1. Cellular approximations in the topology of manifolds,

Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 1974, (MS Thesis),

mentor Richard David Anderson.

2. Infinite-dimensional topology and the theory of shape,

Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 1975, (PhD Thesis),

mentor Richard David Anderson.

3. On cell-like approximations of manifolds,

Glasnik Mat., 11 (1976), 355-365.

4. n-docility at infinity and compactifications of LC^n-spaces,

Glasnik Mat., 12 (1977), 161-174.

5. Locally compact spaces C-tame at infinity,

Publ. Inst. Mat., 22 (1977), 49-59.

6. C_p-movable at infinity spaces, compact ANR-divisors and property UVW,

Publ. Inst. Mat., 23 (1978), 53-65.

7. Homotopy at infinity of proper maps,

Glasnik Mat., 13 (1978), 135-154.

8. Homotopy properties of locally compact spaces at infinity -

triviality and movability, Glasnik Mat., 13 (1978), 347-370.

9. Hilbert cube modulo an arc,

Fund. Math., 101 (1978), 111-119.

10. Homotopy properties of locally compact spaces at infinity -

calmness and smoothness, Pacific J. Math., 79 (1978), 69-91.

11. The shape category of a shape map,

Houston J. Math., 5 (1979), 169-182.

12. The shape genus of a shape map,

Colloq. Math., 48 (1984), 35-47.

13. Shape fibrations, F-stability and FR-stability,

Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Ser. Sci. Math. Astr.Phys.,

27 (1979), 417--423.

14. Extending numerical homotopy invariants to shape invariants,

Proceedings of the International Conference on Geometric Topology,

PWN, Warszawa 1980, 67-71.

15. C-calmly regular convergence,

Topology Proceedings, 4 (1979), 29-49.

16. (with A. P. Sostak) Some remarks on Borsuk's fundamental metric,

Colloq. Math. Soc. J. Bolyai 23 (1978), 233-252.

17. C-movably regular convergence,

Houston J. Math., 6 (1980), 471-490.

18. (with A. P. Sostak)

Fundamental and approximative uniformity on the hyperspace,

Glasnik Mat., 16 (1981), 339-359.

19. On cellular decompositions of Hilbert cube manifolds,

Pacific J. Math., 91 (1980), 47-69.

20. On various relative proper homotopy groups,

Tsukuba J. Math., 4 (1980), 177-202.

21. Spaces of AANR's,

Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 83 (1981), 609-615.

22. Surjective approximate absolute (neighborhood) retracts,

Topology Proceedings 6 (1981), 5-24.

23. C_p-movably regular convergences,

Fund. Math., 119 (1983), 249-268.

24. C_p-e-movable and C-e-calm compacta and their images,

Compositio Math., 45 (1981), 115-141.

25. C-e-movable and (C, D)-e-tame compacta,

Houston J. Math., 9 (1983), 9-27.

26. On a class of group actions of the Hilbert cube,

Suppl. Rendiconti Circolo Mat. Palermo 18 (1988), 239-248.

27. Global convergences of compacta,

Proceedings of the Fifth Prague Topological Symp., J. Novak (ed.),

Heldermann Verlag, Berlin 1982, 59-72.

28. On medial properties of maps,

Suppl. Rendiconti Circolo Mat. Palermo 2 (1982), 21-33.

29. Strongly e-movable convergence and spaces of ANR's,

Topology and its Appl., 17 (1984), 27-46.

30. Characterizing global properties in inverse limits,

Pacific J. Math., 112 (1984), 49-69.

31. On global properties of maps II,

Math. Japonica 29 (1984), 341-363.

32. On global properties of maps IV,

Proceedings of the Leningrad International Topology Conference,

Lecture Notes in Math. vol. 1060,

Springer Verlag, Berlin 1984, 129--139.

33. On global properties of maps I,

Suppl. Rendiconti Circolo Mat. Palermo, 12 (1986), 19-45.

34. (with Mladen Bestvina)

On properties preserved by the q-convergence on hyperspaces,

Colloq. Math. Soc. J. Bolyai 41 (1983), 71-87.

