When submitting the abstract, please observe that there will be 30 and 45 minutes lectures. After the list of accepted lectures is closed, the format of all of the accepted lectures shall be decided on. The deadline for registering and submitting abstracts is May 15, 2005.
At the bottom of this page you will find a
link to AMCA web page, where you can register and submit your abstract.
There is a short form you have to fill out, which includes space
for a TeX abstract, and should be an ASCII text file typed in TeX.
In particular, use TeX for the accents in your name and address etc.
For example, for "speaker" you could put in
If submitting abstract, please read the following.
You should just type in the text, using TeX (LaTeX, AMSTeX,...) to
typeset it ; do not paste in a whole document.
For example,
a TeX abstract could look like this:
This is the form an abstract should have.
It may contain math formulas, like $x=y+z$, or $$ H(a)=\int_2^a f(x)dx. $$ Etc. |
Having understood all this, you are now ready to REGISTER / SUBMIT ABSTRACT.
You can also view the submitted abstracts by clicking HERE.
Last update: April 29, 2005
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