basics of Cryptography (4.4.2001.)
- Drago Begic, Function Spaces (20.4.2001.)
- Maja Skevin, Diophantine Approximations (28.5.2001.)
- Sasa Orcic, Bernoulli Numbers (31.10.2001.)
- Tonci Crmaric, Freiman's Theorem (7.11.2001.)
- Tatjana Les, Sidon Sets (7.12.2001.)
- Davor Budimir, Hasse-Minkowski Theorem (9.1.2002.)
- Jasna Mesic, Representations of Integers as Sums of Squares (11.1.2002.)
- Anamarija Horvat, Finite Fields and Quadratic Residues
- Ivana Petek, Advanced Encryption Standard
- Marcel Maretic, Elliptic Curves in Cryptography
- Robert Buntak, Diffie-Hellman Key
Distribution Protocol (23.9.2002.)
- Tajana Sesjak, Polyalphabetic Ciphers (4.10.2002.)
- Dubravka Terzic, Primality Tests (11.11.2002.)
- Mario Matijevic, Discrete Logarithm Problem (25.11.2002.)
- Dalibor Ozvacic, Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Section
- Tamara Krulic, Hash Functions in Cryptography (9.12.2002.)
- Ana Kundic, Knapsack Problem and Applications in
- Jelena Milun, Continued Fractions and Their Applications (19.2.2003.)
- Sabrina Buha, Fermat's Little Theorem and Its
Consequences (20.2.2003.)
- Mia Ezgeta, Primality Testing (28.2.2003.)
- Narcisa Polic, Zero-knowledge Proofs (27.3.2003.)
- Ruzica Soldo, Kneser's Theorem (31.3.2003.)
- Jadranka Greguric, DES Cryptosystem (10.9.2003.)
- Vinko Petricevic, Congruent Numbers and Elliptic Curves (13.10.2003.)
- Aneta Jozic, Congruences of Integers and Polynomials
- Ana Korunek, Statistical Properties of Arithmetic
Functions (29.10.2003.)
- Mirela Gabaj, Mersenne Numbers and Perfect Numbers
- Matija Kazalicki, Modular Functions and Complex
Multiplication of Elliptic Curves (19.12.2003.)
- Petra Tadic, Mordell's Theorem (7.1.2004.)
- Irena Pacic, Shannon's Theory (26.2.2004.)
- Irena Blazevic, RC6 Cryptosystem (26.4.2004.)
- Helena Dragovic, History of Cryptography (13.7.2004.)
- Ana Vrban, Monoalphabetic Substitution Ciphers
- Sanja Zeljkovic, Steganography (30.3.2005.)
- Ana-Marija Tomic, Digital Signature and Digital Money
- Tonci Kalina, Internet Security and SSL Protocol
- Helena Bogunovic, Arithmetic Functions (7.11.2005.)
- Tomislav Pejkovic, Roth's Theorem (21.11.2005.)
- Romana Mokrovic, Topological Convex Structures
- Mihaela Odak, Error-correcting codes and McEliece Cryptosystem
- Tanja Kantoci, Modern Block Ciphers (20.2.2006.)
- Marina Miletic, Transposition Ciphers (23.2.2006.)
- Maja Radulovic, Markov Chain (2.5.2006.)
- Danijela Skarijot, Digital Watermarking (5.5.2006.)
- Josip Matanovic, Steganography: Hiding Information in Images (15.5.2006.)
- Marko Seremet, Algorithms for Large-Integer Multiplications (12.6.2006.)
- Nina Culo, Algebraic Numbers (28.6.2006.)
- Valentina Flego, PGP - Pretty Good Privacy (12.7.2006.)
- Branka Skelin, Elliptic Curves and Elliptic Functions (4.12.2006.)
- Filip Najman, Representation of Primes by Quadratic Forms (19.1.2007.)
- Mirjana Sinkic, Euclidean Algorithm (23.1.2007.)
- Nikolina Marijan, Primitive Roots and Quadratic Residues (26.2.2007.)
- Goran Hatala, ENIGMA (5.3.2007.)
- Vladimir Novakovic, Distribution of Quadratic Residues (11.7.2007.)
- Ana Kuzle, Complex Continued Fractions (12.10.2007.)
- Branimir Petrusa, Principles of Design of Modern Block Cryptosystems (14.12.2007.)
- Tihana Pecenkovic, Security of Electronic Commerce (21.12.2007.)
- Bruno Tanfara, Public Key Infrastructure (14.1.2008.)
- Ivana Sucic, Security of Bank Systems (14.3.2008.)
- Iva Jankovic, Digital Signature Authentication (15.5.2008.)
- Irma Fazlic, Public Key Cryptography (16.5.2008.)
- Hrvoje Biscan, Polygraphic Substitution Ciphers (23.6.2008.)
- Nina Mikolaj, Pell Equation and Pythagorean Triples (7.7.2008.)
- Marija Barun, Cryptography in School (25.9.2008.)
- Helena Cikojevic, Factorization and Ideals (27.10.2008.)
- Mateja Matulin, Polynomials over finite fields, (20.11.2008.)
- Darko Patrcevic, Cryptosystems with Public Key (20.11.2008.)
