Andrej Dujella - Lectures on conferences:

  1. Some polynomial formulas for Diophantine quadruples, Mathematikertreffen Zagreb-Graz, Motovun, 23-25.6.1995.

  2. On the exceptional set in the problem of Diophantus and Davenport, Seventh International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and Their Applications, Graz, 14-19.7.1996.

  3. A problem of Diophantus and Pell numbers, Seventh International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and Their Applications, Graz, 14-19.7.1996.

  4. Complex Diophantine quadruples, First Croatian Mathematical Congress, Zagreb, 18-20.7.1996.

  5. A problem of Diophantus and Dickson's conjecture, International Conference on Number Theory (Diophantine, Computational and Algebraic Aspects), Eger, 29.7-2.8.1996.

  6. Complete solution of a family of simultaneous Pellian equations, 13th Czech and Slovak International Conference on Number Theory, Ostravice, 1-5.9.1997.

  7. A note on Diophantine quintuples, Conference on Algebraic Number Theory and Diophantine Analysis, Graz, 30.8-5.9.1998.

  8. Diophantine triples and construction of high-rank elliptic curves, Number Theory Day, Debrecen, 20.11.1998.

  9. A parametric family of elliptic curves, XXI Journees Arithmetiques, Rome, 12-16.7.1999.

  10. Diophantine m-tuples, Lecture of the award winner of the Croatian Mathematical Society Award for Scientific Achievements in Mathematics, Second Croatian Mathematical Congress, Zagreb, 15-17.6.2000.

  11. An absolute bound for the size of Diophantine m-tuples, Second Croatian Mathematical Congress, Zagreb, 15-17.6.2000.

  12. Bounds for the size of Diophantine m-tuples, Colloquium on Number Theory in honor of the 60th birthday of Professors Kalman Gyoery and Andras Sarkozy, Debrecen, 3-7.7.2000. (invited speaker)

  13. On a problem of Diophantus and Fermat, Workshop on effective methods for Diophantine equations, Debrecen, 21-27.10.2001. (invited speaker)

  14. Construction of high-rank elliptic curves with non-trivial torsion group, Second Central European Conference on Cryptography HAJDUCRYPT '02, Debrecen, 4-6.7.2002.

  15. Continued fractions and RSA with small secret exponent, Third Central European Conference on Cryptology TATRACRYPT 2003, Bratislava, 26-28.6.2003.

  16. On Diophantine quintuple conjecture, XXIII Journees Arithmetiques, Graz, 6-12.7.2003.

  17. Construction of elliptic curves over Q with large rank, Workshop on Computational Number Theory, Debrecen, 20-24.10.2003. (invited speaker)

  18. On a problem of Diophantus and Euler, Third Croatian Mathematical Congress, Split, 16-18.6.2004.

  19. Newton's approximants and continued fractions, Workshop on Number Theoretic Algorithms and Related Topics, Strobl, 27.9.-1.10.2004. (invited speaker)

  20. Asymptotic estimates for the number of Diophantine m-tuples, XXIV Journees Arithmetiques, Marseille, 4-8.7.2005.

  21. Diophantine m-tuples and connections with elliptic curves, 16th International Congress of the Austrian Mathematical Society, Klagenfurt, 18-23.9.2005. (invited speaker and organizer of an invited session)

  22. Diophantine m-tuples, Hungarian-Croatian Workshop on Mathematics and Informatics, Debrecen, 6-8.10.2005. (invited speaker and coorganizer)

  23. High rank elliptic curves with prescribed torsion group, 6th Central European Conference on Cryptography NYIRCRYPT '06, Nyiregyhaza, 15-17.6.2006.

  24. Diophantine m-tuples and generalizations, Diophantische Approximationen, Oberwolfach, 15-21.4.2007. (invited speaker)

  25. Mordell-Weil groups of elliptic curves induced by Diophantine triples, XXV Journees Arithmetiques, Edinburgh, 2-6.7.2007.

  26. Construction of high rank elliptic curves and related Diophantine problems, 7th Symposium on Algebra and Computation (AC 2007), Tokyo, 5-7.12.2007. (invited speaker)

  27. Conjectures and results on the size and number of Diophantine tuples, Diophantine analysis and related fields, Kyoto, 5.-7.3.2008. (invited speaker)

  28. A variant of Wiener's attack on RSA with small secret exponent, Eighth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium ANTS - VIII, Banff, 17.-22.5. 2008. (poster)

  29. A problem of Diophantus, Fermat and Euler and its generalizations, Fourth Croatian Mathematical Congress, Osijek, 17.-20.6.2008. (plenary lecture)

  30. (with V. Petricevic) Strong Diophantine triples, Fourth Croatian Mathematical Congress, Osijek, 17.-20.6.2008. (poster)

  31. A variant of Wiener's attack on RSA, 8th Central European Conference on Cryptography, Graz, 2.-4.7.2008.

  32. Elliptic equations, Winter School on Explicit Methods in Number Theory, Debrecen, 26.-30.1.2009. (instructor)

  33. Strong Diophantine triples, XXVI Journees Arithmetiques, Saint Etienne, 6.-10.7.2009.

  34. High rank elliptic curves induced by Diophantine triples and congruent numbers, The 41st Annual Iranian Mathematical Conference, Urmia, 12.-15.9.2010. (invited speaker)

  35. Elliptic curves, The 41st Annual Iranian Mathematical Conference, Urmia, 12.-15.9.2010. (invited speaker)

  36. Diophantine m-tuples, Number Theory and Its Applications. An international conference dedicated to Kalman Gyory, Attila Petho, Janos Pintz and Andras Sarkozy, Debrecen, 4-8.10.2010. (invited speaker)

  37. (with F. Najman) Elliptic curves with large torsion and positive rank over number fields of small degree and ECM factorization, 11th Central European Conference on Cryptography, Debrecen, 30.6.-2.7.2011.

