Vjekoslav Kovač
E-mail address:

Postal address:
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Science
University of Zagreb
Bijenička cesta 30
10000 Zagreb
Office: A310
My name is Vjeko. I am a (tenure track) full professor at Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb.
I was born in Zagreb and consider it my hometown.
I received Ph.D. from UCLA back in 2011, under the supervision of Christoph Thiele.
I spent the year 2019-20 at Georgia Tech, under the supervision of Michael Lacey, supported by the Fulbright Scholar Program.

Research interests:
- linear and multilinear singular integrals (see [1], [3],
[4], [5], [7],
[11], [12], [15], [33], [35]),
- other real harmonic/Fourier analysis and differential operators (see [2], [18], [21], [22],
[24], [30], [32], [34], [37]),
- geometric/combinatorial measure theory (see [17],
[20], [25], [27], [28], [38], [39], [40], [45]),
- other additive combinatorics (see [31], [36], [41], [42], [43]),
- martingales and ergodic theory (see [6], [10],
[13], [16], [23], [26], [29]),
- various topics related to analysis, combinatorics, or probability (see [8],
[9], [14], [19], [44]).
For the list of publications, please see the research page. A large part of my work revolves around publicly posed open problems.

Research grants (principal investigator):

My profiles at:

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