35. On properties preserved by the approximate domination,

Suppl. Rendiconti Circolo Mat. Palermo 6 (1984), 49-74.

36. (with G. M. Gianella)

Natural equivalence of graph related bifunctors,

Publ. Inst. Mat. Novi Sad 19 (1988), 110-120.

37. (with I. Ivansic and L. Rubin)

Recognition of certain classes of closed maps,

Czechoslovak Math. J., 38 (1988), 319-323,

38. (with T. Watanabe)

Borsuk fixed point theorem for multi-valued functions,

Geometric Topology and Shape Theory,

S. Mardesic (ed.), Lecture Notes in Math. vol. 1264,

Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1988, 163--171.

39. (with F. Cammaroto and G. M. Gianella)

Topologies on spaces of subsets I,

Suppl. Rendiconti Circolo Mat. Palermo, 24 (1990),267-297.

40. Hyperspace characterization of certain functions,

Atti Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, 64 (1988), 91-95.

41. On universal compositions of maps,

Publicaciones Mathematiques, 35 (1991), 363-374.

42. Weakly universal limits of approximate mappings,

Colloq. Math. Soc. J. Bolyai, 55 (1993), 65-90.

43. Proximately universal limits of approximate mappings,

Math. Japonica, 37 (1992), 131-148.

44. Lefschetz movable maps,

J. Math. Pures Appl., 72 (1993), 81-103.

45. (with F. Cammaroto and G. M. Gianella)

Universal compositions,

Math. Japonica, 37 (1992), 1061-1078.

46. Conductors,

Suppl. Rendiconti Circ. Mat. Palermo, 22 (1992), 41-50

47. (with F. Cammaroto)


Atti Accad. Peloritana dei Pericolanti, 68 (1992), 159-167.

48. Forced approximate resolutions,

SUT Journal of Math., 28 (1992), 105-119.

49. Recognizing approximate (A, B, C)-tameness,

Acta Math. Univ. Comenianae, 62 (1993), 207-219.

50. Shape theory intrinsically,

Publicacions Matematiques, 37 (1993), 317-334

51. (with J. Sanjurjo)

Universal limits of approximate mappings,

J. Austr. Mat. Soc. (Series A), 61 (1996), 96—105.

52. (with F. Cammaroto and G. M. Gianella)

Universal factors,

Math. Japonica, 39 (1994), 185-197.

53. Triviality via multi-valued functions,

Boll. Un. Ital. Mat., 8 (1994), 477-507.

54. Multi-valued functions and triviality,

Topology Proceedings, 17 (1992), 1-27.

55. Upper homotopy and shape morphisms,

Atti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico dell'Universita di Modena,

43 (1995), 41-52.

56. Shape via multi-nets,

Tsukuba J. Math. 19 (1995), 245-268.

57. Proximate topology and shape theory,

Proc. Royal Soc. Edimburgh 125(A) (1995), 595-615.

58. Proper shape theory,

Acta Sci. Math. 59 (1994), 679-711.

59. Proper shape invariants: tameness and movability,

International J. of Math. and Math. Sci. 19 (1996), 291-298.

60. Proper shape invariants: smoothness and calmness,

Mathematica Pannonica 5 (1994), 213-240.

61. Morphisms in proper shape theory,

Math. Japonica 41 (1995), 351-369.

62. Equivariant shape theory,

Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Soc.,

117 (1995), 303-320.

63. Fiberwise shape theory,

Collectanea Math. 45 (1994), 101-119.

64. Shape theory of maps,

Revista Matematica, 8 (1995), 121-154.

65. Homotopy groups for C^*-algebras,

Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies, 4 (1995), 29-45.

66. Proper shape groups,

Rendiconti dell'Instituto di Matematica dell'Universita di Trieste,

25 (1993), 89-125.

67. Shape theory for arbitrary C^*-algebras,

Proceedings 11th Summer Topology Conference (Gorham),

Proc. New York Acad. Sci. 806 (1996), 88--105.