  38. On Hall's conjecture, Fifth Croatian Mathematical Congress, Rijeka, 18.-21.6.2012.

  39. (with A. Jurasic) On the size of sets in a polynomial variant of a problem of Diophantus, Fifth Croatian Mathematical Congress, Rijeka, 18.-21.6.2012. (poster)

  40. On Hall's conjecture and related polynomial Pell's equation, Fifteenth International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and Their Applications, Eger, 25.-30.6.2012.

  41. On the existence of rational Diophantine quintuples with the property D(q), ESI-Miniworkshop on Explicit Problems in Diophantine Analysis and Geometry, Vienna, 29.-30.11.2013. (invited speaker)

  42. Root separation for integer polynomials, Unlikely intersections, Marseille, 3.-7.2.2014. (invited speaker)

  43. Root separation for integer polynomials, Workshop on Diophantine problems, Graz, 19.-20.5.2014. (invited speaker)

  44. Root separation for integer polynomials, Representations of p-adic groups; A conference dedicated to Marko Tadic on his 60th birthday, Zagreb, 16.-20.6.2014. (invited speaker)

  45. Mordell-Weil groups of elliptic curves induced by Diophantine triples, First Joint International Meeting RSME-SCM-SEMA-SIMAI-UMI, Bilbao, 30.6.-4.7.2014. (invited speaker)

  46. High-rank elliptic curves induced by Diophantine triples, 29th Journées Arithmétiques, Debrecen, 6.-10.7.2015.

  47. Root separation for reducible integer polynomials, The Geometry, Algebra and Analysis of Algebraic Numbers, Banff, Canada, 04.-09.10.2015. (invited speaker)

  48. Number Theory and Cryptography, Novigrad Then and Now, Zadar, Novigrad, Croatia, 16.-17.10.2015. (invited speaker)

  49. There are infinitely many rational Diophantine sextuples, Computational Aspects of Diophantine Equations, Salzburg, Austria, 15.-19.02.2016. (invited speaker)

  50. On rational Diophantine sextuples, Sixth Croatian Mathematical Congress, Zagreb, Croatia, 14.-17.6.2016.

  51. There are infinitely many rational Diophantine sextuples, 5th International Conference on Uniform Distribution Theory (UDT 2016), Sopron, Hungary, 05.-08.07.2016. (invited speaker)

  52. Polynomial root separation, 23rd Czech and Slovak International Conference on Number Theory, Ostravice, Czech Republic, 28.08.-01.09.2017. (invited speaker)

  53. Triples which are D(n)-sets for several n's, Analytic Number Theory and Related Areas, Kyoto, Japan, 30.10.-01.11.2017. (invited speaker)

  54. Triples and quadruples which are D(n)-sets for several n's, 24th Central European Number Theory Conference, Komarno, Slovakia, 01.-06.09.2019.

  55. D(n)-sets with square elements, Diophantine Problems, Determinism and Randomness, Marseille, 23.-27.11.2020. (invited speaker, online)

  56. Triples, quadruples and quintuples which are D(n)-sets for several n's, International Conference on Class Groups of Number Fields and Related Topics-2021. A conference celebrating Michel Waldschmidt's 75th birth year honoring his contribution to Mathematics and Education, Kozhikode, Kerala, India, 21.-24.10.2021. (invited speaker, online)

  57. Doubly regular Diophantine quadruples, Seventh Croatian Mathematical Congress, Split, 15.-18.6.2022.

  58. (with Z. Franusic and V. Petricevic) Formulas for some Diophantine quintuples in quadratic fields, Seventh Croatian Mathematical Congress, Split, 15.-18.6.2022. (poster)

  59. (with M. Kazalicki and V. Petricevic) D(n)-quintuples with square elements, Seventh Croatian Mathematical Congress, Split, 15.-18.6.2022. (poster)

  60. On elliptic curves induced by rational Diophantine quadruples, Number Theory Conference in Honour of Kalman Gyory, Janos Pintz and Andras Sarkozy, Debrecen, 4.-8.7.2022.

  61. High-rank elliptic curves with given torsion group and some applications, Number-Theoretic Methods in Cryptology, Poznan, 29.-31.8.2022. (invited speaker)

  62. D(n)-tuples for several n's, Conference on Diophantine m-tuples and Related Problems III, Zagreb, 14.-16.9.2022. (invited speaker)

  63. Rad HAZU - Matematicke znanosti, The oldest Croatian journals: continuity, challenges and future, Zagreb, 19.10.2022. (invited speaker)

  64. High-rank elliptic curves with given torsion group, International Conference on Class Groups of Number Fields and Related Topics-2022, Kozhikode, Kerala, India, 21.-24.11.2022. (invited speaker, online)

  65. High-rank elliptic curves with given torsion group, The Quest for the Hidden Simplicity of Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis and Representation Theory - a conference celebrating the 70th birthday of Marko Tadić, Zagreb, 24.-28.6.2024. (invited speaker)

  66. Rational Diophantine sextuples with strong pair, 8th Croatian Mathematical Congress, Osijek, 2.-5.7.2024.

Andrej Dujella home page