Glasnik Matematicki, Vol. 12, No.1 (1977)
Scanned versions of the papers are
available through Google Books.
- J. H. Smith, Symmetry and multiple eigenvalues of
graphs, (3-8)
[Google Books]
- D. Z. Djokovic, Artin-Schreier theory for
positive-semidefinite symmetric or hermitian matrices, (9-20)
[Google Books]
- L. Q. Eifler, Convex averaging of Radon
probability measures, (21-24)
[Google Books]
- R. F. A. Abiodun, New generating functions for the
G-function, (25-29)
[Google Books]
- S. C. Bhatnagar and R. P. Gilbert, Integral
operators generating solutions of
ut +
A Δ3
ut +
B Δ3 u +
C u = 0, (31-48)
[Google Books]
- M. C. Zdun, On integrable solutions of Abel's
functional equation, (49-59)
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- R. G. Buschman, C. L. Koul and K. C. Gupta, Convolution
integral equations involving the H-function of two
variables, (61-66)
[Google Books]
- L. Q. Eifler, Openness of convex averaging, (67-72)
[Google Books]
- M. Hladnik and M. Omladic, On complex rotundity and
smoothness, (73-79)
[Google Books]
- R. D. Carmichael, Correction and addition to
"Representation of distributions in

as boundary values of functions in tube domains III",
[Google Books]
- G. Tomsic, Skew-symmetric operators on real banach spaces,
[Google Books]
- V. Volenec, A generalization of the Desargues
theorem in Pn and some of its
consequences, (99-111)
[Google Books]
- D. R. McMillan, Jr. and N. Shrikhande, On the simple
connectivity of a quotient space, (113-124)
[Google Books]
- R. A. Herrmann, Nearly-compact Hausdorff extensions,
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- Y. Kodama, Multivalued maps and shape, (133-142)
[Google Books]
- P. Papic, Quelques propriétés des espaces presque
réguliers et presque normaux, (143-151)
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- O. T. Alas, On compact-expandable spaces,
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- D. Milovancevic, A characterization of compactness
and pseudocompactness, (157-160)
[Google Books]
- Z. Cerin, n-docility at infinity and
compactifications of LCn
spaces, (161-174)
[Google Books]
- S. Zdravkovska, Topological objects in homotopy theory,
[Google Books]
- M. K. Dakin and A. K. Seda, G-spaces and
topological grupoids, (191-198)
[Google Books]
- Z. Bohte and J. Grad, On composite polynomial by a
quadratic factor, (199-208)
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- D. Blanusa, Professor Vladimir Vranic (November 10, 1896 - August 3, 1976), (209-213)
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