// // in this portion of the code we check if the family of elliptic curves given in // D. Jeon, A. Schweizer "Torsion of rational elliptic curves over different types of cubic fields" // contains all elliptic curves with torsion Z/2Z + Z/14Z // K:=FunctionField(Rationals()); _:=PolynomialRing(K); F:=ext; // the field over which curve E_u is defined, given by P. Bruin and F. Najman in "Fields of definition of elliptic curves with prescribed torsion" L:=ext; // the field over which curve E_u is defined, given by D. Jeon and A. Schweizer in "Torsion of rational elliptic curves over different types of cubic fields" tr,f:=IsIsomorphic(F,L); // here we check whether the fields are isomorphic; tr=true and f is an isomorphism between F and L // here is the model E_u presented in the paper of D. Jeon and A. Schweizer defined over the field L A:=-(u^12+4*u^11-10*u^10-68*u^9+3*u^8+552*u^7+4*u^6-2568*u^5+2103*u^4+1684*u^3+1958*u^2+396*u+37)/(48*(u^2+3)^3*(u^6+4*u^5+13*u^4-40*u^3+19*u^2+36*u+31)); B:=(u^24+8*u^23+12*u^22-120*u^21-518*u^20+504*u^19+5068*u^18+568*u^17-24009*u^16-15024*u^15+62936*u^14+183120*u^13-550452*u^12-851984*u^11+4384056*u^10-3808912*u^9+1467519*u^8-4083672*u^7+3590300*u^6+5512360*u^5+6945498*u^4+2943128*u^3+893052*u^2+120024*u+3753)/(864*(u^2+3)^6*(u^6+4*u^5+13*u^4-40*u^3+19*u^2+36*u+31)^2); E1:=EllipticCurve([A, B]); E1:=BaseChange(E1, L); // this part is from https://math.mit.edu/~drew/X1/X1_2_14.txt q := (u+v)/(v-u); t := (u-v)*(u+v)*(u+v+2)/(u^3+u^2*v+2*u^2+u*v^2+2*u*v+v^3+2*v^2); E2 := EllipticCurve([f(0),f(t^2-2*q*t-2),f(0),f(-(t^2-1)*(q*t+1)^2),f(0)]); // we create an elliptic curve with coefficients after they are mapped by the isomorphism f IsIsomorphic(E1,E2); // we chech whether the curves are isomorphic, this returns "true"