- Silvija Dodig, RSA Cryptosystem (21.11.2008.)
- Danijela Varga, Solving Congruences (11.12.2008.)
- Melani Sulejmani, Convex Sets (18.12.2008.)
- Ivana Daus, Security of Micropayment Systems (16.1.2009.)
- Goran Ljaljic, Distribution of Prime Numbers (2.2.2009.)
- Ivana Hladki, Technologies for E-Commerce (3.4.2009.)
- Lucija Laca, Smart Cards (6.4.2009.)
- Anton Majetic, Generating Random Numbers (19.6.2009.)
- Doris Striskovic, Micropayments (7.9.2009.)
- Sanja Oreskovic, Perfect Numbers (8.9.2009.)
- Jelena Debogovic, Fermat Numbers (24.9.2009.)
- Tanja Vranesevic, Secure Online Credit Card Payments (5.11.2009.)
- Tajana Soufek, Digital Cash and Digital Checks (10.12.2009.)
- Zrinka Mujukic, Smart Card Security in Banking (25.2.2010.)
- Ivana Orsolic, Sieve Methods (13.7.2010.)
- Maja Ivkovic, Cryptography in the Second World War (14.7.2010.)
- Dijana Kreso, Elliptic Curves over Finite Fields (14.7.2010.)
- Stefica Vitkovic, Quadratic Fields and Quadratic Forms (8.9.2010.)
- Petar Sirkovic, LLL Algorithm and Some Applications to Cryptography (6.7.2012.)
- Mia Mijatovic, Finite Fields and Polynomial Congruences (6.9.2012.)
- Tihana Trivic, Internet Security (6.9.2012.)
- Mirjana Antonija Bencek, Stream Ciphers (25.1.2013.)
- Sonja Stabi, Geometric Approach to Continued Fractions (8.2.2013.)
- Dora Vidakovic, Applications of Elliptic Curves in Cryptography (8.2.2013.)
- Kristina Milovic, Diffie-Hellman Problem and Discrete Logarithm Problem (11.4.2013.)
- Marija Gudelj, Indefinite Binary Quadratic Forms (26.9.2013.)
- Antonio Kovacic, DNA Cryptography (14.7.2014.)
- Ivana Marsic, Padé Approximants and Diophantine Approximations (14.7.2014.)
- Mladen Badrov, Addition and Points Multiplication on Elliptic Curves (26.9.2014.)
- Josip Ivekovic, Hybrid Cryptosystems (26.9.2014.)
- Ana Boban, Cubic and Biquadratic Reciprocity Laws (26.9.2014.)
- Valentina Pribanic, NTRU Cryptosystem (13.7.2015.)
- Monika Ratkajec, Block Cipher Modes of Operation (24.9.2015.)
- Andrea Tolic, Transposition Ciphers ADFGX and ADFGVX (24.9.2015.)
- Ana-Marija Pospaic, Transcendental Numbers (13.7.2016.)
- Leonora Gaspar, Differential Cryptanalysis (13.7.2016.)
- Jelena Krnjak, Stream Cipher RC4 (27.9.2016.)
- Tomislava Solar, Quadratic Residues and Square Roots in Public Key Cryptography (29.11.2016.)
- Ana Mimica, Generating Elliptic Curves Using the Complex Multiplication Method (18.7.2017.)
- Martina Alilovic, Cryptanalysis of RSA and Its Variants (28.9.2017.)
- Kristina Kralj, Applications of Continued Fractions in Factorization and Primality Testing (28.11.2017.)
- Marija Sabljic, Koblitz Elliptic Curves (17.7.2018.)
- Tanja Zrilic, Homomorphic Cryptosystems (17.7.2018.)
- Ana Vlasic, Block Cipher KeeLoq (27.9.2018.)
- Petar Vlasic, Classical and Quantum Attacks on Discrete Logarithm Problem (27.9.2018.)
- Mia Matic, Algorithms for Factorization of Polynomials, (27.9.2018.)
- Marija Laca, Factorization of Large Positive Integers, (16.7.2019.)
- Viktorija Pihler, Applications of Smart Cards in Finance and Banking, (26.9.2019.)
- Mihaela Bos, Characteristic Region-Based Image Steganography (22.7.2021.)
- Martina Gacina, Pollard's Factorization Methods (4.3.2022.)
- Ena Majin, Perfect Security in Cryptography (27.9.2022.)
- Martin Matijevic, Arithmetic of Finite Fields (27.9.2022.)
- Jelena Zuparić-Iljic, From Pythagoras' to Fermat's Equation (27.9.2022.)
- Natasa Glozinic, Decimal Representation of Real Numbers (30.11.2022.)
- Fran Misic, Statistical Tests for Polyalphabetic Ciphers (26.9.2023.)
- Mihaela Zima, Digital Signature using Elliptic Curves (27.9.2023.)
- Luka Zunic, Rank of Elliptic Curves (28.2.2024.)
- Nina Salaj, Application Programming Interface Security (27.11.2024.)
- Brigita Rusan, Cryptographic Algorithms for Limited-resource Devices (27.2.2025.)
- Doris Blašković, Zodiac's Cipher (27.2.2025.)
Andrej Dujella home page