CQD Workshop Registration Workshop Venue Support |
Croatian Quants Day, 11 May 2012
Continuing the series of CQD Workshops, in May 2012 we organize its 5th
edition. In the tradition of the previous meetings, this edition of CQD
provides an arena for practitioners and researchers of quantitative finance
in the region to present and discuss new results, benefits and drawbacks of
different approaches, principles and practice.
This year 5 plenary talks are planned, which will be given by
international experts in financial and insurance theory and practice. The afternoon
session will consist of a series of talks given by local and regional speakers.
Participants from universities, business, administration and industry are
welcome. Moreover, the students of our Master program in Financial
Mathematics are encouraged to participate.
main organizer of the meeting is Mathematics Department – Past events: CQD 2008 CQD 2009 CQD 2010 CQD 2011
Plenary speakers
Alberto Cherubini
(EQ Finance):
The autocallable conundrum
speakers (local):
Dada Radan, Mare Mistrić
(Erste&Steiermärkische Bank)
New liquidity measurements – LCR&NSFR