Index Indeks
potjecati come, derive, emanate, originate
potječe derives, moved
potječe od is taken from
potječu come
potjera chase, pursuit, razzia
potjerati chase away
potjernica warrant
potkanal subchannel
potkapaju undermine
potkategorija subcategory
potkazati denounce, snitch
potkazivač sneak, sneakers, snitch, squeal
potkazivanje denunciation
potkazivati sneak, squeak
potkivač blacksmith, farrier
potkivati calk
potkoljenica lower leg
potkomisija subcommittee
potkop mine
potkopati sap, undermine
potkopava undermine
potkopavati mine, root, sap
potkošulja undershirt
potkova horseshoe, Horse-Shoe, shoe
potkovati shoe
potkovica horse shoe
potkožan subcutaneous, subdermal
potkožje subcutaneous tissue
potkožna subcutaneous, subdermal
potkožna injekcija hypo, hypodermic
potkožna primjena subcutaneous, subdermal
potkožni hypodermic
potkraćivanje curtailment
potkradati creep, shark
potkralj viceroy
potkrepljene grounded
potkresati cut off, prune, trim
potkrijepiti corroborate, energize
potkrijepiti dokumentima substantiate
potkrijepljen grounded, supported
potkrovlje attic
potkrovnica garret
potkupiti buy in, buy over
potkupljiv venal
potlačenost oppression
potlačiti crush
potmuo dull, obtuse, shut
potoci brooks, streams
potočarka watercress
potočić bourn, brooklet, rill, rivulet
potočna pastrva rainbow trout
potočni koncert concerto of the stream
potočnica forget-me-not
potok brook, burn, fleet, outburst, rain, river, shower, stream
potoka stream
potoku stream
potom after, afterwards, hence, subsequently
potomak brat, descendant, offspring, progeny, scion
potomaka descendants
potomstvo brood, descendants, descent, offspring, posterity, progeny, race, seed
potonuće sinking
potonuće broda foundering
potonuti sink, sunk
potonji latter, latter (last one), subsequent
potop deluge
potopiti deluge, drown, immerse, sank, sink, soak, steep, submerge
potopiti brod sink
potopiti se swamp
potopljen submerged, sunken
potpadati fall
potpaliti enkindle
potpetica heel
potpis signature, signing, subscription
potpis (u kriptografiji) signature
potpis određen presudom arbitrated signature
potpis u elektroničkoj pošti signature in electronic mail
potpis u rukopisu handwritten signature
potpisala signed
potpisan signed
potpisati ratify, sign, subscribe, undersign
potpisati izjavu to sign a declaration
potpisati mjenicu endorse
potpisati na poleđini dokumenta endorse
potpisati rukom to sign in manuscript
potpisati se sign, subscribe
potpisivanje ratification, signature, signing, subscription
potpisivanje koda code signing
potpisivanje sporazuma signature of an agreement, signing of an agreement
potpisivati autograph, sign
potpisivati se underwrite
potpisnica signatories
potpisnici signatories
potpisnik signatory, signer
potpisnik ugovora contractor, contractors
potpiše sign
potplat sole
potplatiti bribe
potpodjela partition
potpoglavlje subheading
potpokrivač subcover
potpolje subfield
potpomaganje concurrence, promotion
potpomagati abet, advantage, aid, conduce, patronize, promote, support, sustain
potpomoći administer, aid, back, bear out, further
potpomognut aided
potpora abettal, aid, backing, bracing, grant, relief, shore, stand by, subsidy, support
potpora odlučivanju decision support
potpora poljoprivrednoj cijeni farm price support
potpora pri osnivanju poljoprivrednoga gospodarstv installation allowance
potporan supportive
potporanj pillar, prop, skid, spur, staff, stanchion
potporanj krila spar
potpore subsidies
potporni abutment
potporni luk buttress
potporni stup prop.
potporni valjak back up roll, backing up roll
potporni zid abutment
potporno liječenje supportive therapy
potporom support
potporu support, supported
potporučnik lieutenant colonel, lieutenant-colonel
potpredsjednik vice chairman, vice president, Vice-President
potpredsjednik Europskoga parlamenta Vice-President of the EP
potprogram subroutine
potprogram povezivanja linkage subroutine
potprogram s najkraćim pristupnim vremenom minimum latency routine
potprogram s najkraćim vremenom pristupa minimum access routine
potprogram za ispitivanje računala computer check routine, computer test routine
potprogram za provjeru računala computer check routine, computer test routine
potprostor subspace
potpun absolute, all round, all-out, complement, complete, consummate, downright, entire, full, holistic, integral, mere, outright, perfect, plenary, profound, sheer, stark, thorough, total, utter, whole
potpun preokret somersault
potpun servis service strong
potpuna completely
potpuna adresa absolute addressing, fully style
potpuna funkcija complete function
potpuna i svrhovita primjena full and expedient use
potpuna primjena full application
potpuna primjena pravila full application of rules
potpuna provedba full implementation
potpuna renta complete annuity
potpuna tajnost perfect secrecy
potpuna vjerodostojnost perfect authenticity
potpune overall
potpuni agonist full agonist
potpuni dokaz valjanosti perfect authentication
potpuni mrak midnight
potpuni otpis complete write-off
potpuni prekid djelovanja complete failure
potpuni problem najmanjih kvadrata total least squares problem
potpuni zastoj complete failure, deadlock
potpuniji more complete
potpuniti complete
potpuno absolutely, all, altogether, broadly, complete, completely, entirely, fairly, fully, off, outright, over, perfectly, plumb, purely, quite, simply, stark, throughout, totally, up, utterly, wholly
potpuno buduće trajanje života complete future lifetime
potpuno elektrificiran all-electric
potpuno elektronski all-electronic
potpuno iskorišten used up
potpuno izveden accomplished