68. Equivalence of shape fibrations and approximate fibrations,

Topology and Its Appl. 76 (1997), 9—26.

69. (with G. M. Gianella)

Tameness and movability in proper shape theory,

Proceedings 10th Summer Topology Conference (Amsterdam),

Proc. New York Acad. Sci. 788 (1996), 57--68.

70. Shape groups for $C^*$-algebras,

Math. Pannonica 7 (1996), 121-134.

71. Equivalences in the *-shape category,

Scientiae Mathematicae, 1 (1998), 1-1-10.

72. Locus of intersections of Euler lines,

Rad HAZU Matematicke znanosti, 481 (14) (2003), 45-72.

73. An extraordinary locus recognised,

Mathematics and Informatics Quarterly, 6 (1996), 101--106.


Locus properties of the Neuberg cubic,

Journal of Geometry 63 (1998), 39--56.


On properties of approximate fibrations I,

Math. Pannonica 9 (1998), 211--234.


On properties of approximate fibrations II,

Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 64 (1998), 299--323.


Hyperbolas and orthologic triangles,

Math. Pannonica 8 (1997), 201-214.


Triangles from pedal triangles and centroids,

Mathematica (Cluj), 40 (1998), 27-33.


Triangles from central points

KoG, 2 (1997), 23—28.


On the cubic of Napoleon,

Journal of Geometry, 66 (1999), 55-71.


Triangles from areas,

Math. Inequalities and Appl., 2 (1999), 151-163.

82. (with G. M. Gianella)

Characterisations of hyperbolas with orthology and radial enlargement,

Atti Sem. Mat. e Fis. Univ. Modena, 46 (1998), 499--511.


Characterisations of Kiepert, Jarabek, and Feuerbach hyperbolas,

Note de Matematica (Lecce), 18 (1998), 17-26.


Orthology, radial enlargement, and hyperbolas,

Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (Udine), 6 (1999), 63-72.


Regular hexagons associated to centroid sharing triangles,

Beitrage zur Algebra and Geometrie, 39 (1998), 263 - 267.


Associating regular hexagons to centroid sharing triangles,

Kyungpook Mathematical Journal, 38 (1998), 223—226.


Hyperbolas, orthology, and antipedal triangles,

Glasnik Mat. 33 (1998), 143-160.


Regular hexagons associated to triangles with equal centroids,

Elemente der Mathematik, 53 (1998), 112—118.

89.(with G. M. Gianella)

Triangles from point-to-line distances,

Far East Journal of Math. Sci. 3, No. 1, (2001), 59-76.


Triangles from products of sides with cevians,

Mathematical Communications (Osijek), 3 (1998), 185-195.


Cevians as sides of triangles,

Math. Pannonica 11 (2000), 283-291.


Regular hexagons from similar isosceles triangles,

Kyungpook Mathematical Journal, 42 (2002), 297—312.


Triangles from the Feuerbach triangle,

KoG 5 (2000/01), 17-24.


Regular polygons on sides of special triangles,

Math. Gaz. 84 (2000), 260-264.

95. (with G. M. Gianella)

Triangles from sums of altitudes and sides,

Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 6 (1998), 195—204.


The Neuberg cubic in locus problems,

Math. Pannonica 11 (2000), 109-124.


Isocentroidal triangles and regular hexagons,

Radovi Matematicki 9 (1999 (2000)), 227-239.

98. (with G. M. Gianella)

Regular hexagons from isocentroidal triangles,

Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 1(3) (1999), 391-410.


Geometrija trokuta programom “Mathematica”,

Zbornik radova IV susreta nastavnika matematike, Zagreb, 1998, 36 – 68.


Homotopy theory for topological semigroups,

Topology and its Appl., 123 (2002), 57-68.


Uporaba racunala u geometriji,



On Napoleon triangles and propeller theorems,

Mathematical Gazette. 87 (2003), 42-50.


Rotation angles for regular quadrangles,

Atti Sem. Mat. e Fis. Univ. Modena 48 (2000), 505 - 516.


