Borna Vukorepa
Research Assistant
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Science
Department of Mathematics
Bijenicka cesta 30
10000 Zagreb
Research interests
Elliptic curves and rational points on curves
1. F. Najman, B. Vukorepa: Quadratic points on bielliptic modular curves, submitted.
[Magma code used in the paper]
2. B. Vukorepa: Isogenies of elliptic curves with rational j-invariant defined over quadratic fields, In preparation.
3. T. Gužvić, I. Krijan, B. Vukorepa: Torsion growth of elliptic curves over cyclotomic fields, In preparation.
Student consultations
Tuesday 10-12 or on request via e-mail.
Classes held:
Algorithms and data structures
Combinatorial and discrete mathematics
Computer networks
Computer practicum 1
Elementary number theory