Glasnik Matematicki, Vol. 8, No.2 (1973)
Scanned versions of the papers are
available through Google Books.
- L. Krnic, Cardinals of bases in the 3-valued logic I,
[Google Books]
- S. S. Jou, Convex functions on topological groups,
[Google Books]
- M. Alic, A fixed point theorem for mappings of
contractive type, (179-181)
[Google Books]
- M. Ribaric and I. Vidav, An inequality for concave
functions, (183-186)
[Google Books]
- S. K. Bajpai and G. S. Srivastava, On mean values of
entire functions of exponential type, (187-198)
[Google Books]
- P. W. Karlsson, Reduction of certain hypergeometric
functions of three variables, (199-204)
[Google Books]
- L. Carlitz, Some q-expansion formulas,
[Google Books]
- Ch. Lal and S. Saran, Bilinear generating functions
of Lauricella and Saran's functions, (215-223)
[Google Books]
- P. K. Jain and V. D. Chugh, A note on the real values of
an entire function of order zero, (225-228)
[Google Books]
- A. B. Nemeth, Disconjugacy of an equation by the
disconjugacy of its equations in variation,
[Google Books]
- R. D. Carmichael, Representation of distributions in

as boundary values of functions in tube domains II,
[Google Books]
- H. W. Gould, An expansion of the operator
(xp+q Δ)n
f(x), (259-272)
[Google Books]
- Lj. Dockal, Die Kongruenz der Gemeinlote zugeordneter
Strahlenpaare zweier kollinearen Strahlbündel,
[Google Books]
- L. Vanhecke, Sur les immersions pseudo-minimales des
variétés lorentziennes dans un espace-riemannien
signature (p,2), (285-295)
[Google Books]
- T. Sanders, Shape groups for Hausdorff spaces,
[Google Books]
- C. E. Aull, Initial and final topologies,
[Google Books]
- R. N. Banerjee, A note on countably metacompact spaces,
[Google Books]
- B. Kronfeld, Future predicting algebras,
[Google Books]
- I. Aganovic, Oscillations of an elastic body with the
liquid inside II, (323-329)
[Google Books]
- K. Horvatic and S. Mardesic, Professor Rudolf Cesarec
(02.03.1889. - 29.12.1972.), (331-334)
[Google Books]
- V. Havel, Professor Karel Zahradnik (on the 125th anniversary of his birth), (335-337)
[Google Books]
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