On properties of rectangular hyperbolas,

Geometriae Dedicata 84 (2001), 41 - 47.


On propellers from triangles,

Beitrage zur Algebra and Geometrie 42 (2001), No. 2, 575 - 582.


Napoleonovi trokuti i Djokovicev teorem,

Zbornik radova / Prvi kongres nastavnika matematike,

Zagreb, 5.-7. srpnja 2000, 55-62.


A generalization of the butterfly theorem from circles to conics,

Mathematical Communications (Osijek), 6 (2001), No. 2, 161-164.


Archimedean circles in arbelos,

(preprint). (arbelos).


Lines with the butterfly property,

Mathematical Communications (Osijek), 8 (2003), No. 1, 35-41.

110. (with G. M. Gianella and Zdravko Starc)

Some inequalities among means,

Atti Sem. Mat. e Fis. Univ. Modena 50 (2002), 299 - 304.

111. (with Silvija Vlah)

Rjesavanje zadataka racunalom.

Matka (Zagreb), 10 (2001./2002.), br. 39, 198-202.

112. (expanded version of 107 in croatian)

Poucci o leptirima.

Poucak (Zagreb), 2 (2001), br. 8, 12-35.

113. (with Silvija Vlah)

Primjeri upotrebe racunala kod rjesavanja zadataka.

Matematicko-fizicki list (Zagreb), 52 br. 4,(2001/2002), 254-261 .


Loci related to variable flanks,

Forum Geometricorum, 2 (2002),105-113.


On affine images of regular pentagons and pentagrams

Journal of Geometry, 77 (2003), 22--34.


Orthopole in triangle geometry via MATHEMATICA,

Zbornik radova PrimMath [2001],

Mathematica u znanosti, tehnologiji i obrazovanju,

Zagreb, 27-28. 9. 2001., pp. 67-82.


Skolska zadaca,

Zbornik radova VI susreta nastavnika matematike, Zagreb, 2002, 54 – 79.

118. (with Silvija Vlah)

Jos jedno rjesenje drugog zadatka na 42. MMO 2001 g.

Matematicko-fizicki list (Zagreb), 53 br. 1,(2002/2003), 55-56.

119. (with Silvija Vlah)

Rjesenja dva geometrijska IMO zadatka racunalom.

Triangle (Sarajevo), 6 br. 1,(2002/2003), 6-12 .

120. (with Silvija Vlah)

Computer assisted solutions of two geometric IMO problems,

Mathematics and Informatics Quarterly, (to appear).

121. (with Silvija Vlah)

Poopcenje IMO nejednakosti,

Limes (casopis studenata MO-PMF-a), (to appear).

122. (with Silvija Vlah)

Generalization of an IMO inequality,

Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 22 (2) (2006), 205-212.


Homology and orthology with triangles from central points of variable flanks,

Journal for Geometry and Graphics, 7 (no. 1) (2003), 1--22.


Homology and orthology with chordal triangles,

Radovi Matematicki, 12 (2004), 177-188.

125. (with Maja Bator and Milena Culav)

Analiticka geometrija ravnine racunalom,

Matematicko-fizicki list (Zagreb), 54 br. 1,(2003/2004), 26-36.


The heptagonal triangle revisited,



Configurations of inscribed equilateral triangles,

Journal of Geometry, 87 (2007), 14-30.

128. (with Maja Bator and Milena Culav)

Analiticka geometrija ravnine i Mathematica,

Zbornik radova PrimMath [2003],

Mathematica u znanosti, tehnologiji i obrazovanju,

Zagreb, 25-26. 9. 2003./ Ungar S. (ed.), 56-78.

129. (with Maja Bator and Milena Culav)

Analytic geometry of the plane and Mathematica,

Acta Acad. Paed. Agriensis, Sectio Mathematicae 31 (2004), 79-95.

130. (with Maja Bator and Milena Culav)

Analytic geometry of the plane with the program Maple V,



Sest zadataka rijesenih programom Maple V,

Matematicko-fizicki list (Zagreb), 54 br. 2,(2003/2004), 105-112.


