Glasnik Matematicki, Vol. 7, No.2 (1972)
Scanned versions of the papers are
available through Google Books.
- W. Dorfler and W. Imrich, Eine Klasse rekonstruierbarer
Graphen, (159-165)
[Google Books]
- T. R. Brahana, On the isomorphism problem for finitely
generated torsion free class 2 nilpotent groups, (167-172)
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- H. Kraljevic, The dual space of the group SU(2,1)
and of its universal covering group, (173-187)
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- S. S. Jou and S. Kurepa, Some properties of almost open
sets in topological groups and applications, (189-200)
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- M. Shah, A note on a generalization of a Edelstein's
addition theorem, (201-205)
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- D. K. Basu, Dome results involving generalized Humbert
polynomials, (207-212)
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- R. D. Carmichael, Representation of distributions in

as boundary values of functions in tube domains, (213-228)
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- K. Veselic, On spectral properties for a class of
J-selfadjoint operators I, (229-248)
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- K. Veselic, On spectral properties for a class of
J-selfadjoint operators II, (249-254)
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- Z. Kurnik and V. Volenec, Einige analytische Formeln des
Raumes En, (255-268)
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- V. Nice, Die Direktixkongruenz der Kegelschnitte der
Plückerschen Konoids, (269-276)
[Google Books]
- R. Rosca, L. Vanhecke and L. Verstraelen, Triade
rectangulaire de surfaces de Biabchi de codimension 2 dans l'espace
elliptique et certains généralisations, (277-282)
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- N. Limic, On oscillation problems in fluidoelasticity,
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