potpuno nov brand new, brand-new
potpuno o vjero vije nj e perfect authentication
potpuno oblikovani grb achievement
potpuno očekivanje života complete expectation of life
potpuno opremljen panoplied
potpuno optički all-optical
potpuno povezana (pokretna) mreža fully connected mobile network
potpuno raspršenje (svjetlosti) hash total
potpuno sakupljanje perfect capture
potpuno sigurni s u stav šifrira nj a ideally secure cipher system
potpuno suprotan polar
potpuno tranzistorizovan all-transistor
potpuno tranzistorski all-transistor
potpuno u redu shipshape
potpuno uništi rase
potpuno unutarnje odbijanje (zrake svjetlosti) total internal reflection
potpuno upravljanje kvalitetom total quality control
potpuno zaštićeni sustav tajnog pisma ideally secure cipher system
potpunost completeness, completness, entirety, finite, fullness, fulness, integrity, plenitude
potpunost entiteta entity integrity
potpunost niza poruka message sequence integrity
potpunu total
potpuri pot pourri
potraćen wasted
potraga pursuit
potrage pursuits
potrajala continued
potrajao lasted
potrajati continue, continued
Potrajnost Sustainability
potražite seek
potražiti seek out
potraživanja debts, outstanding debts, receivables
potraživanja od reosiguratelja recovery from reinsurer
potraživanje claim, debts
potraživanje od osiguranja insurance claim
potraživati claim
potražnja boom, demand, request
potražnja energije energy demand
potražnja na tržištu market demand
potražnja za korisničkim uslugama customer service demand
potražnja za radnicima requisitioning of workers
potreba demand, emergency, exigency, necessarity, necessary, necessity, need, needfulness, purpose, requirement, requisite, want
potreba vode bilja crop water requirement
potreba za kapitalom requirement for capital
potreba za radnom snagom manpower needs
potreba za vodom water requirements
potrebama needs, requirements
potreban indispensable, necessary, needed, needful, required, requisite
potreban je requires
potrebe needed, needs, requirements
potrebi necessary
potrebit impecunious, poor
potrebitosti need
potrebna indispensable
potrebna je requires
potrebna mjera necessary measure
potrebna obavijest information required
potrebna obrada ili prerada working or processing required
potrebna vrijednost set point
potrebne isprave appropriate documents
potrebne stvari requisite
potrebni need
potrebni predmeti requisite
potrebni uvjeti necessary conditions
potrebno necessarily, necessary, required
potrebnog necessary
potrebovati need, want
potrepštine accessory, items, utensils
potres concussion, earthquake, jolt, quake, shake, shock
potresan shocking, soul-stirring
potresen shook up, shook-up, spellbound
potresla shaked
potresno smashing
potresno inženjerstvo earthquake engineering
potresti agitate, concuss, convulse, shock
potrijebiti used
potrkalo running dog
potrošač consumer, feeder
potrošačima consumers
potrošačka cijena consumer price
potrošačka elektronika consumer electronics
potrošačka politika consumer policy
potrošačka potražnja consumer demand
potrošačka roba consumer goods
potrošačka zadruga consumer cooperative
potrošačke komunikacije consumer communications
potrošački consumer's
potrošački elektronički uređaji consumer electronics
potrošački kredit consumer credit, consumer-credit
potrošačko društvo consumer society
potrošak consumption
potrošan consumable
potrošen spent
potrošiti consume, expend, outlay, spend, to spend
potrošno dobro non-durable goods
potrošnja comsumption, consumption, spending, use
potrošnja antimikrobnih lijekova the usage of antimicrobial agents
potrošnja energije energy consumption
potrošnja hrane food consumption
potrošnja kućanstava household consumption
potrošnja po stanovniku per capita consumption
potrošnja poluproizvoda intermediate consumption
Potrošnja praška Powder consumption
potrošnja prirodnog plina natural gas consumption
potrošnja u vatima wattage
potrošnja vode water consumption
potrošnju consumption, use
potruditi se pain
potruditi se za lay oneself out for
potsjetiti admonish
potsjetnik agenda
potstrek impulse
potucati se ramble
potući beat, defeat, drub, shellack
potući se come to blows
potužiti se complain
potvrda acknowledgement, acknowledgment, acquittance, affirmation, approbation, certificate, confirmation, document, endorsement, form, grant, ratification, receipt, sanction, testify, verification, yes
potvrda blokiranja skupine linija circuit group blocking acknowledgement
potvrda informacija information authentication
potvrda isporuke delivery confirmation
potvrda ispravnog prijama acknowledgement, acknowledgment, positive acknowledgment
potvrda ispravnog prijama TPDU data acknowledgement TPDU, data acknowledgment TPDU
potvrda izdana od krcatelja da je teret pravilno i certificate of inhibition, inhibition certificate
potvrda klijenta o uspostavljanju sesije client session setup confirm
potvrda kliznog prozora (u paketnim mrežama) sliding window acknowledgment
potvrda neispravnog prijama negative acknowledgment
potvrda o depozitu certificate of deposit
potvrda o odaslanim podatcima expedited data acknowledgement
potvrda o plaćenoj carini docket
potvrda o pokriću cover note
potvrda o prijemu tereta na pristaništu dock receipt
potvrda o primitku receipt
potvrda o prometu robe movement certificate
potvrda o prometu robe EUR.1 movement certificate EUR.1
potvrda o suglasnosti agreement slip
potvrda o ženskom spolu certificate of femininity
potvrda odspajanja veze TPDU disconnect confirm TPDU
potvrda oslobađanja skupine linija circuit group unblocking acknowledgement
Index Indeks