Jos sest zadataka rijesenih programom Maple V,

Matematicko-fizicki list (Zagreb), 54 br. 3,(2003/2004), 194-200.


Geometrija pravilnog sedmerokuta

PlayMath (Casopis za matematiku i informatiku V. gimnazije u Zagrebu), br. 2,(2003), pp. 22-28.


Geometrija pravilnog sedmerokuta

Poucak 14 (2003), 5-14.


On geometry of the regular heptagon,

Journal for Geometry and Graphics, 9 (no. 2) (2005), 119--132.


Centers of the golden ratio Archimedean twin circles,

Studies of the University of Žilina Mathematical Series. 18 (2004) , 1; 5-16.


Regular heptagon's midpoints circle,

Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics 2 (14) (2006), 119-131.


Regular heptagon's intersections circles,

Elemente der Mathematik 61 (4) (2006), 138-151.


Configurations on centers of Bankoff circles,

Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 22 (3) (2006), 305-319.


Solving problems with Maple V,



Chains of circles in triangles,



Nizovi kruznica u trokutima,

Matematicko-fizicki list (Zagreb), 54 br. 4,(2003/2004), 243-247.


Problem iz Latvije,

Hrvatski matematicki elektronski casopis (math.e), 2 (2004), #A1.

144. (with Gian Mario Gianella)

On improvements of the Butterfly theorem,

Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS), 20(1) (2006), 69-85 .


Kruznica polovista pravilnog sedmerokuta,

Zbornik radova drugog kongresa nastavnika matematike, Zagreb 30. 6.- 2.7. 2004, 76--89.


The vertex-midpoint-centroid triangles,

Forum Geometricorum, 4 (2004), 97-109.


Some alternating sums of Lucas numbers,

Central European Journal of Mathematics, 3 (2005), 1--13.


On sums of squares of odd and even terms of the Lucas sequence,

Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and Their Applications July 5 - July 9, 2004 Technical University Carolo-Wilhelmina Braunschweig, Germany, Congressus Numerantium 194 (2009), 103-107.


Alternating sums of Fibonacci numbers,

Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena e Reggio Emilia, LIII, 331-344 (2005).


Properties of odd and even terms of the Fibonacci sequence,

Demonstratio Mathematica, 39 (1) (2006), 55-60.


On triangles with Fibonacci and Lucas numbers as coordinates,


Vol.3 (15) (2007), 3–7.

152. (with Gian Mario Gianella)

On sums of squares of Pell-Lucas numbers,

INTEGERS: Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory. 6 (2006), #A15.

153. (with Gian Mario Gianella)

Cyclic quadrangles from squares,

Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae

33 (2006) pp. 23–34.  


Metricki prostori,

(skripta, lecture notes on Metric spaces).


Staro i novo o tetivnim cetverokutima,

(rukopis knjige, manuscript of a book on Cyclic Quadrangles).


Problemi s ortocentrom, I,

Matematicko-fizicki list. 57 (1) (2006/2007), 8-14.


Problemi s ortocentrom, II,

Matematicko-fizicki list. 57 (2) (2006/2007), 97-102.


Svijet kvadrata,

(rukopis knjige, manuscript of a book on Squares).


Neka svojstva susjednih trokuta,

Poucak 17 (2004), 24-38.


On butterflies inscribed in a quadrilateral,

Forum Geometricorum, 6 (2006) 241--246.


Problemi s ortocentrom,

Hrvatski matematicki elektronski casopis (math.e) 9 (2006), #A2


Sums of squares and products of Jacobsthal numbers,

Journal of Integer Sequences, 10 (2007) Article 07.2.5.


Formulae for Sums of Jacobsthal-Lucas Numbers,

International Mathematical Forum, 2 (2007), no. 40, 1969-1984.

164. (with Gian Mario Gianella)

Formulas for sums of squares and products of Pell numbers,

Acc. Sc. Torino - Atti Sc. Fis., 140 (2006), 113-122.

165. (with Gian Mario Gianella)

On sums of Pell numbers,

Acc. Sc. Torino - Atti Sc. Fis., 141 (2007), 23-31.

166. (with Gian Mario Gianella)

Triangles with coordinates of vertices from Pell and Pell-Lucas numbers,

Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo Suppl.N.80 (2008) 65-73.


Rings of squares around orthologic triangles,

Forum Geometricorum, 9 (2009) 57--80.

168. (with Gian Mario Gianella)

Sums of generalized Fibonacci numbers,

JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications, 12 (2008), 157-168.


Neki slucajevi Apolonijevog problema,

Matematicko-fizicki list. 58 (4) (2007/2008), 211-218.


Sums of products of generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers,

Demonstratio Mathematica, 42 (2) (2009), 247-258.


On Sums of Products of Horadam Numbers,

Kyungpook Mathematical Journal, 49 (2009), 483-492.

172. (with Gian Mario Gianella)

On Diophantine triples from Pell and Pell-Lucas numbers,

Acc. Sc. Torino - Atti Sc. Fis., 143 (2009), 83-94. (dio1).

173. (with Gian Mario Gianella)

On D(-4) and D(8) triples from Pell and Pell-Lucas numbers,

Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo Suppl.N.81 (2009) 73-83. (dio6).


On Diophantine triples from Fibonacci and Lucas numbers,

(preprint). (dio2).


On D(-4) and D(20) triples,

(preprint). (dio3).


On D(-1) and D(5) triples from Fibonacci and Lucas numbers,

(preprint). (dio7).


On D(-4) and D(20) triples from Fibonacci and Lucas numbers,

(preprint). (dio8).


Squares in Euler triples from Fibonacci and Lucas numbers,

(preprint). (dio2b).


Pencils of Euler triples, I,

(to appear). (dio15b_1).


Pencils of Euler triples, II,

(to appear). (dio15b_2).


On extended Euler quadruples,

(preprint). (dio16).

182. (with Gian Mario Gianella)

On Jones S(E)-triples and S(E)-quadruples in rings,

(preprint). (dio17).


Squares from D(-20), D(-4), D(4) and D(20) triples,

(preprint). (dio19).


Matrices with rows in Euler triples from Fibonacci and Lucas numbers,

(to appear). (dio2d).


Determinants and permanents of matrices from Fibonacci and Lucas numbers,

(to appear). (dio2e).


Squares from D(-4) and D(20) triples,

(preprint). (dio3b).

187. (with Gian Mario Gianella)

Matrices with rows in Euler triples from Pell and Pell-Lucas numbers,

(to appear). (dio1_torinoformat_b).


On Thebault's problem 3887,

(original longer version; shorter version is in Journal for Geometry and Graphics, 15 (2011), No. 2, 113-127.). (thebault).


On van Aubel theorem for quadrangles,

(preprint). (vanAubel).


On quadrangles from the same ratio points,

(preprint). (wittenbauer).


On sums of products of two Horadam numbers,

(preprint). (sums0_generalized).


Algebra of functions from binomial coefficients,

(preprint). (dio10).


Extension of D(n^2) triples from binomial coefficients,

(preprint). (dio11).


On k_{sigma} triples and quadruples,

(preprint). (dio18).


On the property D^{sigma}(n),

(preprint). (dio5).


On squares in arbelos,

(preprint). (squares_in_arbelos).


On arbelos from equilateral triangles,

(preprint). (arbelos_equi).


Geometry of Diophantine triples,

(preprint). (dio7b).


Archimedean Circles of Arbelos - Additions,

(preprint). (arbelos_additions).



(preprint). (droz).


Five squares configurations,

(preprint). (five_squares).


Igrice s kvadratima na racunalu,

(preprint). (igrice_s_kvadratima).


Kosi kvadrat,

(preprint). (kk_cetverokut).


Igranje s kvadratima,

(preprint). (igrice).


Zadatci o kvadratu,

(preprint). (carstensen).